Huoli ystavan terveydentilasta on suuri. Aika akillisesti tuli tama. Terve, terveelliset elamantavat omaava nainen ja sydan oireilee. HUI! Autan kaikin mahdollisin tavoin, joilla minun sallitaan auttavan (esim. vien hanen tyttarensa aamulla kouluun samalla kuin omani ja tuon kotiin. Ahdistaa kuitenkin se etten voi auttaa niin paljon kuin haluaisin. Siihen vaikuttaa myos kovasti perheen kulttuuri/t ettei apua huolita niin paljon kuin ehka voisi. Toivon vain etta tama on ohimenevaa. Herattaa kylla taas ajattelemaan omalla kohdalla asioita.
Kavin aamulla heti kahdeksan jalkeen kirjakaupassa nuorimmaisen kanssa. Hypistelin siella ompeluskirjoja.
Kirjakaupasta koukkasimme paspiksia tilaamaan (vaikka IKEAsta ostetut kehykset olivat kuin nappiin niin paspiksen aukko on aavistuksen liian iso kummallekin julisteelle). Halusin siis uudet paspikset. Ja sitten viela ruokakauppaan. Vahan varia kotiin tuo ostamani tulppaanit.
Aika tuottelias aamu.
Iltapaiva menikin sitten ruokaa laitellessa, pyykkia pestessa, korjaillessa leluja pois lattialta vaikka kuiknka monta kertaa jne. Sita samaa mita aina.
I have a deep concern for my friend's health. Quite sudden. Healthy woman who leads a healthy lifestyle and her heart is ailing. Scary! I'm helping in all possible ways I'm allowed (e.g. taking her daughter to and from school with mine) but because of the culture/s in that household I'm not allowed to help as much as I would like to and maybe they should let me. I just hope this is temporary and her health is restored soon. It does make you consider your own life.
Visit to the bookstore with the younger one immediately after taking the girls to school was very welcome. I was looking at some sewing books.
From the bookstore to order some new mounting cards (even though the IKEA frames I got for my posters are perfect the I need a slightly smaller view in the mounting card). And then the groceries. I also brought home some tulips to give some color. Quite productive morning.
Afternoon was then spent making food, doing laundry, putting away toys several times etc. The same old, you know.
Voihan kikatus. Pikkuneiti on hyvalla tuulella. Meilla oli niin mukava aamu taas kahdestaan. Tallaiset hetket saa viikonlopun marinat ja jatkuvan "mami mami mami mami mami mamimamimamimami" kohtaukset unohtumaan. Tottakai sita ymmartaa etta toinen yrittaa kommunikoida mutta kun jokaisesta 30 sanasta 28 on mami niin kylla siina vahan jo ollaan korvamadosta hiukkasen pidemmalla. Tanaan on paasty taas tuosta mami-vaihteesta irti ja hopotysta riittaa jos jonkinlaista. :)
Viimeyona satoi muutamia sentteja lunta. Ihaninta oli herata ja nahda lumiset puut. Tuli hyvinkin kotoinen olo ja nautin naysta suunnattomasti. Tosin heti kun aurinko nousi ja rupesi lammittamaan niin jo putosivat lumet sen saman tien. Enka kerennyt ikuistamaan kauneutta kameralla. :(
Olen katsellut lentoja. Suomeen ja sitten sita meidan jo aikaisemmin mainittua Texasin reissua varten. Ahdistus on aikamoinen. Lentojen hinnat on huimia. Ennen maksoin kahdesta lennot Suomeen (mieheni ei yleensa tule Suomeen mukaan) ja nyt pitaisi maksaa kolmesta kun pikkuneiti tayttaa kaksi toukokuussa. Jos kahden lipun hinta oli huima niin se on viela huimempi kolmelle. Pistaa miettimaan voiko kummankin matkan toteuttaa vai jaako vain yhteen. Mielenterveydellisesti molemmat olisi ihan paikallaan. ;-)
Kuvat on otettu eilen sunnuntaina aamusta jolloin neiti oli ihan yhta hyvalla tuulella kuin tanaan ja kikatteli, eika ollut viela mamitus paalla.
