keskiviikko 7. elokuuta 2013

Nyt on mita odottaa / Now we got something to wait for

Kolme vuotta sitten kavimme siella ja lokakuun lopulla mennaan taasen. Kaksi viikkoa Floridassa. Ensin Florida Keys ja sitten Disney World! Tuskin maltan odottaa! Tassa vahan tunnelmia edelliselta reissulta, joka oli isomman neidin 4-vuotis syntymapaiva yllatys. Tamakin matka on yllatys tytoille ja toiselle synttari-yllari. (Mukana oli anoppi ja mina odotin pikku neitia.) Kuvien laatu on vahan mita sun sattuu kun nappasin ne FBsta enka severimme syovereista.

Three years ago we went there and at the end of October we will go again. Two weeks in Florida. First Florida Keys and then Disney World! I can hardly wait! Here's some pictures from the previous trip which was the 4th birthday surprise for the Big Miss. This one again will be a surprise trip for the girls and b-day surprise for the bigger one. (My mother-in-law joined us and I was pregnant with Little Miss.) The quality of the pictures are bit this and that as I grabbed them from FB instead of from the depths of our server.

4 kommenttia:

  1. Ihanaa, ihanaa!
    Kunnon pitkä loma on tulossa, aikamoinen rupeama sulla onkin takana.

    1. Ma olen ihan innoissani. Mutta paivia loman alkuun on yli 80. Paras olla ajattelematta koko lukua. Menee toivottavasti nopeammin.

  2. Oh how exciting! The girls' will love it! So nice to have a trip to look forward to once the weather starts to cool.

    1. I know the girls will be overjoyed and enjoy every minute of it as will us, the parents. Last time half the fun was to see the Big Miss round eyed with wonder and having so much fun!
