torstai 16. elokuuta 2012

Tanaan nain / Today's story

Viime yona jytisi ja salamoi oikein kunnolla tunnin verran. Vanhempi neideista kipitti pika pikaa viereen kun taas pikkuinen veteli sikeita taivaan tietamattomana koko ukkosesta vaikka onkin tytoista kevyunisempi. Nelijalkainenkin perheenjasen tutisi sangyssa vallyjen valissa.
Pesin eilen yhden maton terassilla ja kuvittelin etta se olisi jo suht kuiva aamulla. No yollisen myrskyn ja aamuisen sateen takia matto sai kunnon huuhtelut ja on siis viela aivan lapimarka. Sen kuivumista siis odotellessa.
Jotain ohjelmaa meilla oli tanaan. Vahan ystavia kylassa. Minulle on niin tuikitarkeaa etta tytot kuulee suomea mahdollisimman paljon ja paasevat myos sita kayttamaan. Leikkiseuraa lapsille ja mammakin sai porista aikuisseurassa. Vallan virkistavaa.

Last night we had an hour of lightning and massive rumbling as a big thunderstorm rolled over. Older of the misses came running to our bed where as the little one slept through the whole racket (even though she's the lighter sleeper of the two). Even the four legged family member was shaking in the bed amongst the duvets.
Yesterday I washed one of our rugs out on the terrace and I imagined that it would be all dry in the morning but with all the rain during the night and again in the morning, it just got extra rinsing. Now waiting for it to dry properly.
We did have some program today with the girls as we had friends visiting. I find it imperative that our girls get to hear and use Finnish language as much as possible. Today had lots of talk. Playing for children and some adult talk for mummies. It was rather refreshing.

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