Oh giggle. Little miss is on good mood. We had such a lovely morning again just the two of us. These kinds of mornings makes one forget the whining and constant "mummy mummy mummy mummy mummy mummymummymummymummy". Of course I do understand perfectly well that one is trying to communicate but when 29 out of every 30 words is mummy it's gone beyond the so called ear worm stage. Today we got rid of the mummy-phase and she was full of talk of all kind. :)
Last night it snowed few centimeters. It was lovely to wake up and see the snowy trees. Brought me very homey feeling from home (Finland) and I enjoyed the sight immensely. However, the moment sun came up and started warming the air the snow came down and I didn't have a chance to capture the beauty with my camera.
I've been looking at flights yet again. Both to Finland and then for the before mentioned Texas trip. My anxiety is quite high. The flight prices are outrageous. Before I paid for two for Finland (my husband usually skips the Finland trip) and now I'm supposed to pay for three as the little one turns two in May. If the price dor two tickets was high, it's even higher for three. It makes one to think can we actually make the two trips or do we have to choose once. If considering the health of my psyche, both would be good. ;-)
These pictures were taking yesterday, Sunday, morning when the little miss was just as giggly and happy as today and before the "mummy"s came about.
Hip hurraa! Sain sitten vihdoinkin ne tyttojen mekot valmiiksi. Kylla siina taas kesti. Ahdistaa kun aloittaa projektin, jonka ei pitaisi kamalasti vieda aikaa ja energiaa ja sitten tulee kaiken maailman esteita matkalle taudeista ajanpuutteeseen. Tanaan sitten taistelin ompelukoneen kanssa. Se ei meinannun yhteistyohon sitten mitenkaan. Arrin purrin murinaa.
Mutta mekot tuli kuin tulikin valmiiksi. Napit on paikoillaan ja mekot tuli myos koeajettua mamin kameralle. Tosin meno oli taas niin vauhdikasta ettei meinannut mitenkaan pysya kameran kanssa mukana. Suurin osa kuvista menikin sitten suoraan roskiin. :(
Ihan kivat leikkimekot niista tuli. Aplikaatiota viela mietin. Nyt ei osunut mitaan kankaita heti silmaan, jotka olisi ollut kivoja. Voi siis olla etta mekot pysyvat nyt tassa kuosissa tai sitten tuunaan niita viela vahan jos jostain saan inspiraatiokankaan hyppysiin.
Hip hurray! I did finally manage to finish girls' dresses. Took some time again. It's annoying when I start a project that shouldn't take very much time or energy and then all kinds of hurdles are thrown my way from sickness to lack of time. Today I was fighting with my sewing machine. It didn't want to co-operate at all. Growlgrowlgrowl.
But the dresses are now ready. Buttons in their places and the dresses were given a little test while mummy tried to get some photos. The speed was again just a bit too much and unfortunately most of the photos were deleted immediately. :(
I think they turned out quite ok for play dresses. Still thinking about aplique for the front. Didn't see immediately any fabrics from my stash that would have jumped at me screaming to be used. Could be that the dresses will stay as they are at the moment or then I'll tune them a little later if I find an inspirational fabric.
Unohtuipa tuossa askeisessa postauksessa viela kertoa etta aanestys on kaynnissa siina kilpailussa johon osallistuin. Kaykaahan aanestamassa kuvaani TAALLA. Kuvani numero on 16. Aanestys tapahtuu blogin oikeassa sivupalkissa. Kiitoksia kovasti tuestanne! :)
I forgot to tell in the previous post that the voting is on in the competition I took part in. Please go and vote for me HERE. The number of my picture is 16. The actual voting happens on the right hand side bar. Thank you for all your support! :)
On paivia ja sitten on paivia. Tanaan oli sellainen paiva ettei olis tarttenut olla ollenkaan.
1) Ei ole ollut hyva olo.
