Isanta halusi kasata sangyn heti ettei tarvitse sunnuntaita tuhlata siihen. No, me sitten kasattiin sita yhteistuumin pari tuntia illalla kotiutumisen ja ruoan jalkeen.
Neidit paasivat kumpainenkin nukkumaan omaan uuteen sankyyn viime yoksi. Talle paivalle lupasin pienemmalle prinsessakatoksen sankyyn. Olisin kovasti halunnut tehda oman version mutta se mita ajattelin ei ollut miehen mieleen, koska kattoon olisi tarvinnut porata reika koukkua varten. Eli otamme ison neidin vanhan prinsessakatoksen kayttoon.
Isompi neiti oli erityisen iloinen uudesta sangysta. Ainoa hirvityksen aihe on etta jos han vaikka putoaa siita. No, ei pudonnut. Nukkui seinaa vasten ja tilaa uudessa sangyssa on vaikka kuinka kun leveytta on kokonainen metri.
Pikkuneiti puolestaan oli ylivasynyt kun paasi nukkumaan ja sen takia oli vahan itkuinen. Kolme kertaa (ajatelkaa- vain kolme kertaa) palautin sankyyn, jonka jalkeen neiti sinne jai ja nukahti. Katsotaan miten tanaan kay. Harjoittelua ison tyton sangyssa nukkumisessa siis.
So we finally decided together on the new bed for Big Miss and we returned to IKEA without the girls (thanks to a friend who offered to look after them). Saturday afternoon and IKEA is not something you look forward to. However, we needed only the aisle and bin numbers for the items and then out of there as quickly as we could. The bed is Brimnes if someone is wondering.
My dear husband wanted to put the bed together immediately so that he wouldn't have to spend his Sunday doing that. So we were putting it together for 2 hours after dinner.
Both misses got to sleep in their new beds last night. For today I promised the Little Miss a princess canopy for her bed. I wanted to make my own version but my husband was against drilling a hole on the ceiling for a hook which I would have needed. So we will use the old one Big Miss had when she was younger.
Big Miss is extremely happy about her new bed. The only thing she was a bit worried was about falling out of bed. Well, she did not fall off. She slept her back agains the wall and she's got plenty of space in it with a whole meter of width.
Little Miss on the other hand was over tired when she got to go to bed and because of it a bit teary. Three times (can you believe - only three times) I returned her to her bed after which she stayed there and fell asleep. Lets see how we do today. Practising how to sleep in the big girl bed.
Oi uudet sängyt! toivottavasti lähtee nukkumiset rullaamaan. Ihanan raikkaat pussiksest ja hauskat unikaverit siellä :)
VastaaPoistaSiis isommalla uusi sanky ja pienemmalla isomman vanha mutta uusi hanelle. Pussilakanat on kanssa IKEASta. Toinen puoli valkoinen punaisilla palloilla toinen punainen valkoisilla palloilla. Valkoinen puoli on pehmeampaa materiaalia. Miksikohan? Toistaiseksi ollaan paasty yhdella sankyyn palauttamisella niin paikkareilla kun nyt younille mentaessakin eli ihan hyvin menee. :)
PoistaThe beds look great! I love the polka dot duvet covers and that stuffed dog toy.
VastaaPoistaI like the beds too. And I love the fact that it has two big drawers. I put all the stuffed animals in them for now. Out of sight, out of mind. The stuffed dog is called George! I made him for Little Miss for Christmas. And the Polka dot duvet covers are also from IKEA. I love the duvet covers. They are so fresh!