tiistai 4. syyskuuta 2012

Tunnustus ja sadepisaroita / An award and rain drops

Hirmumyrsky Isac tuli sitten meillekin kylaan.... tai siis sen rippeet. Ei sen pitanyt tanne ylettaa. Sade sinansa ei haittaa. Olin vaan jotenkin ihan kokonaan virittaytynyt aurinkoiseen saahan muutaman seuraavan paivan osalta.
Viime yon sain jo nukkua ihan rauhassa, ilman heratyksia. Luulisi sita olevan jo hirmuisen pirtea tammoisen luksuksen jalkeen. Ei nakojaan.
Sitten totesin olevani joko todella tyhma tai kyvyton. Loysin kivan neuleohjeen liiviin isommalle. Aloitin, aloitin toisen kerran, aloitin kolmannen kerran, neljannen, viidennen.... kaiken kaikkiaan 10 kertaa aloitin kyseisen neuleen. Ei pitaisi olla vaikea, ei. Napinlapi heti alkuun ja sitten vain puikot suihkimaan. Mutta ei. Se napinlapi ei tule natisti sitten mitenkaan. Teen mina sen miten pain vain. ARGH! Aina se on ihan yhta hirvea. Ei yksi napinlapi voi olla noin vaikea. Kylla eilen potutti. Oikein kunnolla. Arrapaitakin lenteli (se onkin todella harvinaista meilla) mutta onneksi tytot olivat jo nukkumassa tassa vaiheessa. Katsotaan jaksanko yrittaa viela uudestaan vai jaako liivi tekematta. Melkein pistaa vihaksi jo pelkka ajatteleminen. Taidanpa tanaan marttakerhoilussa ottaa asian viela kertaalleen esiin mutta jos se ei edelleenkaan mene natisti niin sitten saa olla. Kaavan piirtoa olisi tiedossa.
Sain tunnustuksen Hennalta. Kiitos sinulle kovin odottamattomasta ilosta!

Tassa tunnustukseen liittyvat saannot:

1. Kiitä linkin kera bloggaajaa, joka tämän sinulle myönsi.
2. Anna tunnustus viidelle (5) suosikkiblogillesi ja kerro siitä heille kommentilla.
3. Kopioi post it -lappu ja liitä se blogiisi.
4. Ole iloinen saamastasi tunnustuksesta, vaikka se onkin kerrottu vain post it -lapulla ja toivo, että omat lempibloggaajasi jakavat sen eteenpäin.

Tassa Blogit, joille mina jaan tunnustuksen eteenpain:
Harmaata Arkea
Virkattu lintu
a happy nest
Cozy things

Hurricane Isac.... or rather what's left of it came for a visit. It was not supposed to reach here. Rain in itself does not bother me. I just had gotten in a sunny few days state of mind.
Last night I got to sleep without being woken up. You would think you're all peppy after this kind of luxury. Apparently not.
Then I figured out that either I'm terribly stupid or incompetent. I found a lovely pattern for a vest for our older one. I started once, started twice, third time.... I started from the beginning 10 times. It shouldn't be hard. A button hole in the beginning and then just knitting away I go. But no! The button hole is giving nightmares to me. It just won't come out nicely which ever way I do it. ARGH! One button hole can't be this difficult, can it? I was so upset about it yesterday. Few selected words that you do not usually hear in this household passed my lips. Luckily the girls were already asleep at this point. Will have to see if I'll try again or just pass up that particular pattern. Just thinking about the vest gets to me. I'll take it with me tonight to our crafting club to see if I'll get it done after a break, but if not then I'll just forget the whole vest. At least I have some sewing patterns to draw and cut.
I got an award from Henna. Thank you very much for the unexpected pleasure!

Here are the rules for the award:
1. Thank the person you got it from with a link to their blog.
2. Give the award to five (5) of your favorite blogs and tell them about it with a comment.
3. Copy the post it note picture and add it to your blog.
4. Be happy about the award you received, even though it's just a post it note and hope that the bloggers you give this award to will forward it to their favorite blogs.

Here are the blogs that I give the recognition with this award:
Harmaata Arkea
Virkattu lintu
a happy nest
Cozy things

6 kommenttia:

  1. Ina, thank you so much! I'm very pleased to be in such lovely company.

    Your blog is gorgeous! What incredible photographs! :)

    1. Thank you for your kind words Kristen. (blushing here slightly)
      I'm always in awe of people who find the time in life to make things with their hands. I love sewing, knitting and crocheting, all kinds of crafting in general but at the moment in my life I just don't stretch that much at the moment. I desperately try...... but it's quite minimal what I can get done. I drool over all the lovely things you create. Keep up the good work and I'll be around.... I try to comment a bit more too. :)

  2. Kiitos kaunis, Ina! Onneksi selvisitte myrskystä "vähällä". Ja mikäs peijooni se semmoinen napinläpi on, ettei taivu ollenkaan? Siinä on varmaan joku virhe. Saisitko sen sujumaan, jos tekisit sen ihan omin päin järkeilemällä?

    1. Olepa hyva muru! Juu, ei taalla muuta kuin vetta tulee (edelleen) mutta ei todellakaan samanlaisissa mittakaavoissa kuin etelassa. Enka todellakaan tieda mika siina napinlavessa oikein on. Yritettiin sita eilen marttaillassamme oikein porukalla mutta kun ei tule nattia niin ei tule nattia. Nyt vaihdan suunnitelmia ja unohdan koko napinlaven. Yritin sita ihan ominkin pain mutta ilmeisesti ei ole napinlavet meikalaisen juttu ollenkaan. Muokkaan ohjetta ja ans kattoo mita siita sitten tulee.

    2. You're the sweetest! Thank you so much! I am just catching up after a full week last week of medical appointments and then illness struck. Following up on your note was such a bright spot to my day. I am so grateful for your kindness! (and I am incredibly impressed with the frequency that you post! such an inspiration!) off to enjoy your other links too. xoxo

    3. You are so very welcome Nicole! :) In my opinion the award went to the right address. I'm sorry to hear that there's been illness around. I hope who ever it was in the family that they are feeling better now. The blog is almost like a little diary for me, jotting down few lines every day what's been going on. Sometimes less sensible ramblings. :) I hope I see you around here again. Have a lovely day!
