keskiviikko 17. heinäkuuta 2013


Meista on tullut pupun hoitajia. Ystavame lahtivat lomalle Suomeen ja lupasimme pitaa huolta Stella-pupusta silla aikaa. Stella saa oleilla omalla pihallaan, omassa kopperossaan ja me kaymme hanta siella sitten hoitelemassa ja pitamassa huolen, etta neitokaisella on ruokaa ja juotavaa. Tytot ottavat asian hyvin vakavasti ja yhdessa tayttivat ruokakupit ja vesikipon ja katsoivat etta koppi oli siisti ja heinia oli tarjolla. Sai Stella vahan herkkujakin: paprikaa ja parsakaalia.
Silla aikaa kun Stella sai jaloitella ja nauttia hetkellisesta vapaudestaan niin me nautimme ulkona olemisesta. On vaan edelleenkin niin tuskaisen kuuma ja kostea. Onneksi piha oli suhteellisen varjoisa eli siina nyt jaksoi ollakin. Tytot leikkivat ja juoksentelivat, syotiin vahan evasta ja kasteltiin ystaviemme tomaatit ja muut kasvit.
Joku paiva kun ei ole niin kuuma otan koiruuden mukaan. Ystaviemme piha on aidattu niin ettei herra paase omille teilleen. Paasee hankin nauttimaan ulkona olemisesta vahan toisella lailla. Voi kuinka kaipaankaan omaa kunnon pihaa, jonka saisi aidattua niin tytoille kuin koirallekin.

We have become bunny caretakers. Our friends left for a holiday in Finland and we promised to take care of their bunny Stella while they are gone. Stella gets to stay home in her own yard, in her own little area and house. We go there to feed and water her and let her run a bit. The girls are taking this rather seriously and together they filled the water bowl as well as food bowls, made sure that Stella's house was clean and that she had some hay for her. She did get some goodies as well: some bell pepper and broccoli.
While Stella enjoyed her run-around time, we enjoyed being outside. It's still so unbearably hot and humid. Luckily their yard is mostly in the shade so we managed there. Girls were playing and running around, we had little snack and watered our friends vegetable garden before we left.
One day when it's not so hot I'll take our dog with us. The yard is fenced off in a way so that even he cannot run off. He'll get to enjoy being outside too. Oh how I miss a proper yard for the girls and our dog.

4 kommenttia:

  1. What sweet pictures! I love the one with the girls from behind - SO adorable. Their headbands are too cute as well. That bunny looks like she's getting some extra special care. :)

    1. Thanks Anu. The girls were having a breather together in amongst all the playing and taking care of Stella and just sat together. Not a staged photo. :) Little miss's headband is reversible one I made originally for the bigger miss (and it's way too big for her). I have the link for the tutorial somewhere if you are interested. The pink one is from Finland I think.

  2. Ihana ja tunnelmallinen tuo kuva rappusilta. Suloiset siskokset!

    1. Kiitos! Suloisia juu mutta osaa ne kylla sen toisenkin saran eli kinaamisen oikein todella hyvin. ;)
