I did promise to shine some light on how I store and organise my sewing patterns. I know all are not interested in this by any means but oh well, here we go. :)
1. Minulla on iso laatikko, IKEAn iso pahvilaatikko.
I have a box, big IKEA cardboard box.
2. Talta laatikko nayttaa kun kannen ottaa pois.
This is how it looks when I take the lid off.
3. Ensimmaisena siella on tussi, teippi, tarralappuja ja muovitasukuja.
First I have some tape, Sharpie, sticky notes and sheet protectors.
4. Sitten sielta loytyy kaupasta ostetut kaavat omissa pusseissaan.
Next I have all store bough patterns in their individual packaging.
5. Muut kaavat on laitettu tallaisiin kansioihin. Jokainen kansio on merkitty esim, Ottobre tai Mekkotehdas tai mista kaava nyt sitten ikina onkin. (Koska muovitaskut ovat vahan liian korkeita kansion merkintoja ei tassa kuvassa nay muta kun niita selaa niin ne nakyy oikein mukavasti, usko tai ala.)
Rest of the patterns have been placed in these kind of folders. Each folder has been marked with from where the pattern came from e.g. Ottobre, Mekkotehdas. (Because the sheet protectors are so tall the labels do not show in this picture but when you start leafing through the folders all labels are easily visible believe it or not.)
6. Tassa yksittainen kaavakansio.
Here's an individual pattern folder.
7. Kun avaan kansion niin naen muovitaskut. Kansiossa saattaa olla useampia taskuja. Jokaisessa taskussa on yhden vaatteen kaavat. Jos olen samasta lahteesta tehnyt useamman kaavan niin ne on kaikki samassa kansiossa.
When I open it there are the sheet protectors, each containing a pattern. There might be several sheet protectors each containing the patterns pieces for one piece of clothing. If I have made other clothes from the same source I can find all in this folder.
8. Jokainen muovitasku on merkitty pienella tarralapulla (joka on varuiksi kiinnitetty viela toisesta reunasta teipilla) mika vaate on kyseessa, mika koko ja mista lahteesta.
Each sheet protector has been marked with a small sticky note (which has been secured just in case with a little bit of tape) which piece of clothing it is, what size it is and from which source.
9. Jokainen kaavanpalanen on myos merkitty samoilla tiedoilla.
Each pattern piece has also been marked with the same information as above.
10. Ja loytyyhan se nimilappukin sille kansiolle sielta. :D
Ja there's the folder label as well. :D
Kaikilla tuntuu olevan omanlaisensa systeemi ja tama toimii minulla. Ottobren kaavat olen toistaiseksi pitanyt lehden valissa ja lehdet on lehtilansiossa. Asiaan voi tulla muutos jossain vaiheessa mutta nyt ainakin nain.
Everyone seem to have their own systems and this works for me. Ottobre magazine patterns I have so far kept between my magazines and the magazines themselves in a magazine folder/box. I might change that at some point but at least now it can stay as it is.
I've been buying lots of storage boxes lately, and it's like in a couple of days they get filled up with all sorts of stuff..
VastaaPoistaI'm in desperate need of more boxes like these from IKEA. And yes, there always seems to be stuff to fill them up with. :D
PoistaAdorable!!!! Would you like to come and organize my patterns too? :-)
VastaaPoistaAny time, if you get the supplies and pay for my trip! :D LOL
PoistaLOL - sounds like a plan!
PoistaOh definitely! :D Just need to get my foot sorted out! :)
PoistaHi, just found your blog : ) wonderful idea - I could do with some organisation on that scale! : )
VastaaPoistaHi Sian and welcome! :D I'm glad you found my blog. And this is a great little organisation job and not too overwhelming at all.
PoistaIhanan siisti laatikko ja hyvä säilytysjärjestelmä. Saanko apinoida ideasi?
VastaaPoistaKiitti! Ma tykkaan kanssa tosta kun nain saan pidettya kaavat siististi jarjestyksessa. Eika ole vaikea homma. Ja TOTTAKAI saat apinoida! Jos siita on apua etta taman jaoin niin hyva mieli siita vaan tulee. Hei muuten, laittasitko mulle sahkopostia jossain vaiheessa...... vahan kangasasioissa kohom.... ina(at)xenway.com