2) Mikaan ei ole mennyt oikeen putkeen (kaikkein kenkuin oli kun pikkuneidille neulottuihin "villa"housuihin tuli hirmuinen mega silmukka kun se jai kiinni turvaistuimen turvavyonsolkeen). En ole katsonut kuinka saisin sen korjattua fiksusti.
3) Kankkarankka kavi kylassa tokkimassa lapsia ja vahan aikuisiakin.
4) Koira oksensi matolle.
5) Teen koetilkkua yhteen projektiin mutta oikeanmittaisen mallipalan aikaansaaminen tuottaa paansarkya.
6) Kaikkea muuta pienta, joka on ahdistanut mielta.
Vaihdoin sohvaan paalliset. Nama piti vaihtaa jo jouluksi mutta kun ei loytynyt sita laatikkoa missa nama olivat. No nyt se loytyi. On se janna kuinka tummempi vari tuo heti erilaisen tunnelman. Sinansa ihan kiva. Ainoa asia mista en pida noista paallisista siina tilassa mihin ne tulivat on se etta ne tekevat sen nayttamaan vielakin pienemmaksi kuin se on. No, olkoon nyt jonkin aikaa. Vahan ahdistaa myos tuo niiden ryppyisyys pesun ja laatikossa olemisen jalkeen. Tuo IKEAsta ostettu tyyny sopii oikein kivasti tuohon sohvan nurkkaan.
Talle illalle ja huomiselle luvattu taas lunta. Lunta tulee nakojaan viikonloppuisin. Noh, toivotaan etta maanantaina kuitenkin koulut normaalisti auki. Naista kun ei koskaan tieda. Koska taalla puhutaan myrskyina matalapaineista, jotka tuovat talvella lunta. Tama myrakka on aiheuttanut aikamoista kaaosta keskiosissa maata. Olen yrittanyt seurata vahan mita meille ennustetaan mutta se vaihtelee riippuen mista katsoo. Ennusteet vaihtelevat viidesta kolmeenkymmeneen senttiin. Keskella viikkoa pitaisi olla sitten seuraava "myrsky" hollilla. Lannesta on kuulemma tulossa liukuhihnalla matalapaineita ja kaikki olisi osumassa tanne. Odotamme mielenkiinnolla tulevaa. Koiran kanssa kun kaytiin iltalenkilla niin satoi alijaahtynytta vetta.
Sain mina jotain aikaseksikin. Meidan ns. master bath eli paamakuuhuoneen yhteydessa oleva kylpyhuone on ollut aikamoinen kaaos siina suhteessa etta siella on ollut neitien hiusjutut, pienen vaipanvaihtopiste, kaikkien suihku ja kylpypaikka. Aikamoinen trafiikkipiste. Mina raivasin sen, jarjestelin ja poistin kaiken postettavan. Nyt on paikka taas siisti ja sinne mahtuu sekaan. ;) (Meilla tuo kyseinen makuuhuone on valjastettu toiseen kayttoon (isannan toimisto ja elokuvahuone), koska halusimme olla samassa kerroksessa tyttojen huoneen kanssa eli me nukumme ylakerrassa toimistohuoneeksi tarkoitetussa tilassa, tyttojen huoneen vieressa.)
Paiva onkin sitten hyva lopettaa lasilliseen kuplivaa. :D
There are days and then there are days. Today was one of the ones I didn't really care to happen.
1) I didn't feel good.
2) Nothing didn't really work the way it was supposed to (the most annoying thing was that we managed to get a huge loose stitch loop into the "woolly" pants I made the little miss when it was caught in the carseat seatbelt buckle.) I haven't looked yet how to fix it.
3) The cranky pants witch called Känkkäränkkä (Finnish character in a song) came to visit the kids and also a bit the adults.
4) Our dog vomited on the rug.
5) I'm making a gauge for a project I'd love to do but getting to the correct measurements appears to be quite challenging and causing some head ache.
6) All kinds of little things happened that made me anxious.
