Vaihdoin poytaliinan. Otin kaapista sellaisen, jota en ole poydalla pitanyt pitkaan aikaan. Nyt muistan miksi se on siella kaapissa ollut niin pitkaan. Strategisesti keskella liinaa komeilee punaviini tai punajuuritahra, joka ei ole kaikista kikkakonsteista huolimatta lahtenyt pois. Toisessa kohtaa on myos jokin laiska, joka on selviytynyt useammasta pesusta ja sappisaippuakasittelysta jne. No, onhan tuo tuossa poydalla. Yritin taitella sen niin ettei tahrat kovasti nakyisi ja pitsiliina isoimman laiskan paalla sita piilottamaan. Ja pitsiliinalle kynttilalyhty. Taitaa liina paatya tyynynpaallisiksi. Kohtalo sekin.
PS: Miksi aina ihan ihkauudelle poytaliinalle tulee mahdollisimman hankala tahra poistaa??? Se tuntuu olevan kirous tassa huushollissa.
I changed the table cloth. I took one out of the closet that I have not had out for a lont time. Now I remember why it's been in the closet so long. Strategically in the middle of it there's a big spot of either red wine or beet root, which has survived all the tricks to remove them. In other part of the cloth there's another spot of something which has also survived gall bladder soap (this is literal translation as I don't know the English name) treatments. Well, the table cloth is still on the table. I tried to fold it so that these spots would not be visible. Placed a crocheted lace doily to hide the biggest spot. And on the doily I placed a candle. I have a feeling this table cloth will end up being pillow covers. Destiny that as well.
PS: Why a brand new table cloth always gets the most difficult spots to remove? It seems to be a curse in this house hold.
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