keskiviikko 15. helmikuuta 2012


Olin ihan hammastynyt kun luin saaneeni blogilleni tunnustuksen. Siis mina? Eihan se voi mitenkaan olla totta! Mutta kylla se vaan oli. Kovin iloisena ja ylepana, edelleenkin hammastellen, laitan tuon tunnustuksen tahan. Kaunis kiitos Minille (a small thought)! Halin antaisin jos olisit vieressa. Nyt tulee vain tallaisena virtuaalisena versiona.

Minapa laitan tunnustuksen jakoon. :) Saattaapi olla etta tama tulee nyt jollekin jo uudestaan mutta eipa tuo kai haitanne mittaan. Tarkoituksena on jakaa tunnustusta blogeille, joilla on vahemman kuin 200 lukijaa. Tunnustus pitaisi jakaa eteenpain viidelle blogille mutta valitettavasti olen viela sen verran tuore tapaus taalla blogimaailmassa, eika aikaakaan ole niin paljon kuin haluaisi, eli pystyn antamaan tunnustuksen vain kolmelle.

Googlettaessani loysin seuraavat saannot talle tunnustukselle:

"The origins of the Liebster Blog award are somewhat unclear but the general consensus is that it originated in Germany, Liebster meaning favorite or dearest, to showcase bloggers with fewer than 200 followers. Upon accepting the award the recipient must then pass it on to five more blogs of note."

Here are the rules:
Thank your Liebster Blog Award presenter on your blog.
Link back to the blogger who presented the award to you.
Copy and paste the blog award on your blog.
Present the Liebster Blog Award to 5 blogs of 200 followers or less who you feel deserve to be noticed.
Let them know they have been chosen by leaving a comment at their blog."

Liebster Blog tunnustus minulta jatkaa seuraaviin osoitteisiin:

harmaata arkea:
Samettiruusuja ja suklaata:

Internet on pullollaan ihania blogeja. Ne taytyy vain loytaa sielta ja tama on mielestani erityisen kiva tapa loytaa niita.

I was extremely surprised when I read I got a blog award. Me? It can't be true, can it? But it was true. Happily and proudly, still a bit dumb struck, I'm posting here the award. Thank you so much to Mini (a small thought)! i would give you a hug if you were here but it has to be a virtual one now.

I'm putting this award out there as well. It might be that some of you have this already but I guess double award doesn't really matter. :) The intention of this award is to give recognition to blogs that have less than 200 followers. The award should be given out to five blogs but as I'm still a newbie in the bloggin world I can only give it out to three.

After doing a Google search I found the following rules for the award:

"The origins of the Liebster Blog award are somewhat unclear but the general consensus is that it originated in Germany, Liebster meaning favorite or dearest, to showcase bloggers with fewer than 200 followers. Upon accepting the award the recipient must then pass it on to five more blogs of note."

Here are the rules:
Thank your Liebster Blog Award presenter on your blog.
Link back to the blogger who presented the award to you.
Copy and paste the blog award on your blog.
Present the Liebster Blog Award to 5 blogs of 200 followers or less who you feel deserve to be noticed.
Let them know they have been chosen by leaving a comment at their blog."

Liebster blog award goes from me to:

harmaata arkea:
Samettiruusuja ja suklaata:

There are so many wonderful blogs out there. They just have to be found and this is a really nice way to do that.

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