I changed the sofa covers. I was supposed to do that before Christmas but I couldn't find the right box with the extra sofa covers. Now I finally did. It's quite interesting how the darker color changes the mood immediately. I like it. The only thing I do not like about this color change is how it makes the space look smaller. Well, I'll let them be for now. I'm not crazy for all the wrinkles and crinkles they have after washing and being stored in a box. And the cushion I got yesterday from IKEA goes nicely in the corner of the sofa.
The forecast is more snow for tonight and tomorrow. Apparently we get snow only on weekends. I'm just hoping the schools will be open on Monday. You never know with these. Here the low pressures that bring snow, are called storms for some reason even if they do not bring so much snow. This one has been causing quite a lot of havoc in the middle of the country. I've been trying to follow what it's going to do here but depending the source the predictions are anything from 5cm to 30cm. In the middle of the week we're supposed to get another system that brings snow. According to Weather Channel there is a parade of low pressures coming from west which would hit this area. We are waiting with interest to see what comes. When taking the dog out for his walk it was already raining freezing rain.
I did accomplish something today. Our master bath, i.e. the bathroom connected to the main bedroom, is bit of a multifunction area for us. It's everybody's bath and shower, the little one's changing station, there are the girls' hair stuff plus all of my and my husbands things to get ready. Quite a traffic point. I now went through it, purged it, reorganised it. Now it's again a neat place where you can fit. ;) (In our house the master bedroom is being used as my husband's office and cinema room as we wanted sleep in the same storey with the girls and we sleep in a room meant for an office next to girls' bedroom.)
I decided that the day was good to end in a glass of bubbly, all considered. :D
Se siis toteutui sittenkin. :) Kyllapa on nyt hyva mieli. Olin aika rohkea kun kahden neidin kanssa sinne lahdin. Toisen sai "uhkailulla" kayttaytymaan kiltisti. Toisella meni hyvin melkein loppuun asti, jonka jalkeen ei sitten auttaneet rusinat, kultakalat, omppumehu, tutti eika mikaan muu laukussa ollut mahdollinen viihdyke.
Arvatkaapa kuinka nautinnollista on ajaa autoa tunnin verran kun takapenkkilaiset lukevat sulassa sovussa kirjoja, toinen hiljaisesti, toinen jotain omaa hopottaen. Taustalla soi Rajattoman lastenlaululevy. Minulla ajatukset lensivat asiasta toiseen ilman keskeytyksia. Aikasen monta asiaa sain kaytya lapi. Aika luksusta.
IKEAssa kaynti taalla on ehdottomasti tehtava arkipaivana ja niin etta olet siella kun putiikki aukeaa, muuten se on aina niin taynna ihmisia ettei siella kaynti ole mitenkaan mielekasta. Me olimmekin siella heti kymmenelta. Eipa ollut paljoa ihmisia. Suurin osa paikalla olleista ryntasi syomaan aamiaista. :) Hassua. Ylakerta saatiin kiertaa ihan kaikessa rauhassa. Eipa paljon ketaan muuta nakynyt. Oikeastaan vaan kaveltiin lapi ja katseltiin nakyiko mitaan mielenkiintoista. Alakerrassa sitten meni aikaa vahan enemman. Vaikka meilla oli missio niin mukaan tarttui muutamia juttuja mita ei listalla ollut. Niinhan se aina. Ja tietysti puolukkahilloa!
It came true after all. :) I feel very happy now. I was quite brave to go with two girls. The older one I was able to "threaten" to behave. The other one did pretty good until the last 15mins, after which nothing helped. Not raisins, not gold fish, not, apple juice, not dummy, absolutely nothing potential entertainment from my bag.
And guess how enjoyable it was to drive for about an hour when the back seat bunch were happily reading books. One quietly, one babbling incoherently. At the background was playing the Rajaton children's song CD. My thought flying from one thing to another without disruptions. I got quite a few things covered. Pretty much luxury in my opinion.
