sunnuntai 23. kesäkuuta 2013

Tuttijuttuja / Dummy issues

Olipa hauska ilta eilen ystavien kanssa. Hyvaa ruokaa, jota tuli syotya ihan liian paljon. Kuusi lasta, kikatusta, leikkimista ja ylikierroksilla kaymista. Pikkuneitikin pysyi hereilla melkein yhdeksaan asti, jolloin vieraat lahti. Hanelle laitettiin yopaita paalle aikaisemmin kun jo potkotteli lattialla mutta voi taivas mika huuto siita syntyi. Ihan kuin olisi ollut maailma loppu etta pitaa jattaa juhlat kesken.
Meilla on ollut myoskin tuttijuttuja. Tutti meni kummallisesti rikki (siihen tuli pieni lovi - Daddy vahan saksien kanssa askarteli). Eilinen paikkari meni ihan ok rikkinaista tuttia ihmetellessa. Eilinen ilta myoskin teki asiansa ja neiti nukahti heti. Neiti kuitenkin herasi jossain vaiheessa ja itkea tihrusti aina valilla. Ei auttanut halit ja paijaamiset. Annoin sitten unenpopperoiselle pikkuiselle suoraan suuhun ehjan tutin. Ja voi sita helpotuksen huokausta joka hanelta paasi. Voi minun pienta. Aamulla ehja tutti katosi kummallisesti ja rikkinainen oli taas ainoa jalejlla oleva. Paikkareille kun mentiin sangysta loytyi rikkinainen tutti. Neiti huusi 10min suoraa huutoa ennen kuin nukahti ja valitti heratessaan etta tutti on rikki. :) Nyt kuuntelen parasta aikaa kaiken maailman hopotysta ylakerrasta kun neiti tekee ties mita sangyssaan. Eipa ainakaan itke.
Taalla on ollut "huh helletta" kuuma. Eilen oltiin jo +30C. Tanaan +32C. Huomiseksi luvattu +33C ja tiistaille +34C. Koko viikko ollaan siis  +30C ylapuolella jos ennustuksiin on uskomista. Siihen kun lapsastaan kosteus paalle niin eipa sita hirveasti viitsi ulkona olla.
Tiedossa on aikamoinen sapina viikko. Saas nahda miten siita selvitaan. Siita huolimatta oikein kivaa kesaista viikkoa kaikille. :)

What a lovely evening with friends. Such delicious food, which I happened to eat way too much. Six children, lots of giggling, laughter and screaming, playing as well as being a bit high strung. Even the little miss stayed awake until nearly nine pm when the guest left. We did change her into her night gear earlier as she was flopping on the floor but oh my what a fuss she put up. It was like the end of the world. So she stayed awake.
We have also had dummy issues. The dummy suddenly and quite mysteriously broke (a small wedge appeared into it - courtesy of Daddy's cutting abilities). Yesterdays nap went pretty much wondering about the broken dummy. Last night with all its excitement did its trick and she fell asleep immediately. However, few hours later she started whimpering and nothing helped. Not even the cuddles. So I gave in and gave the sleepy girl a whole dummy. You should have heard the sigh/shudder of relief she let out and went straight to sleep. My little baby. In the morning the whole dummy disappeared very quickly leaving the broken one left. Today she cried and screamed for 10mins at nap time. and when she woke up she complained that her dummy was broken. :) Now I'm listening all kinds of noises she's making in her bed. At least she's not crying.
It's been quite hot here. Yesterday is was +30C. Today it was +32C. Tomorrow it's supposed to be +33C and tomorrow +34C. According to the forecast we'll be above +30C the whole week. When you add the humidity to the equation it's a combination which really does not make you want to be outside.
I'm going to have one busy week. Let's see how I'll manage. Wishing you all a lovely summer week.

2 kommenttia:

  1. Little Pilot gave up his tutti quite easily at about 12 months, but the bottle has been a different story. Co-pilot prefers his thumb which is something much harder to stop. It sounds like your little one is doing pretty well with the transition so far. No crying is a great sign! It's been super hot and humid here too. The humidity is what makes it nearly unbearable! Try and stay cool. :)

    1. Lets hope things get better. Last night starte off so well. She fell asleep without the dummy. First big miss woke up with nightmares. She tried 2 times in her own bed before I gave in and made a nest on our floor. Then the little one starte crying. She had an accident (wee wee leak) and woke up because of that. Well, you can believe after I changed her bed and her nappy and nightie that she was wide awake. She wanted to go playing...... especially after she realised her sister was not in the room. Tears again....... my husband gave in and gave her a dummy: she went straight to sleep with a content little sigh. I hope she doesn't get the idea now to start waking up during the night and wants the dummy. And yes the humidity is terrible. I took our dog out at 6am this morning.... it was already +25C and was like walking to a wall of humidity. Not going to be very pleasant next few days.
