sunnuntai 22. tammikuuta 2012
Mietintamyssy paassa / Thinking cap on
Paani on ihan sumuinen. Neitokaisten ja miehen lensu sai siis otteen minustakin. Mutta eihan kipeana oleminen mitenkaan vaikuta aidin tyohon. Yolla on oltu hereilla, aamulla keitetty prinsessapuuroa (lue puolukkamarjapuuro), viihdytetty lapsia, viety koiraa ulos jne. Mieli tekisi kadota ylakertaan peiton alle loppupaivaksi. Haaveeksi taitaa vain jaada.
Optimistisesti ajattelin aamulla, etta saisin tanaan vahan ommeltua. Aloitin tilkkutakin pikkuruiselle ennen neidin syntymaa ja sain kannen melkein valmiiksi. Kehyskankaan loytyminen kesti ja kesti kovasta yrittamisesta huolimatta. Mikaan vari ei tuntunut olevan hyva. Kun kehyskangas loytyi nyt mietityttaa reunuksen vari. Otin kuvan kannesta kehyskankaan paalla niin etta kokonaisuudesta saisi jonkun kuvan (toivon etta iltaan mennessa kehys olisi ommeltuna paikoilleen). Itse olen miettinyt mahdollisimman hottia pinkkia mutta en ole viela varma olisiko valinta oikea. Kuulisin mielellani mielipiteitanne asiaan.
My head is all foggy. The cold my girls and dear husband has took hold of me too. But feeling poorly doesn't affect the duties of mother. I've been awake with the youngest during the night, made some princess porridge (read lingonberry semolina porridge), have entertained the children, have taken the doggie out for a walk etc etc. I'd love to disappear upstairs under the duvet for the rest of the day. However, I think that's going to be only a dream.
Optimistically in the morning I thought I'd do some sewing today. I started a quilt for the baby before she was born and nearly finished the cover. Finding the right fabric for the frame took a lot of time and not because lack of trying. Now that I have the frame fabric I've been thinking about the color for the edge. I took this picture of what I have on top of the frame fabric so that you can get an idea of the whole (I hope by the evening I've had the chance to finish the frame). I've been thinking about a bright hot pink but I'm not quite sure if the choice would be the best possible. I'd love to hear your opinion in this matter.
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