Going to IKEA here has to be done on a weekday and to get there when the place opens. Only then the experience can be in any way enjoyable. We timed our arrival at the opening and there were not that many people and most of those who were, headed straight to the restaurant to have breakfast. :) I thought that was funny. We were pretty much alone in the upstairs. We just walked through and had a look if there were anything interesting. Downstairs we were on a mission. But of course we accumulated things that were not on the list, as always. And I couldn't forget lingonberry jam!
Tanaan paivaan mahtui seuraavaa:
- koiranulkoilutusta
- ruuhkassa istumista
- pitka juttu- ja teetuokio ystavan kanssa silla aikaa kun lapset leikkivat
- tutustumista marsuun nimelta Shaggy
- tuhiseva pieni neiti
- opiskelua: sukan tekeminen varpaasta ylospain kaksi kappaletta kerralla (toistaiseksi siis vaan opiskelua kirjasta, ei viela toteutusasteella)
- lasten leikkimista
- lasten kinastelua
- vanhemman neidin vanhojen vaatteiden lajittelua koottain laatikoihin nuorempaa varten (eipa tartte hanta varte kayda vaatekaupassa pariin vuoteen)
- paljon sentimentaalista hymyilya laatikoiden keskella ja muistelua koska kyseisia vaatteita oli pidetty
- syomaton ruoka
- isomman neidin mamille lukema iltasatu
- iso huokaus, neitien mentya nukkumaan ja mamin omaa aikaa
Today the day included among many other things:
- walking the dog
- sitting in the traffic
- long chat and few cups of tea with a friend while children were playing
- getting to know a hamster called Shaggy
- little miss with stuffy nose
- studying: making a sock 2 at a time from toe up (so far still on "reading from the book" level)
- playing children
- bickering children
- sorting big miss' old clothes by sizes into boxes ready for the little one to use (I don't have to go clothes shopping for the little miss for few years)
- lots of sentimental smiling amongst the boxes and remembering when the clothes had been worn
- one dinner not eaten
- bed time story read to mummy by the older miss
- big sigh after the girls went to bed and some ME-time
Tanaan oli suuret suunnitelma menna IKEAan. No, juu ei onnistunut. Meni suunnitelmat monkaan. Isanta nimittain makaa sangyssa selka niin solmussa ettei pysty ollenkaan istumaan tai seisomaan hetkea kauempaa. Niinpa tuo on makoillut sangyssa tyopuheluita puhuen. Me tyttojen kanssa apujoukkoina kiikuttamassa, jos tarvitsee jotain. Voihan poh! Taytyy yrittaa perjantaina uusiksi muuten on talle viikolle jo sen verran ohjelmaa ettei taida muuna paivana onnistua.
Pakastimen tyhjennys kaynnissa. Pakastimeen on pakko saada vahan lisaa tilaa. Tanaan syodaan kylla sen sekamelska iltaruokaa. On intialaista, italialaista ja vahan meksikolaista.
Teeta on kulunut tanaan tavanomaista enemman. En tieda miksi. Johtuneeko siita etta mamin on pitanyt leppuuttaa hermojaan teekupin aaressa kun neidit kinastelevat koko ajan.
Muuten taman paivan ohjelmassa on ollut lukemista, junaradan rakentamista ja junilla leikkimista, muovailuvahaa ja Muumeja.
I had such high hopes of going to IKEA today. My plan was unsuccessful. My other half managed to hurt his back somehow and is now lying in bed as he cannot sit at all or stand more than few minutes at a time. So he's been handling all his work phone calls from bed. And girls and I, we're stuck at home in case he needs help with something. I have to try to manage go there later this week. Hopefully Friday.
I'm in the process of emptying our freezer a bit. I need more space. So tonight we have quite an array for dinner: some indian, some italian and some mexican food.
I've drank more tea today than normally. Don't know quite why. I wonder if it's because mummy has had to calm her nerves with two bickering (constant state no matter what I do) girls.
Otherwise today has been made of some Play Doh, reading, building a train track and playing with the trains and Moomins.
