Nyt on tama villi lauma kesytetty ja niilla on oma koti. Tein niille kankaasta korin. Koria voi kayttaa kummin pain vain eli jos kyllastyy yhteen "luukkiin" niin sitten kaannetaan kori ympari ja taas mennaan uudella, tuoreella kuosilla.
Omat kankaani oli ohutta puuvillaa eli tarvitsin sinne valiin tukikankaan. Valitsin ehka vahan liian paksun mutta eipa tuo pahakaan ole. Pysyypa ainakin pystyssa. Jos kankaiksi valitsisi tukevaa sisustuskangasta tukikangasta tuskin tarvitaan. Pinterest on taynna erilaisia kangaskoriohjeistuksia. Eika ole muuten vaikea projekti. Tutkailin niita useampia ja sovelsin sitten niista. Lautanen, viivotin ja laskin oli hyvana apuna etta saatiin oikean kokoiset palat. Oranssin kankaan kanssa taisi tulla joku mittahaikka koska se vaikutti jonkun verran isommalta. Mutta se ei tassa menoa haitannut.
Varit korissa ei ehka osu ihan meidan keittioon (meilla enemmankin punaisia kippoja esilla) mutta oli niin kauniin syksyiset kankaat. Ja koriahan voi kayttaa muuallakin. Voisinpa vaikka tehda toisenkin korin, joka istuu paremmin keittion varimaailmaan.
PS: Valitettavasti kuvaushetkena keittio ei ollut kuvauskunnossa. HAH! Kaansin myoskin korin reunan vahan alemmaksi ettei purkkeja tarvitse kamalan syvalta kalastella.
Our kitchen counter has been home for a random bunch of pill bottles. There's children's vitamins, adult vitamins, aspirin, xylitol pastils and gum etc. If they are not visible and handy you forget they exist. But the chaos they create in not desirable.
Now this wild bunch has been tamed and they have a home. I made a fabric bucket/basket. It's basically double sided so when you get bored with one side flip it over and you're good to go with a fresh look again.
My own fabric for this were think cotton so I used some interfacing in between. Maybe I chose a bit too thick interfacing but it's not bad at all. At least it will stand upright on its own. If I was to use thicker canvas type home decorating fabric I don't think I would need interfacing. Pinterest is full of tutorials for fabric buckets. And it's not a difficult project by any means. I had a look at several tutorials and then went from there modifying my own way. A plate, ruler, and calculator were a good help to determine the right size for all pieces. I must have measured the orange fabric a bit off as it seemed a bit bigger than I meant it to be. But it really doesn't matter in this project.
The colours in the basket at not really compatible with red which spots in our kitchen but they had such beautiful autumn colours. And I could make another one which would sit better in the colour world of our kitchen.
PS: Unfortunately at the time of taking the photos our kitchen was not in a condition to be photographed. HAH! I also turned the edge of the bucket down a bit more than visually nice so that we don't have to go fishing for the bottles from very deep.
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