Meille tulee sisalle jostain muurahaisia. On tullut jo useamman paivan ajan. Tappajaisia on pidetty. Mitaan kauheen ytyja aineita ei lasten ja koiran takia ole voinut laittaa. Lopulta loytyi kolo mista muurahaiset tuli. Asiasta kerrottiin vuokraisannalle ja ajattelimme etta kolonen paikataan jollain mutta ei. Taalla kavi tanaan muurahaismyrkyttaja. Sisalle pistettiin orgaanista vaaratonta setripuunoljya. Murkut kuulemma ei tykkaa siita ollenkaan. Ja ulos sitten rakennuksen reunaan jotain tosi ytya tavaraa. Nyt sitten nahdaan saatiinko muurahaiset kuriin.
We've been getting ants inside. We've had them coming in for several days. I've committed massacres trying to squish them and prevent them coming with ant killer sprays. Because of the girls and the dog I haven't been able to use any other than some organic store bough things. Not been successful with those. We did find the hole where the ants were coming in. Told our landlord and thought that they would come and get that hole filled but no. We had someone today to come and spray the area where the ants were coming in as well as outside of the house. They used cedar oil inside (completely organic and very pleasant faint smell) and some stronger stuff outside. We'll find out soon if this works. I hope so as I do not like ants inside.
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