Ulkona tuiskuttaa lunta vaakatasossa. Saimme siis lisaa lunta vaikka eilen ei satanut juuri ollenkaan. Ja koska ulkona oleva lumi ei tietenkaan voi mitenkaan riittaa suomalaiselle niin sita piti saada sisallekin. Ostin viime vuoden puolella TAMAN kirjan. Iltaisin pikkuhiljaa yhden silloin talloin lumihiutaleita virkkailin. Kaksitoista kun niita oli kasassa piti ruveta miettimaan tarkkayksen toteutusta. En ole koskaan tarkannyt mitaan. Netista tutkailin kaikenlaista, kyselin ihmisilta ja lopulta paadyin pitsia tekevan tuttavan vinkkiin: Stiffen Stuff. Silla kuulemma pitsintekijat tarkkaavat pienia toita kuten lumihiutaleita, kukkia jne. No, mina ostin Stiffen Stuffia. Siita huolimatta lumihiutaleet saivat odottaa useamman viikon ennen kuin sain aikaiseksi kovettaa ne. Silitin ne. Pingotin ne silityslaudalle nuppineulojen kanssa myovipussin paalle. Suihkuttelin yhden kerran ja annoin kuivua. Totesin niiden tarvitsevan toisen kerran ainakin. Suihkuttelin toisen kerran. Irrotin nuppineulat ja kaansin lumihiutaleet ja suihkuttelin viela toiseltakin puolelta kertaalleen. Nyt ne ovat sopivan kovettuneet. Ei taysin mutta pitavat hyvin muotonsa.
Olen kovin tyytyvainen lumihiutalepuuhun. Jostakusta se saattaa olla kovin jouluinen ja luulen etta meillakin se tulee esiin ensi jouluna. Mielestani se kay kylla hyvin ihan talvikoristeestakin.
PS: Onko kukaan muu Bloggerin ja Picasan kayttaja huomannut muutoksia kuvien latauksessa tai kuva-albumissaan? En pysty latamaan kuin yhden kuvan URL osoitteen kerrallaan (aikaisemmin onnistui viisi kerrallaan). Albumin ulkoasu on muuttunut. Minulla meinasi palaa kaamit askettain kun kuvien jarjestelysta on tehty vaikeampaa. Joka kerta kun siirrat kuvan/kuvia se heittaa albumin alkuun ja sitten pitaa rullata alas, ja rullaaminen kestaa ikuisuuden koska kuvien koko on muutettu. Jos joku tietaa jotain konsteja esim useamman kuvan lataamisen kerrallaan bloggerista otan kiitollisena niita vastaan. Tai tuosta uudesta kuva-albumimuutoksesta ja kuvien jarjestelysta..... nyt on aika tumpelo olo.
It's snowing horizontally outside. We did get some snow afterall even though yesterday it didn't snow at all. And because the snow outside cannot possibly be enough for a Finn I had to have some inside as well. Towards the end of last year I bought THIS book. Slowly, one flake at a time I've been crocheting them in the evenings. When I had 12 of them I had to start thinking about starching them. I've never starched anything before. I was researching the internet and asked about and finally ended up following the advice of an acquaintance who makes lace by tatting. She told that lace makers use Stiffen Stuff for small items such as snowflakes, flowers etc. So I bought Stiffen Stuff. Despite having all I needed ready the snow flakes had to wait several weeks until I got around stiffening them. I ironed them. I pinned them down on my ironing board on a plastic bag. I sprayed them once and let them dry. They definitely needed another spraying so I did that. After they were dry I unpinned them and turned them around and sprayed them once from the other side. Now they are nice and stiff (not completely stiff) and will hold their form splendidly.
I'm extremely happy with my snowflake tree. Someone might think it's too Christmassy and I think this will come out next Christmas at our house as well but I think it is perfectly ok as a winter decoration as well.
