perjantai 17. elokuuta 2012

Saamaton / Inefficient

Ei hyvaa paivaa. Mika nyt naisessa vikana kun tuntuu ettei saa yhtaan mitaan aikaseks muuta kuin ne pakolliset huushollin siivoukset ja pyykinpesut ja kaupassakaynnit. Ei vaan tunnu jaksavan yhtaan mitaan. Kauheesti tekis mieli mutta kun ei saa itseaan niskasta nostettua yhtaan mihinkaan.
Kaihoisasti katselen muiden blogeja. Kaikilla tuntuu olevan hirvea draivi paalla. On rempattu ja maalattu ja jarjestelty ja kuvattu. On ommeltu, neulottu ja virkattu ja esitelty. Ihanaahan se on tuijotella muiden aikaansaannoksia ja imea ideoita. Hatunnosto kaikille aikaansaaville.
Sain sentaan tanaan raahauduttua lasten kanssa ostamaan napit isomman neidin mekkoon. Ehka se tasta viela valmistuu.
Taman paivan hiljaiset hetket (pikkuisen nukkuessa) menivat palapellin teon, teen ja suomesta tuotujen lehtien kanssa. Saan myos vapaapaivan ruoanlaitossa, silla eilen tekemani lasagne tayttaa meidan masut tanaankin.

I cannot believe this. What's wrong with this woman when I cannot get anything else done but the must do cleaning, laundry and food shopping. I just don't seem to have energy for anything extra. I want to, so so badly.
With yearning I look at other blogs. Everyone else seems to have a drive on. Renovations, paintings, organising things which have been photographed. Sewings, knittings, crochetings which then have been presented. Kudos to all those who have achieved these things! I love to look at what you have done and get ideas. Today, I dragged my two children with me to buy buttons for the dress that I'm making. I'm sure it will get done one of these days.
Today's quiet moments (when the little one was napping)were spent making a puzzle with my daughter, enjoying a cup of tea and reading a magazine I bought from Finland. I also got a free day from making dinner as the lasagna I made yesterday will fill our tummies today as well.

4 kommenttia:

  1. Ollaan armollisia itsellemme -ei äidinkään tartte kaikkea jaksaa, ja sitäpaitsi nuo kotihommathan on joka päivä tehtävä, lapset hoidettava jne. Siinä on paljon:) IHANIA kuvia♥ Iloa sinne!

    1. Kiitos Henna sanoistasi! Yleensa osaan ollakin armollinen itselleni naissa jutuissa. Tiedostan aidin roolin tarkeyden mutta jotenkin se jaa aina taka-alalle tassa kiiruisessa ja kaikenlaista vaativassa maailmassa. Nyt on kuitenkinniin hirvea hinku saada jotain aikaiseksi ettei totta. Kiva etta tykkaat kuvista. On ihana kuulla etta joku tykkaa kayda lukemassa hopinoitani. :) Mukavaa viikonloppua!

  2. Thank you so much for your kind words on my blog! Reading your comment really made my day. I can entirely relate to what you have written here, to your feelings of inadequacy. Most days, it takes all of my energy to just to get through the tasks of daily living and be present for my daughter. I'm in a space right now where I have really limited my online exposure so that I can just focus on the good in my life and my family and not compare myself to other {more industrious!} mamas. Have you seen this post? it really resonated with me. Thank you for sharing your story! It's so nice to "meet" you! xo

    1. I'm so very glad you came for a visit here at my blog! Hopefully I'll see you around again. :) I'm right there with you on that not having the energy for anything (barely the things that need to be done). However, I decided in the beginning that I'm not going to start competing with others, I knew I never could. My blog is more like a little diary for me. Something that I can go back to and see what I've been up to, what I've been thinking etc.I was even thinking about making it into a book at one point. Mostly my ineffective feelings come from the fact that I want to do things that make me happy but I do not have the time or the energy for it. And looking at others achieving all kinds of things does not help the feeling. I don't mind having the house a bit messy (it will never stay tip top with these girls of mine), I don't feel bad about it. I read the post you suggested. Very good article and made me think as well. Probably will keep me thinking most of the day. :) Lovely to mee you as well! I'll be coming by the happy nest again. :)
