Neiti paasi kouluun ja juhlimaan vihdoin ja viimein sita sadannetta koulupaivaa. Kotiin tultiin mitalli kaulassa ja diploma kainalossa. Hienoa! :D
Energiaa olisi talle paivalla loytynyt varmaan paljonkin. Olo on kuitenkin sellainen etten oikein saanut mitaan aikaiseksi. Aamupaivan tiskailin ja vahan siistin paikkoja. Lounaan jalkeen istuskelin sohvalla ja mietin kauppalistaa huomiselle. Kaivoin mina pienen "kiitoradan" koiralle takapihalle etta paasee pissalle sinne, eika tartte noille suolatuille teille lahtea tassuja nostelemaan. Kavin vahan lasten vaatteita lapi ja otin kaapista pieneksi jaaneita pois. Kuuntelin myoskin neitien kinastelua kun he leikkivat. Isomman odotukset pienemman leikkimistaidoista ei valitettavasti ole ihan kohdallaan. Niinpa mami joutuu sitten ojentamaan kumpaakin ja se on tosi rasittavaa.
Voittekos kuvitella, saarintamalla povataan meille jo toista isoa lumimyrskya viikonlopulle. Sinansa ei haittaa, mutta kun olis ihan kiva jos saisivat siirrettya nama entisetkin lumet teiden varsilta ja parkkipaikoilta pois ennen kuin tulee lisaa. Viela on liian aikaista sanoa etta mita reittia tuo myrsky kulkee: meneeko merelle ja sielta ohi vai rannikkoa pitkin ylos meille. Sita tietoa odotellessa.
Miss got to go to school and finally celebrate the 100th school day. She came home with a medal and a diploma of good work done. Way to go! :D
I guess I would have had more energy for today but I feel like I didn't really get anything done. In the morning I did some dishes and tidied up downstairs. After lunch I sat down on the sofa and tried to think up all the things needed from the grocery store trip tomorrow. And I did dig a small "runway" for the doggie so that he can go to the back yard for quick business without having to go out on the streets full of salt. I did go through the girls' closets and took small clothes out while listening a constant bickering while the misses were playing. The expectations of the older miss of what and how the younger one can play are not quite realistic sometimes and that creates the bickering. So I had to be constantly going in between. Really tiring.
Can you believe, they are predicting another major snow storm for the weekend. I don't really mind but could it wait until the roads have been properly cleared before we get more snow. It's yet too early to tell whether the storm will head out to sea and past us or up the east coast to us. Waiting for that information.
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