PS: Has anyone else Blogger/Picasa user noticed changes in loading photos to your blog and in your actual photo album? I don't seem to be able to upload more than one photo URL address at a time (before I could do 5 at a time). Also the photo album look has changed. I nearly lost my mind when I was trying to move few photos in a different place. Every time you move a photo/photos it jumps back to the beginning of the album and then you have roll down again (which takes forever with lots of photos and now all the photos being bigger). If anyone has any tips how to upload several photos at a time in Blogger I would be eternally grateful. Or if you know anything about this new photo album set up and the organising of the photos...... now I feel pretty helpless and useless.
Voi hihitysten hihtys. Olin tikahtua nauruun kun neidit tulivat hiustenlaittoreissulta kylpyhuoneesta. Isompi oli stailannut pienemman. Ilmetty Bjorn Borg! Kiharat ja kaikki! :D Hymyilytti viela pitkan pitkan aikaa sen jalkeenkin kun panta oli havinnyt pikkuisen paasta.
Sain ystavaltani kauniin orkidean lahjaksi ystavanpaivana. Toivottavasti osaan hoitaa sita. Olen onnistunut nimittain aikaisemmin kuolettamaan kaksi orkideaa, enka ole uskaltanut ostaa sen jalkeen uutta. Toivon siis etta parjaan taman kanssa paremmin.
Lukeminen on sitten ihanaa. Vanhempi tytoista on todella saanut hienosti kiinni englanninkielen lukemisesta. Han istuu monesti sakkituolissaan ja lukee aaneen joko minulle tai pikkusiskolleen. Nyt on pikkuneiti ihan selvasti samoilla jalanjaljilla. Han istahtaa valilla sakkituoliin valittuaan ensin muutaman kirjan mukaan. Sitten han lukee. Aaneen. Hirmuista polotysta. Valilla kuuluu "miau" (kissan kuva kirjassa) tai "bum bum" (koittaa matkia auton aanta: brum brum). Olen tavattoman iloinen siita etta toinen on loytamassa sen uskomattoman hienon maailman, jonka lukutaito avaa ja etta toinen matkii isosiskon perassa ja toivottavasti loytaa aikanaan sen samanlaisen innostuksen kirjoihin ja lukemiseen.
Ruoaksi tanaan oli tarjolla kasvissosekeittoa. Meilla siita tykataan kovasti. Kaikken parasta siina on etta sekaan voi heittaa kaikia mahdollisia kasviksia jaakaapista. Tilkkanen kermaa ja mausteet saavat keitosta aina hiukan erilaisen mutta ihan aina yhta hyvan.
Oh giggle of giggles. I almost choked in laughter when our girls came from the bathroom after a hair styling session. The bigger one had styled the little one. She looked like Bjorn Borg! Curls and everything! :D I was smiling long after the head band had disappeared from her head.
I received a beautiful orchid from my friend for Valentine's day. I hope I can keep it alive. Previously I've succeeded in killing two orchids despite my best efforts in keeping them alive and thus have been afraid to buy another. So, I'm hoping that I manage better with this one.
Reading is such a wonderful thing. Our older girl has really gotten a good grasp of reading English. She sits down frequently in her bean bag and reads out loud either to me or to her little sister. Now the little one has grasped the same idea and does the same. She goes and picks few books, sits in the bean bag and starts reading. Out loud. The babbling is so endearing. Once in a while I hear a "miau" for a cat or "bum bum" in effort trying to imitate the car noise brum brum. I'm extremely happy that one is on the verge of finding the vast, incredibly wonderful world that literacy will open to her and one imitating her big sister and hopefully eventually when it's her time, to find the enthusiasm towards books and reading.
For dinner I made some pureed vegetable soup. We all like it a lot. The best part is that I can throw in what ever vegetables I have on hand. A splash of cream and spices make it a bit different each time but still just as good.
