maanantai 10. syyskuuta 2012

Lassahdys / Flop

Tama viikko lahti ihan mukavasti kayntiin mutta lassahti sitten. Kavimme aamulla puistoilemassa. Kerrankin niin viileaa etta oli ihanaa olla ulkona ja ilman kosteuden kiusaamana. Lounaaksi lasagnea ja sitten vanhimmaisen karrays kouluun. Viime viikon to ja pe seka tanaan neidille tuli itku kun piti menna sisalle opettajan kanssa. Hanella on kuitenkin kivaa kunhan paasee sisalle. En tieda mika neitia rassaa asiassa. Olen yrittanyt puhua mutta hyvinkin ristiriitaista selitysta sielta tulee. Raastaa sydamesta kun toinen itkee kun ei halua menna kouluun.
Noista itkuista alkoi lassahdys. Seuraavaksi matti Ottobren ompeluohjeet. Noh, en niista tanaan enempaa. Ja nyt paiva paattyy vatsakipuun. Toivottavasti huominen jo vahan parempi. Josko vaikka rakentaisi itselleni tyttojen tavoin majan ja viettaisin paivan siella. :)

The week started really nicely but flopped. In the morning we headed to the park. For once it was so nice and cool in the morning that it was actually really enjoyable to be outside (and no humidity to bother us). Lasagna for lunch and then taking the school girl to school. Last Thu and Fri as well as today my girl was in tears when it was time to go inside with the teacher. I've tried to talk to her about this and figure out what's bothering her but I've gotten quite contradictory responses and explanations. It's hear wrenching to see her crying and not wanting to go to school. That crying was start of the flop. Next cause for further "flopment" was very confusing sewing instructions in a magazine that I'm making a shirt from. And now the day ends with a tummy ache. I hope tomorrow is better. I might build a "castle" inside the house like the girls did today and spend the day there.

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