perjantai 15. helmikuuta 2013

Ruususen unta / Sleep like Sleeping Beauty

Aamuneljalta silman ristissa kommin rauhoittamaan pikkuneitia. Han istui pinnasangyssaan, kitisi kadonnutta tuttia. Tutti loytyi pian mutta neitipa ei huolinutkaan sita vaan heitti pois. Ei onnistunut enaa omassa sangyssa nukkuminen ja niinpa kannoin hanet meidan makuuhuoneeseen ja viereeni. Hanellapa kesti sitten kaksi tuntia nukahtaa uudelleen. Neiti hyori ja pyori ja istui valilla ja kolhi paataan sangynpaatyyn. Kun han vihdoin ja viimein nukahti niin voitte kuvitella etten mina kuitenkaan saanut enaa nukuttua. Vilkuilin kelloa ja seitsemalta nousin herattelemaan vanhempaa neitia aamutoimiin.
Olen kaynyt tanaan vahan ylikierroksilla. Olen saanut tehtya vaikka mita kotihommia (en kuitenkaan kasitoita - pahus) eika vasymys ole toistaseksi haitannut. Voipi olla etta ensi yona tama tytto nukkuu ruususen unta.
Vanhemman neidin talviloma koulusta alkoi. Ensi viikolle pitaisi keksia jotain tekemista, muuten tama mamma tulee kahjoksi. :D Hiihtolomasta ei voi puhua. Viime viikonlopun lumet on sulaneet niin hirmuista vauhtia ettei tosi. Nurmikko vilahtelee jo paikoitellen. Huomenna ja sunnuntaina lunta saadaan lisaa. Se myrakka jota tanne lupailtiin tulee kylla mutta ei ilmeisesti yhta voimakkaana kuin aluksi ennustettiin. Eli noin 15cm lunta tiedossa.
Isanta ilmoitti juuri etta joutuu tekemaan viikonloppuna toita. BLAAH! Sinne meni taivaan tuuliin unelmat ompelemisesta. Katsotaan nyt kuitenkin mita paiva tuo tullessan. Aina voi toivoa.
Lahdin myos mukaan kilpailuun. TAHAN kilpailuun. Lahetin kuvani tanaan. Enpa ole aikaisemmin ottanutkaan osaa mihinkaan. Katsotaan miten mimmin kay. Vahan janskattaa. Mitaan odotuksia ei ole. (Vaikka saannoissa sanotaankin etta kilpailu on suomessa asuville, se on kuulemma vain sen takia etta palkinto postitetaan vain Suomeen. Jos nyt niin onnekaasti kavisi etta voitto tulisi, niin pistetaan menemaan aidin hoteisiin seuraavaa Atlanttin ylitysta.)

At 4am, cross eyed I went to calm the little one. She was sitting in her crib, and softly whined for her lost dummy. The dummy was found quickly but she did not want it but threw it away. There was no way to get her to lay down in her own bed without terrible screaming fit so I carried her to our bedroom next to me. She took two hours to fall asleep. Miss tossed and turned and sat up and hit her head on the headboard etc. When she finally fell asleep you can imagine I couldn't get any sleep. I was glancing at the time about every five minutes and finally got up at seven without any sleep. I woke our oldest to get ready for school.
I've been on an overdrive today. I've achieved so much today in terms of housework and other chores (no knitting or sewing though - darn) and so far I've not felt tired. I have a feeling I will sleep like Sleeping Beauty tonight.
The big miss started her winter holiday today. I need to come up with something to do for next week, otherwise this mummy will go crazy. :D There's no speaking of skiing holiday as most of the snow from last weekend has already melted... believe it or not. We can actually see some grass in spots. However, we'll get more snow tomorrow and Sunday. The storm that they were predicting here for this weekend is not going to be as fierce as they first thought, but still about 15cm of snow.
My darling husband just told me he hast to work during the weekend. BLAAH! There disappeared all my dreams of sewing for this weekend. Still don't quite want to give up on my dream of some sewing time. Let's see what the day brings. One can always hope.
I took part in a competition. THIS competition. Sent my entry today. I haven't participated in anything like this before. Interesting to see what happens. Little bit nervous and excited. No expectations none what so ever. (Even though they say the competition is only for those living in Finland it is apparently for the reason that the prize won't be sent outside Finland. If (BIG if) I was lucky enough, then I'll use my mum to receive it and to wait for our/her next over Atlantic trip.)

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