keskiviikko 13. helmikuuta 2013

Aidin tekema ruoka / Food made by mother

Seuraavanlainen keskustelu kaytiin tanaan iltapaivalla autossa kun olimme tulossa ostoksilta ja ajeltiin kotiin pain.

-Mami, kuinka pitkaan siella collegessa ollaan?
-Riippuu siita mita opiskelet, mutta yleensa 3-4 vuotta.
-Onko se pitka aika?
-Ajattelepa etta nelja vuotta on yhta pitka aikaa kuin 6-vuotis synttareista 10-vuotis synttareihin.
-Ai...... (hetken hiljaisuus) Mita ma syon siella?
-Ruokaa niin kuin tahankin asti.
-Kuka sen tekee?
-En osaa tarkalleen sanoa mutta joku kokki ilmeisesti.
(hiljaisuus laskeutuu hetkeksi..... sitten itkun sekaisella aanella: )
-No, mikas nyt on?
-Ma en halua menna collegeen.
-Miksi et kulta?
-Ma haluan etta sa teet mulle ruoan (edelleen itkua tihrustaen).
-Voi rakas.... ihana kuulla etta tykkaat mamin tekemasta ruoasta. Mutta ala huoli sellaisesta asiasta, joka on monien monien vuosien paassa.
-Mutta ma haluan syoda sun kanssa, sun tekemaan ruokaa.
-Voi kuule muru olla niin etta siina vaiheessa syot mielellasi jotain muutakin ruokaa, ja jonkun muun kanssa kuin mamin.
-En ikina!

♥♥♥ Meidan tytteli! ♥♥♥

The following conversation was held today afternoon in the car when we were heading home from the store.

-Mummy, how long do you stay in college?
-It depends a little of what you study but usually 3-4 years.
-Is that a long time?
-Think about the time it takes between your 6th birthday and 10th birthday. That's four years.
-Oh...... (a moment of silence) What do I eat there?
-Food just as normally.
-Who makes the food?
-I don't know exactly but there will be chefs making the food.
(another moment of silence.... then with a teary voice)
-What wrong dear?
-I don't want to go to college.
-Why not dear?
-I want you to make me my food (still teary voice, nearly crying)
-Oh sweetie.... it's wonderful to hear that you like Mummy's food. But don't worry about something that is still many many years in the future.
-But I want to eat with you and food you make.
-Oh honey, at that point you might actually enjoy eating something else and with someone else than mummy.

♥♥♥ Our girl! ♥♥♥

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