Siis miten voi vauvan sukat olla niin vaikeat saada paatokseen? Ne varmaan olisi jo valmiit ellen olisi ollut liian innokas ja unohtanut aivan totaalisesti ensimmaisessa sukassa varren kavennukset ja huomasin ne vasta sen jalkeen kun kantapaa oli tehty. Purkuun meni. Ja sita ennen vahan kokeilua silmukkamaarien kanssa..... sen siita saa kun ei tee mallitilkkua. ARGH! Jos tasta nyt oppineena. Yksi sukka siis valmiina. Toinen tekeilla. Haluan ne valmiiksi viikonlopun aikana. Mitaan yhta tiettya mallia minulla ei ole. Olen ottanut vahan inspista Ravelrysta TASTA sukasta seka Kaspaikan VAUVAN POLVISUKASTA. Mutta siis ihan omalla ohjeella mennaan. Langan vareista tykkaan erityisesti (Patons Kroy Socks Jacquards - Aqua). Ostin lankaa sen verran (oli tarjouksessa) etta taidan varkata siita toisetkin sukat..... jossain vaiheessa. :D
How can baby socks be so difficult to finnish? They probably would have been ready by now if someone had not been super enthusiastic and forgotten the decreasings in the leg bit and had not noticed the fact until the heel had been done. Start over again. And before all of this, a bit of testing with the amount of stitches to be cast.... that's what you get when you do not make a gauge. ARGH! Hoping that I've learned something from this. One sock is ready. The other one is being done. I want them done by the end of the weekend. I don't have any particular pattern. I've taken some inspiration from Ravelry (from here) and from Kaspaikka (from here). But I'm going along a pattern that I've created. I especially like the color of the yarn (Patons Kroy Socks Jacquards - Aqua). I did buy some extra yarn (as it was in sale) and I think I'll make another pair of socks..... at some point. :D
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