Ja tata tulee sitten ihan kiitettavasti taas ihan niin kuin taalla on tapana. Yolla alkoi ja sita pitaisi tulla koko torstain ja perjantain puoleenvaliin. Ennuste on reilu 30cm. Katotaan mika on lopputulos.
Jannattiin aamulla etta onko isommalla neidilla koulua. Illalla tuli viesti koulualueen johtajalta etta puolikasta koulupaivaa suunniteltiin mutta etta katsokaa aamulla uutisista etta onko koulu auki vai ei. Olihan se. Nyt sitten jannataan huomista. Suomessahan tama ei aiheuttaisi mitaan erikoisjarjestelyja mutta taalla nama myrakat yleensa sekottaa kaiken. Ja riippuen siita kuinka monta lumipaivaa talvella on siirtyy myoskin koulun loppuminen kesalla. Toistaiseksi ollaan viela 17.6. aikataulussa.
Mina jarjestelin kaikki neulontapuikot ja virkkuukoukut. Aika hyva tilanne on. Ei tarvitse paljon mitaan ostella. Ja aiti toi oman varastonsa ja sain sielta taydennysta isoihin kokoihin. :) Aidit on sitten ihania!
And it's going to snow a lot again as it usually does when it snows. It started sometime during the night and it's been snowing since and it's not going to stop until mid Friday. The prediction is about 12inches/30cm. Let's see how things go.
We were waiting to see if Big Miss would have school in the morning. In the evening we got a phone call from the superintendent saying that if the school was on it would be half day and that we'd find out from the news in the morning if the school was cancelled. It was open. Now we are waiting to see what the decision is for tomorrow. In Finland this kind of snow storm would not create any special arrangements but here all snow storms create special arrangements. And depending on how many snow days there are the end of school will move later in the summer. So far we're still on for 17.6.
I arranged all my knitting needles and crochet hooks. I'm pretty well covered. I don't have to buy much anything anymore. And my mother brought hers so that I could fill mine with things she don't need anymore. :) Mother's just are wonderful!
Lunta, eipä juuri täällä ole. Nauttikaa te nyt lumesta. :)
VastaaPoistaMinä ajattelin, että ei enää tarvitsisi tullakaan, kun ei joulunakaan yhtään ollut. Kevät saa tulla!! :)
Nyt aamulla lunta on tuossa takapihalla ulkopoydan paalla 30cm. Maassa varmaan enemman silla yolla oli niin kova tuuli etta lunta on pyryttanyt oikein kunnolla. Eilen paivalla tuli noin 15cm and yolla siis samanmoiset. Lumentulo jatkuu viela.... varmaan tuonne puolille paiville. Lopputuloksena varmasti lahelle 40cm.
PoistaWe got maybe an inch in some areas around Nashville, and at least two school districts were closed yesterday... I started to organize my yarns and needles the other day... and now all I hear from the hubby is that "you should make a New Year's resolution not to buy more yarn until old ones are used." Bleh.
VastaaPoistaSnow day here today. A foot of snow altogether. And i don't believe in New Year's resolutions like that. :) I wouldn't pay attention to your husband at all. ;-P Yarn makes you happy. You're happy, he's happy, home is happy!!!
PoistaI just checked the weather for the next 10 days, seems it's gonna get bit colder in about a week or so, but still, not too much snow in store for us.
VastaaPoistaYAY! Sounds good! I would think the constant wet and rain is not very nice.