Olen kovin tyytyvainen lumihiutalepuuhun. Jostakusta se saattaa olla kovin jouluinen ja luulen etta meillakin se tulee esiin ensi jouluna. Mielestani se kay kylla hyvin ihan talvikoristeestakin.
PS: Onko kukaan muu Bloggerin ja Picasan kayttaja huomannut muutoksia kuvien latauksessa tai kuva-albumissaan? En pysty latamaan kuin yhden kuvan URL osoitteen kerrallaan (aikaisemmin onnistui viisi kerrallaan). Albumin ulkoasu on muuttunut. Minulla meinasi palaa kaamit askettain kun kuvien jarjestelysta on tehty vaikeampaa. Joka kerta kun siirrat kuvan/kuvia se heittaa albumin alkuun ja sitten pitaa rullata alas, ja rullaaminen kestaa ikuisuuden koska kuvien koko on muutettu. Jos joku tietaa jotain konsteja esim useamman kuvan lataamisen kerrallaan bloggerista otan kiitollisena niita vastaan. Tai tuosta uudesta kuva-albumimuutoksesta ja kuvien jarjestelysta..... nyt on aika tumpelo olo.
It's snowing horizontally outside. We did get some snow afterall even though yesterday it didn't snow at all. And because the snow outside cannot possibly be enough for a Finn I had to have some inside as well. Towards the end of last year I bought THIS book. Slowly, one flake at a time I've been crocheting them in the evenings. When I had 12 of them I had to start thinking about starching them. I've never starched anything before. I was researching the internet and asked about and finally ended up following the advice of an acquaintance who makes lace by tatting. She told that lace makers use Stiffen Stuff for small items such as snowflakes, flowers etc. So I bought Stiffen Stuff. Despite having all I needed ready the snow flakes had to wait several weeks until I got around stiffening them. I ironed them. I pinned them down on my ironing board on a plastic bag. I sprayed them once and let them dry. They definitely needed another spraying so I did that. After they were dry I unpinned them and turned them around and sprayed them once from the other side. Now they are nice and stiff (not completely stiff) and will hold their form splendidly.
I'm extremely happy with my snowflake tree. Someone might think it's too Christmassy and I think this will come out next Christmas at our house as well but I think it is perfectly ok as a winter decoration as well.
PS: Has anyone else Blogger/Picasa user noticed changes in loading photos to your blog and in your actual photo album? I don't seem to be able to upload more than one photo URL address at a time (before I could do 5 at a time). Also the photo album look has changed. I nearly lost my mind when I was trying to move few photos in a different place. Every time you move a photo/photos it jumps back to the beginning of the album and then you have roll down again (which takes forever with lots of photos and now all the photos being bigger). If anyone has any tips how to upload several photos at a time in Blogger I would be eternally grateful. Or if you know anything about this new photo album set up and the organising of the photos...... now I feel pretty helpless and useless.

Kauniita hiutaleita ja kuvia.
VastaaPoistaKiitos Minna! Ma tykkaan kovasti milta lopputulos nayttaa. :) Vois virkkailla jossain vaiheessa noita lisaa. Mutta joskos vasta ens jouluks. :D
PoistaKiva hiutalepuu!
VastaaPoistaBloggeri on väliin tosi tylsä. Mä lataan kuvat suoraan omalta koneelta, mutta sekin tökki tuossa alkuvuodesta. Josko tämäkin olisi jotain ohimenevää?
Kiitosta kiitos! :) Toivotaan etta on.... en tykkaa ollenkaan tosta hommasta.