sunnuntai 16. kesäkuuta 2013

Halaus / Hug

Taalla vietetaan tanaan isainpaivaa. Meilla isi herasi omia aikojaan ( ei halunnut aamupalaa sankyyn kun ei muutenkaan pahemmin aamiaista syo). Lahjottiin siis ilman aamupalaa.
Muuten ollut aika hiljainen ja normaali paiva. Pesin pyykkit pois. Kavin kaupassa ja vietin hetken aikaa ystavan kanssa. Mutta jos oma iloni oli rajatonta nahda ystava pitkasta aikaa niin olisittepa nahnyt sen halauksen joka isompi neiti ja ystavani tytar nakivat toisensa. Siina tuli niin tytoille kuin aideillekin tippa silmaan.
Nailla kahdella on aika uskomaton suhde. Ovat BFF (best friends forever). Tai niin ainakin vaittavat. Aika bipolaarista touhua ulkopuolisen silmissa. Valilla ollaan niin hyvaa kaveria ja leikit sujuu mita parhaimmin ja seuraavassa sekuniisa lelut lentelee ja huuto raikuu ja leikkitreffit on ohi sen saman tien. Meita on yleensa sentaan kaksi aikuista paikalla poliisina..... HUH! :D Mutta tytot olivat kovin onnellisia jalleennakemisesta. Ihan yhtalailla niin kuin aiditkin.

We've been celebrating Fathers' day here. Our daddy woke up on his own (he did not want breakfast in bed as he doesn't eat one any other time either). So we gave him his gifts without the breakfast.
Otherwise it's bee pretty quiet day. I did all the laundry. I went grocery shopping and spent few moments with a friend. If I was overjoyed of seeing my friend back home you should have seen the hug our daughters gave each other. Us mums had tears in our eyes but so did the girls.
These two have pretty unbelievable relationship. They are BFF according to each other. But it's pretty bipolar relationship at least if you are an outsider and watch. One moment they really are as thick as thieves and the next toys are flying and there's yelling and the play date is over. There's usually two adults (us mums) to police and still..... WHOA! :D But the girls were still extremely happy to see each other again. Just as were their mothers.

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