tiistai 27. toukokuuta 2014

Prinsessajuhlat osa 2 / Princess party part 2

Ohjelmana meilla juhlissa oli kortin tekemista, pussaa sammakko (vahan niin kuin aasille hanta) leikki, isoin prinsessa luki pienemmille prinsessasadun, anna paketin kiertaa  -leikki (pass the parcel - en tieda mika se oikeastaan on suomeksi) ja etsimme aarteita pihalta. Osan vieraista lahdettya tytot kesivat laittaa tanssipelin paalle ja yhdessa sita sitten tanssittiin ja kivaa oli.
Nuorin oli meidan prinsessa, 3v. Vanhin oli 16-vuotias prinssi. Naista tuli ihan kunnon perhejuhlat kun paikalla oli ystavia ja lasten ikahaarukkakin oli noin iso. Ihanaa kun isot prinssit voivat osallistua myos prinsessajuhliin ja tanssia muiden mukana.
Jossain vaiheessa juhlia synttarisankari "kadotti" tuhkimomekkonsa ja hyppelehti shortseissa ja topissa ja vaihtoi sitten sujuvasti Ariel-mekkoon.
Ehdottomasti onnistuneet juhlat!
Taaskin kuvauksen on hoitanut sekalainen joukko vanhempia.

We had program for the children. They decorated cards, they kissed the frog, the biggest princess read a princess story to the smaller ones, they passed the parcel and looked for treasures outside. Some of the guest had already left when the girls decided to put the dance game on and they all danced together.
Youngest was our princess 3 years. Oldest was a 16-year-old prince. We had a proper family party with friends celebrating with us and the ages of the children varying so much. It's wonderful that big princes can also take part in princess parties and dance away with the others.
At some point of the party the birthday girls lost her Cinderella dress and then changed into Ariel dress.
Absolutely a success!
And again the photo credits go to a mixed bunch of parents.

4 kommenttia:

  1. Aww, looks the perfect princess party! The guests had totally adorable dresses <3

    1. it was pretty perfect! :) I was so happy how things turned out in all fronts. Definitely worth all the work and prep.

  2. It looks like Little Miss had a wonderful time. Such cute party games and dresses.

    1. We all had so much fun! She keeps asking now if it's her birthday again! ;)