Aamuneljalta silman ristissa kommin rauhoittamaan pikkuneitia. Han istui pinnasangyssaan, kitisi kadonnutta tuttia. Tutti loytyi pian mutta neitipa ei huolinutkaan sita vaan heitti pois. Ei onnistunut enaa omassa sangyssa nukkuminen ja niinpa kannoin hanet meidan makuuhuoneeseen ja viereeni. Hanellapa kesti sitten kaksi tuntia nukahtaa uudelleen. Neiti hyori ja pyori ja istui valilla ja kolhi paataan sangynpaatyyn. Kun han vihdoin ja viimein nukahti niin voitte kuvitella etten mina kuitenkaan saanut enaa nukuttua. Vilkuilin kelloa ja seitsemalta nousin herattelemaan vanhempaa neitia aamutoimiin.
Olen kaynyt tanaan vahan ylikierroksilla. Olen saanut tehtya vaikka mita kotihommia (en kuitenkaan kasitoita - pahus) eika vasymys ole toistaseksi haitannut. Voipi olla etta ensi yona tama tytto nukkuu ruususen unta.
Vanhemman neidin talviloma koulusta alkoi. Ensi viikolle pitaisi keksia jotain tekemista, muuten tama mamma tulee kahjoksi. :D Hiihtolomasta ei voi puhua. Viime viikonlopun lumet on sulaneet niin hirmuista vauhtia ettei tosi. Nurmikko vilahtelee jo paikoitellen. Huomenna ja sunnuntaina lunta saadaan lisaa. Se myrakka jota tanne lupailtiin tulee kylla mutta ei ilmeisesti yhta voimakkaana kuin aluksi ennustettiin. Eli noin 15cm lunta tiedossa.
Isanta ilmoitti juuri etta joutuu tekemaan viikonloppuna toita. BLAAH! Sinne meni taivaan tuuliin unelmat ompelemisesta. Katsotaan nyt kuitenkin mita paiva tuo tullessan. Aina voi toivoa.
Lahdin myos mukaan kilpailuun. TAHAN kilpailuun. Lahetin kuvani tanaan. Enpa ole aikaisemmin ottanutkaan osaa mihinkaan. Katsotaan miten mimmin kay. Vahan janskattaa. Mitaan odotuksia ei ole. (Vaikka saannoissa sanotaankin etta kilpailu on suomessa asuville, se on kuulemma vain sen takia etta palkinto postitetaan vain Suomeen. Jos nyt niin onnekaasti kavisi etta voitto tulisi, niin pistetaan menemaan aidin hoteisiin seuraavaa Atlanttin ylitysta.)
At 4am, cross eyed I went to calm the little one. She was sitting in her crib, and softly whined for her lost dummy. The dummy was found quickly but she did not want it but threw it away. There was no way to get her to lay down in her own bed without terrible screaming fit so I carried her to our bedroom next to me. She took two hours to fall asleep. Miss tossed and turned and sat up and hit her head on the headboard etc. When she finally fell asleep you can imagine I couldn't get any sleep. I was glancing at the time about every five minutes and finally got up at seven without any sleep. I woke our oldest to get ready for school.
I've been on an overdrive today. I've achieved so much today in terms of housework and other chores (no knitting or sewing though - darn) and so far I've not felt tired. I have a feeling I will sleep like Sleeping Beauty tonight.
The big miss started her winter holiday today. I need to come up with something to do for next week, otherwise this mummy will go crazy. :D There's no speaking of skiing holiday as most of the snow from last weekend has already melted... believe it or not. We can actually see some grass in spots. However, we'll get more snow tomorrow and Sunday. The storm that they were predicting here for this weekend is not going to be as fierce as they first thought, but still about 15cm of snow.
My darling husband just told me he hast to work during the weekend. BLAAH! There disappeared all my dreams of sewing for this weekend. Still don't quite want to give up on my dream of some sewing time. Let's see what the day brings. One can always hope.
I took part in a competition. THIS competition. Sent my entry today. I haven't participated in anything like this before. Interesting to see what happens. Little bit nervous and excited. No expectations none what so ever. (Even though they say the competition is only for those living in Finland it is apparently for the reason that the prize won't be sent outside Finland. If (BIG if) I was lucky enough, then I'll use my mum to receive it and to wait for our/her next over Atlantic trip.)