lauantai 29. syyskuuta 2012

Uusi makyelamys / New taste experience

Myonnan etta olen siiderin ystava. Eritoten makean siiderin ystava. Kaipailen kovasti mansikkasiideria tai kunnon Kopparbergin Peach:ia. Kyllahan taalla siideria on mutta eipa ole samanlaista valikoimaa ja suurin osa on kuivia. Makeista ei tietoakaan. Jotain silta valilta saatta joskus onnistua loytymaan (mutta nekin katoavat hyllysta yhta nopeasti kuin ilmestyivatkin eika niita koskaan enaa nae). Yksi tallainen sattuma oli kun sain maistaa kurpitsasiideria. Ei ehka ihan ensimmaisen tulisi mieleen kurpitsasiiderin tekeminen saatika sitten maistaminen. Mutta yllattavan ok se kuitenkin oli. Ei kuiva. Ei makea. Janna vihannesmainen jalkimaku. :) En ehka ostaisi kaupasta sita mutta nain maistiaisina ihan hauska kokemus.

I have to admit that I'm a friend hard cider. Especially sweet hard cider. I'm missing my strawberry cider or good old Kopparberg's Peach. Of course we have hard cider here but not the same kind of selection as back home and most of them are dry. No sweet ones at all. Something in between - kind of - you can find once in a while if you feel adventurous in testing out new comers (usually they come and go as fast as they came never to be seen again). I got a chance to taste pumpkin flavoured hard cider. Not necessarily the first flavour in my mind to test but it was surprisingly ok. Not dry. Not sweet. Interesting vegetable-like after taste. :) I don't think I would have picked it from the store but it was a fun taste experience.

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