keskiviikko 1. toukokuuta 2013

Vaputon vappu paattyi itkuun / May day ended in tears

Vappu taalla oli olematon. Keskella viikkoa, arki rullaa, ei juhlia minkaanlaisia. Ilmapallot jai puhaltamatta. Tippaleivat tekematta. Siman olin ajatellut tehda mutta tajusin taas liian myohaan. :( Eli oli aika vaputon vappu. Ihan vaan makaroonilaatikkoa.
Tana aamuna herattyani ja sahkopostin luettuani herasi toivonkipina. Kipina kasvoi isommaksi kun paasimme katsomaan taloa, joka oli ilmestynyt markkinoille. Kipina syttyi roihuksi. Koti oli loytynyt. Se tuntui kodilta. Siina oli kaikki mita toivoimme. Ihan kaikki. Olimme laittamassa tarjousta sisaan pari tuntia nayton jalkeen. Ja kun pahkailimme numeroita, saimme soiton. Koti oli mennyt jollekin muulle. Siita oli joku jo tehnyt tarjouksen (itse asiassa usemapia tarjouksia oli tehty) ja joku niista oli hyvaksytty.  Roihu sammui kyyneliin. Olo on ihan kamala!

No May day celebrations here as it was in the middle of the week. Normal day with school. No balloons, no traditional fritters. I had thought to make sima, our traditional May Day drink, but again I remembered it too late.  It was pretty non-existent First of May celebration.
Today in the morning after I woke I a little spark of hope was born as I read my email. The little spark grew a bit bigger when we got a viewing for a house that had appeared to the market. The spark grew into a full flame. We had found our home. It felt like home. It had everything we wished for. Absolutely everything. We were going to put in an offer. And as we were crunching the numbers we get a phone call. Our home had gone to someone else. Someone else had made an offer before us (actually there were several offers) and it had been accepted. The full flame died with tears. I feel absolutely terrible!

4 kommenttia:

  1. Oh Ina! I'm sorry you didn't get the house. House-hunting can be so hard. I totally forgot about Vappu! We haven't really celebrated it here at all, but I had thought about doing something with the boys for fun. Oh dear! Maybe next year!

    1. I'm still very upset about it! :( It's only a house, but still.

  2. Voi♥ Varamasti iso pettymys! Mutta ehkä vielä parempaa on edessäpäin :)

    1. No oli kylla. Mieli ihan alamaissa edelleenkin. Toivon todella etta jotain muuta ilmaantuu.
