tiistai 15. tammikuuta 2013

Ennen ja jalkeen / Before and after

Nyt kun on paasty jarjestelyintoon kiinni niin jatketaan. Saatte nauraa niin paljon kuin sielu sietaa. :D Kylla muakin nauratti, ennen ja jalkeen.
Kyseessa on siis mun pyykkikomero. HEH! Siis komero tosiaankin, jossa on paikka pyykkikoneelle ja kuivurille. Meilla on sellainen n3,5m pitka ja 1,5m levea pyykkikomero, jonne saimme mahtumaan ovesta juuri ja juuri meidan taalta ostetut (takalaista standardikokoa Suomalaisittain valtavat) pyykkikoneen ja kuivurin. Asian hankalaksi tekee, etta komeron ovi kaantyy sisaanpain. Ja ovihan ei mahdu kaantymaan kokonaan auki vaan ottaa kiinni pesukoneen vuotoalustan kulmaan. Saan oven auki pakottamalla (minka teinkin kuvia varten). Jonkinlainen hyllysysteemi piti hankkia (halvin mahdollinen kun ei kuitenkaan mitaan pysyvaa ratkaisua takalaiseen vuokrakotiin viitsi ruveta asentelemaan). Oven taakse seinan ja hyllyn valiin ja juuri ja juuri tilat meidan kolmelle pyykkikorille. Siis ne on kylla niin naftisti siella ettei tosi. Eli jos haluat jotain pyykata ja laitella niin komeroon on ahtauduttava ja ovi pistettava kiinni. Voitte hyvin kuvitella ettei kauheesti tee mieli aikaa viettaa siella ja tavarat onkin lahinna vaan heitelty sinne ja jos komeroon on joutunut sulkeutumaan niin se siella vietetty aika on ollut kaiken kaikkiaankin minimaalinen. Kaaos on siis ollut taattu.
Kaaos on nyt taltutettu taman jarjestelyinnostuksen ansiosta. Ja tottakai piti ottaa before and after kuvat! ;-P Ihan itseani varten jos ei muuten. Jos toiveena on etta tytot pitaisi oman huoneensa siistina niin saman toiveen voisin esittaa itselleni taman komeron suhteen. Siella on ehka hiukkasen mukavampi olla se minimaalista minimaalisempi aika kun se on nain siisti kuin nyt on.

Now that I've gotten into organising/cleaning mode, lets continue. You may laugh as much as you want. :D I was laughing also, before and after.
I'm taking about my laundry closet. HAH! It's indeed a closet, which has connections for a washing machine and dryer. We have a closet which is a about 12 feet long and 5 feet wide where our local standard size (huge in comparison with those sold in Finland) machines just about fit through the door. What makes things difficult is the fact that the door opens inside the closet and won't open completely as it hits the washing machine's tray's corner. I can force it open (which I did for the pictures). I had to come up with some kind of shelving solution (the cheapest possible as I don't really want to spend lots of money on something that might have to be taken down sooner rather than later). Behind the door, between the shelves and the wall there's just enough room for our three laundry baskets. Not the easiest to get to when you take laundry in. So, if I want to do some laundry, I have to get in the closet and close the door so that I have room to operate. You can easily imagine that it has not been very inspiring to do that and as a result the place have become pretty much a constant chaos. Everything is on top of the machines as it's hard to get to the shelves. So the time spent in the closet has been the bare minimum.
Now the chaos has been defeated thanks to this organising frenzy. And of course I had to take the before and after pictures! ;-P Just for myself if nothing else. If the wish for the girls was to keep their room tidy I can wish the same thing from myself in keeping the laundry closet as tidy as it is at the moment. Now there is a bit nicer to spend the minimal amount of time needed to do laundry.



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