Ukko kokottaa pihalla. Saimme vihdoinkin lumiukkokelin, ennen kuin kaikki lumet sulaa. Tytto oli onnellinen. Jaakontti nenaksi, vahan lehtia hiuskuontaloksi. Hyva tuli. :)
Olen mittaillut ja piirrellyt ja leikellyt kangasta. Kokeilen yhta kaavaa. Ei mikaan hankala mutta lasten kanssa ompeleminen on aika mahdotonta. Tarkoitus saada homma valmiiksi huomenna. Toivotaan etta saisin varastettua sen verran omaa aikaa etta saan loput tehtya. Olen ajatellut etta siirtaisin koneen takaisin alas mutta sitten joutuisin siirtamaan sita koko ajan edes takaisin. Ylhaalla se saisi olla mutta ompeleminen iltasella ei tule kuuloon (kone on ihan suoraan lasten makuuhuoneen vieressa). Olisipa toinen kateva paikka sille. Taytyy yrittaa miettia jotain. Nyt taa ei toimi. POH!
Vanhempi neiti paasi kirjoittamaan kirjetta kolmelle kuninkaalle. Meksikolainen ystavani tutustuttaa meita sikalaisiin joulunajan traditioihin. Tanaan kirjoitettiin kolmelle kuninkaalle kirje, joka sidottiin ilmapalloon ja lahetettiin taivaalle. Yolla kuninkaat tuovat jonkun yllatyksen kirjeen kirjoittaneille. Huomenna, loppiaisena, syodaan kakku, jonka katkoihin on piilotettuna pieni Jeesus-vauva figuriini. Kuka sitten saakin palassaan Jeesuksen saa kunnian pitaa juhlat helmikuun toisena paivana niille, jotka ovat lasna kakkua syomassa. Mielenkiintoista seurata miten huomenna kay.
Takapihallamme oli tanaan melkein ruuhkaa. Viisi villikalkkunaa kopotteli sopossa jonossa pienen pihamme poikki matkallaan. Pienemman neidin mukaan ne oli hirmu hienoja ja hihkuttavia. :)
Ja paasimme tanaan mieheni kanssa kahdestaan ulos syomaan. Edellisesta kerrasta onkin aikaa vaikka kuinka. En edes muista koska olisimme viimeeksi olleet kahden ulkona. Tuntui omituiselta mutta erittain nautittavaa saada syoda ruoka lampoisena ja huolehtimatta kenestakaan muusta.
We have a man standing on our back yard. We finally got snowman building snow, just before the snow melts completely. My girl was super happy. Chunk of ice for the nose, a bit of leaves for the hair. Good man! :)
I've been measuring, drawing and cutting fabric. I'm trying out a pattern. Simple one but sewing with children around in this household is impossible. My goal is to get it done tomorrow. I hope to steal a bit of time for myself for the rest of the project. I've been thinking about moving my sewing machine back downstairs but then I have to keep moving it about all the time. Upstairs it has a place but unfortunately sewing in the evening is out of question as it is right next to girls' bedroom. I wish I had another place for the machine. I'll try to think of some other solution. Like this it doesn't work.
The older miss got to go and write a letter to the three kings. My mexican friend is getting us familiar with their christmas time traditions. Today it was time to write a letter to the tree kings and send it up to the sky tied to a balloon. During the night the three kings will deliver a surprise for those who wrote the letter. Tomorrow, on Epiphany, is time to eat a cake which hides a little baby Jesus figurine. Who ever gets the figurine has to host a party on Feb 2nd to those people who are sharing the cake. I'm interested in seeing what happens tomorrow.
We had nearly a traffic jam on our backyard in the afternoon. Five huge wild turkeys walked through our tiny yard in a neat line on their journey. The little miss thought they were awesome and so cool that she had to do a lot of squealing as she was watching them and making sure everyone else saw them. :)
My husband and I had a chance to go out for dinner, just the two of us. It's been a while since the last time. I cannot even remember how long it has been. It felt weird but extremely nice to be able to eat my meal wihtout having to worry about anyone else.
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