Suorastaan taydellinen lopetus taman viikon arjen aherrukselle oli saapua entisten naapureidemme luo syomaan. Ihana italialainen al fresco illallinen ulkona koko perheen voimin. Paikalle nimittain saapui seka poika etta tytar perheineen. Erittain rento meininki, puheensorinaa, lasten aania ja leikkia seka jumalaista ruokaa. Olin niin lumoissani etten muistanut ottaa kuvia ruoasta ollenkaan. Saimme aitoa Sisialaista lasagnea seka grillatuja pihveja salaatin kera.
Ennen illallista lapset leikkivat vedella. Kaksi vaippasankaria piti huolen vauhdikkaasta menosta. Toinen ei tosin viela kavellyt mutta se ei menoa haitannut. Ihana ilta! Grazie!
I would say the perfect way to end the working week was to arrive at our old neighbours house to have dinner. Lovely italian dinner al fresco on the terrace with the whole family. And I mean the whole family as their son and his family as well as their daughter and her husband came as well. Relaxed atmosphere, talking, children playing and having fun as well as divine food.I was so enthralled by the food that i forgot to take pictures. We were served authentic Sicilian lasagna and grilled stakes with salad. Before the dinner the children were playing with water. The two diaper divas made sure there was lots of splashing. Such a lovely night! Grazie!
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