lauantai 13. huhtikuuta 2013

Talojuttuja / House stuff

Lupasin paivitysta talojuttujen kanssa ja tassa sita sitten tulee.
1) Se talo josta jo juttelinkin ei tule olemaan meidan uusi koti. Talossa ei sinansa mitaan vikaa mutta tontti on ihan pohko. En muistanutkaan kuinka kalteva se oli. Hyva vaan talvella pulkkamaeksi mutta ei oikein muuten. Tontti on iso ja suurimmaksi osaksi kayttokelvoton. Hintapyynto taivaissa niin kuin aikaisemmin kerroin.  Se siita.
2) Kavin eilen katsomassa kaksi taloa. Yksi ihan vaarassa paikassa moottoritien varressa. Ehdoton EI. Toinen olikin sitten minusta aivan unelma takalaisia taloja ajatellen. Piha oli aidattu valmiiksi ja tilaa olis niin tyttojen kuin koirankin juosta. Kellariin olisi saanut mahdollisesti sen mun saunankin (olis kylla toita vaatinut) ja isannan kotiteatterin. Tanaan kaytiin uudestaan niin etta miehenikin naki sen. Lyhyesta virsi kaunis: ei tule siitakaan meidan kotia. Ei sytyttanyt miesta useammastakin syysta. Suurin oli se etta talo oli hinnoiteltu hieman alakanttiin etta herattaa kiinnostusta. Maanantaina puoleenpaivaan mennessa pitaisi antaa suljetut tarjoukset. Katsojia oli sen reilun puolen tunnin aikana kun me olimme siella ainakin yhdeksan muuta perhetta. Kiinnostusta on ja jos talon meinaa saada niin pitaa tarjota kunnolla pyyntihinnan yli. Viikonlopun aikana paikan paalla varmasti kay 30 potentiaalista ostajaperhetta. HUH! Ei semmosen maaran kanssa tekisi mieli lahtea edes kilpailemaan. Tarjoukset ovat siis suljetut eli kukaan ei saa tietaa tarjousten maaraa etukateen vaikka niita jo tanaan annettaisiinkin.
3) Tilanne ahdistaa suunnattomasti. Markkinat kayvat kuumana. Myyjien kulta-aikaa. Kysyntaa on mutta ei tarjontaa. Jos olisi rahaa kaytossa hiukan enemman niin voisi melkein valita haluamansa eika tarvitsisi kilpailla tassa mahdottomassa hintaluokassa.  Mistas sen ylimaaraisen rahan loytaisi?

I promised updates in regards of our house hunting.
1) The house I mentioned before is not going to be our new home. The house itself is ok but the the plot is funny. I didn't remember how big slope there was at the back yard. It's good in the wintertime for sledding but other than that it's pretty much useless. The plot is big but we are not able to use it. And the house is way over priced. That's that.
2) Yesterday I went to see two houses. One was in totally wrong place right next to a motorway. Absolute NO. The other one was pretty much what we were looking for (in my opinion). The yard was fenced and well big enough for the girls and dog to run around. The basement had potential for my sauna (with some work) and my husband's cinema room.  Today we went again so that my husband was able to see it. Long story made short: it won't be our new home either. For several reasons it did not spark my husband's interest in the way it did mine. The biggest issue being that the house was priced a little under it's value so that they can get as much attention as possible and people going through the house. If you want the house you'll pay over asking price.  While we were there there were also 9 other families and I'm sure plenty others were going as well during the weekend.  I would guess at least 30 potential buyer families will walk through it. And offers are expected on Monday  by noon. WOW! We definitely don't want to compete with that kind of amount of potential buyers. The offers will be sealed so it's just guessing game how much you should offer to beat others.
3) The situation is extremely stressful and I'm getting anxious. The market moves super fast in terms of good properties are gone in a flash. Lots of buyers not much in terms of inventory out there. If only we had a bit more money to use so that we wouldn't have to compete in the "worst" (most prospective buyers) price range. If we did we could basically pick from several which one to get. But where to find that extra money?

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