Ei ole olo hyva ja mikaan ei nakojaan tanaan voi sujua mitenkaan. :( Saanen luvan valittaa. Ensiksi valitan esikoisen eskariin ilmottautumisesta. Kuukausi sitten kotiin tuli kirje, jossa ohjeistus mita tulee olla mukana jne. Tanaan sitten sinne mennessa, kuumeessa raahatessa molemmat tytot mukana, ensin "syntymatodistusta" eli meidan vaestorekisteriotetta tuijojetaan ja sanotaan ettei tama kai kay..... No kun ei ole mitaan muuta. Sitten kouraan iskettiin pino (6kpl) kakspuoleisia lomakkeita siina ja just nyt taytettavaksi. Ja puolessa kysyttiin samoja asioita kuin edellisessa. Paras tapaus oli paperi jonka molemmin puolin piti suurimmaksi osaksi antaa samat tiedot. Kolme varttia siina meni niita taytellessa. Onneksi sentaan tytot oli kunnolla. Ja tama koulu ei edes valttamatta ole se mihin vanhin syksylla menee riippuen mihin toukokuussa joudutaan muuttamaan. Se kun ei ole selvilla. Eli edessa saattaa olla samanlainen paperirumba uudestaan. Miksei niita taytettavia paperita voinut lahettaa siina kotiin tulleessa kirjeessa jo valmiiksi taytettavaksi?
Tiskikone suoriutui tehtavastaan ala-arvoisesti. Taas kerran. Tama on ihan jokaviikkoista. Ainakin kerran, kaksi viikossa astianpesukoneesta tulee osittain likaisia astioita. On yritetty jos jonkin sortin konstia mutta mikaan ei tunnu auttavan. Huuhtelukaan ei takaa hyvaa pesutulosta.
Valitan viela uunistakin! Meilla on kaasu-uuni niin kuin yleisesti taalla talouksissa on. Kaasu-uunissa lampo tulee alhaalta ja olen huomannut etta on aika lailla tuurista kiinni mika leipomus onnistuu vai ei. Meidan uunissa kaikki meinaa palaa pohjasta ja reunoista ihan totaalisesti vaikka keskelta ei olisikaan valmista. Oli kyseessa sitten leipotukset tai ruoat niin sama asia. Tanaan manasin taas kun kana-kasvispiirakka karventyi pohjasta ennen kuin tayte oli hyytynyt kunnolla (ja olin jopa lisannyt ylimaaraisen munan nopeuttamaan prosessia). Silla missa lampotilassa ruokia ja leipomuksia teet ei tunnu olevan vaikutusta, ei myoskaan silla milla korkeudella ruoka uunissa on. En ymmarra miten takalaiset onnistuvat leipomisessa/ruoanlaitossa ilman karvenneita lopputuloksia. Vai onko heilla kenties sama ongelma??? Itse henkilokohtaisesti kaipaan kovasti sahkoista keirtoilmauunia.
Kaiken valituksen ja huonon olon vastapainona laitoin sukat tekeille. Ne edistyvat mukavasti. Lapset istuvat lattialla puoliksi leikkien, puoliksi tollotinta katsoen. Pieni hengahdys. Kuumaa juotavaa. On pakko saada itsensa kuntoon ensi viikon YH-aiti jaksoa varten.
Not feeling good and nothing seems to be going well today. :( May I whine? First of all I complain about the Kindergarten registration for our oldest. Month ago we received a letter directing which things are needed when we come to do the registration. Today we went there, me feverish dragging both girls with me, and first thing I'm told is that her "birth certificate" is not enough. Well we don't have anything else in Finland than the copy of the extraction from population information system. Then they slapped a pile (6) of double sided papers to be filled out then and there (most of these papers having the same information over and over and over again). Three quarters I spent filling these. Luckily both girls were good. And the ironic thing is that this school is not necessarily the one where our eldest will start in September due to the uncertainly of where we will be moving in May. So we might have to do all the papers again. Why didn't they send those papers in the letter that came home which would have made this process a much more enjoyable affair for everyone.
The dishwasher performed below the standard. Once again. This happens weekly, once or twice, when some of the dishes came out of there dirty. We've tried all possible tricks but nothing seems to help. Even rinsing with a brush doesn't guarantee good results.
I'm going to whine and complain about the oven too. We have a gas oven as it's pretty much the standard here. In these gas ovens the heat comes from the bottom and I've noticed that it's pretty much luck which baking or food gets cooked just the way they should. In our oven nearly everything burns from the bottom and the edges before the middle is cooked the way it should be. It doesn't matter if it's a baked good or some other form of food (eg. frozen pizza or french fries on a baking sheet.) Today I've been using selected words under my breath as my chicken vegetable quiche burned from the bottom before the filling was completely done (and I added an extra egg just to make sure that the filling would set quicker). The baking temperature doesn't seem to make any difference, neither the distance from the heat source. I don't understand how locals manage baking and cooking without burning everything. Or maybe they have the same problem??? I personally miss electric convection oven. If any Americans reading this care to share their "secrets" about baking with a gas oven, I welcome all help with gratitude. :)
To balance all the whining and complaining as well as feeling poorly I started knitting socks. They are progressing nicely. My children are sitting on the floor half watching telly, half playing. A little breather. Hot drink. I have to get myself back to normal for Monday and the first single mom stretch for this month.
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