Hyva ystavani muuttaa viikon paasta pois taalta takaisin kotimaahansa Englantiin. Naimme hanet tanaan viimeista kertaa ennen muuttoa. Luulisi jo tahan tottuvan mutta ei. Tanne jaa tyhjio, joka on vaikea tayttaa. Yritapa olla itse itkematta ja vahvana niin ettei lapset hermostu mutta kun vanhin tajusi etta nyt on kyseessa pysyvammat jaahyvaiset ja itkee sydamensa pohjasta asian takia ei ole helppoa olla itkematta itse. Omat kyyneleet saastan myohemmaksi.
Onneksi maailmassa on asioita kuten Skype, FB seka sahkoposti naiden vanhanaikaisten puhelinten ja postin lisaksi.
My very good friend is moving in a weeks time away from here back to her homeland Enlgand. We saw her today last time before the move. One would think that one gets used to saying goodbyes but now. There's going to be void here which is going to be hard to fill. Try to be calm and not cry so that the children won't get upset but when my oldest realised that this is going to be permanent good bye and she cries her heart out it's not easy to keep the tears inside myself. I'll reserve the tears for later.
Luckily there are things in this world such as Skype, FB, as well as e-mail in addition to the old fashioned phone and mail.
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