torstai 22. elokuuta 2013

Mihin havisi pari paivaa? / Where did few days disappear?

Pari paivaa on hurahtanut ohi sellaisella vauhdilla ettei ole pahemmin kerennyt blogin paivittamista miettimaan.
Hulluuspuuska tuli takaisin ja nyt on puunattu olohuonetta. Sohvanpaalliset vaihdettu. Lattia jai viela pesematta ja vahaamatta mutta onhan aina huominen. Toivottavasti hulluus jatkuu, lattia nimittain jaa kylla tekematta ilman sita.
Taloasioita on mietitty ja mietitty ja mietitty. Asioita ja vaihtoehtoja ja kysymyksia on pyoritelty paassa niin etta paata sarkee. Eika valitettavasti olla tultu hullua hurskaammaksi. Vahan vaikuttaa silta ettei tamakaan talo ole se oikea meille...... tai siis olisi varmasti jos olisi lottovoitto takataskussa.
Tana aamuna kavimme tapaamassa osaa isomman neidin tulevista luokkakaveresita. Yhden tyton aiti oli  pyytanyt kaikki luokassa aloittavat tytot paikalle muutamaksi tunniksi leikkimaan. Kaikki kahta lukuunottamatta olikin paikalla ja heilla tuntui olevan oikein mukavaa ja kaikki leikkivat kaikkien kanssa.
Sain sen petrolin sinisen koukkuilun valmiiksi. Pitaisi hoyryttaa ja ottaa mallauskuvat mutta ei hirmuisesti tee mieli vetaista villaista paalle kun lampotila on useita asteita paalle 30C + kosteus. Eli se jaakoon viela kuvaamatta ja paljastamatta.
Pari muutakin kasityoprojetia on jo mielessa. Kankaatkin valmiina. Nyt vaan pitaisi paasta hommiin.

Past few days have gone by with such speed that I have not even had a chance to think about updating the blog.
The madness came back and now I've been cleaning the lounge. I changed the sofa covers. Didn't wash and was the floor yet but there's always tomorrow. I hope this cleaning frenzy will continue as I know the floor won't get done without it.
We've been thinking and thinking and thinking house things. All kinds of issues and alternatives and questions have been pondered on. And unfortunately things don't seem to get any clearer. It's starting to look like that this house is not ours either..... well it would be if we had won the lottery.
This morning we went to meet some of Big Miss's future classmates. One mother had invited all girls from the class together to play together before the school starts. All but two were present and they all seemed to have lots of fun playing together.
I finished the bluish crochet project. I just need to steam it and take photos but I don't really feel like putting on anything made out of wool when it's over +30C and humid. So, you just have to wait for the reveal of that one.
Few other projects are on my mind. Fabrics are ready. Now I just need to find the time for them.

2 kommenttia:

  1. Love that photo of little miss! I really need to get into a cleaning frenzy around here, but it's a losing battle it seems with all the construction dust. :)

  2. Thanks Anu, it was just a quick snap but it turned out so lovely. :) I'm happy that we don't have any construction dust. I would probably give up completely and wait until it's all done. ;)
