Tai siis tama saa varmaan odottaa kaapissa vahan aikaa ennen kuin on sopiva. :) Tein isommalle neidille mekon tulevaa syksya ja koulua ajatellen. Sellainen joka menee t-paidan seka pitkahihaisen kanssa/ legginssien tai sukkahousujen kanssa.
Kyseessa on Mekkotehdas kirjan Elina mekko. Kankaaksi valikoitui Lillestofin lumikki. Aplikoin ompun mekon helmaan kankaan teemaan liittyen. Kiva yksityiskohta. Kooksi valitsin 122/128cm koska neidin pituus komeilee talla hetkella 122 centtimetrissa. Siita tuli tosi iso (ei ollut neiti paikalla sovitusvaiheessa enka jaanyt odottamaankaan). En siis edes ottanut sovituskuvaa. Pituus on ihan passeli mutta kadentiet on tosi valjat. Voisinhan vahan ratkoa......ja ottaa vahan sisaan..... mutta laiskottaa. Ehka sisuunnun vahan myohemmin ja korjaan asian mutta just nyt saa kylla olla. Ehka se ei nayta niin pahalta kun alla on paita. Eli mekko taidetaan ripustaa talla hetkella odottamaan neidin kasvamista. :)
En ole montaa mekkoa tehnyt Mekkotehdas kirjasta vaikka ne kaikki on aivan ihania. Tein aikaisemmin tytoile mekot vanhasta poytaliinasta. Kaavana oli Orelma (jos oikein muistan). Tein siinakin isommalle 122/128cm mekon. Ja se oli kanssa reilu. Eli olisin voinut viela ihan hyvin tehda yhden koon pienemman. Nyt mietinkin etta jos tekisin toisen Elinan kokoa pienemmaksi.
I think this creation will have to wait in the closet for a while before it can be used. :) I made bigger miss a dress for the coming autumn and school year. The kind that will go nicely with shirt and long sleeved t-shirt/ with leggings or tights.
The dress in question is Elina dress from Mekkotehdas book. The fabric is Lillestoff's Snow White. I appliquéd an apple on the hem according to the theme. Nice detail. I chose size 122/128cm as bigger miss is 122cm at the moment. It turned out quite a bit too big (the miss in question was not available when it was ready for fitting and I didn't want to wait). So, I did not take a picture of the dress on her. The length is perfect but the armholes are to big. I could take the seam ripper out.... and take the dress in a bit.... but I'm lazy. Maybe I get to it later if I still feel annoyed about it. And maybe it won't look quite so bad when she's wearing a shirt underneath it. But at the moment the dress is going to be hung with the rest of the "too big" clothes. :)
I have not made many dresses from the Mekkotehdas book even though they are all absolutely lovely. I made earlier dresses for the girls from an old table cloth. I think the pattern was Orelma from the book. I made the biggest size 122/128cm for the big miss and at least that one has room to grow. I could have easily made one size smaller with added length. Now I'm thinking of making another Elina but one size smaller.
Love the fabric. It will be a perfect back-to-school dress!
VastaaPoistaThanks Anu. I love the fabric as well. And big miss loves the dress so I have to count this a success.
PoistaHih, mikä tonttukangas :) Tosi hauska!
VastaaPoistaTontut taitaa olla kaapioita Lumikista. Mua hamas kanssa nuo punaiset hiipat mutta niihin tottuu. :)