sunnuntai 30. marraskuuta 2014

Ensimmainen adventti / First Advent

Myos meilla sytettiin tanaan ensimmainen adventtikynttila. Isomman neidin kanssa juteltiin miksi se sytytetaan nyt. Pienempi ihasteli liekkia ja havisi leikkeihinsa. 

We lit the First Advent candle today as in many homes. Big Miss and I talked about why we light these candles one at a time. Little Miss was awwww:ing at the flame and disappeared to play.

Jouluradion Hoosiannan kuuntelin eilen illalla netin kautta. Kaunis oli tama versio. Siksi haluankin jakaa sen teidan kaikkien kanssa. Oikein ihanaa ensimmaista adventtia!

In Finland we have Christmas radio that plays only Christmas music from the first advent until January 6th. The first song every year is  Hoosianna. I listened to it last night. This year's version was beautiful. That's why I want to share it with you all. Have a lovely First Advent!

perjantai 28. marraskuuta 2014

Eteinen jalkeen / Our mudroom after

Sepostukset ja kuvat meidan eteisen tilasta tuli postattua pari paivaa sitten. Jotain parannusta on tilanteeseen tullut ja siita olen tyytyvainen.  Kuvat siina edellisessa eteispostauksessa on otettu noin kolmisen viikkoa sitten, jonka jalkeen muutos tapahtui ja nyt olemme elaneet uuden eteisen kanssa kolme viikkoa. Ja hyvin tuloksin toistaiseksi. 

The story and pictures of our mudroom was posted few days ago. Some progress has been made in terms of the chaos and I'm very happy. The pictures in that previous post were taken about 3 weeks ago, after which a change happened pretty much immediately and now we've been living with the new arrangement for three weeks. Good results so far. 

Kengat saivat uuden kodin. IKEA oli pelastajana ja ostettiin muutenkin kapeaan tilaan kapoinen Hemnes kenkalaatikosto. Alempi osa lapsille, ylempi aikuisille. Suurin osa aikuisten kengista onkin eteisen kaapissa. Koiruuden hihnat, kakkapussit, haukkupannat loysivat uuden kodin kenkalaatikoston ylimmasta laatikosta. Tassupyyhe muutti asustamaan ihan ulko-oven viereen. 

Shoes got a new home. IKEA was the saviour this time and we bought a narrow Hemnes shoe cabinet to the already narrow space. The lower part is for the children, upper part for adults. Most of the adult shoes were already living in the closet. Doggy's lead, poopy bags, citronella collar found a new home in the top drawer of the cabinet. Towel for drying paws was moved next to the front door. 

Matotkin loytyi IKEAsta (budjetti tahan hommaan ei ollut kamalan iso) ja nyt ei ihan jokainen kuralaiska nay matossa niin kuin entisissa vaaleissa. Vahan olen viela kolmannen samanlaisen hankkimista miettinyt. Sen laittaisin poikittain  niin etta eteiseen tultaessakin olisi lattia vahan suojattu. Nyt kun talvikeleilla on kengat marat ja taalla kun tykataan kylvaa tuota suolaa niin ei olisi kaikki moska suoraan puulattiassa. 
The rugs were a find also from IKEA (my budget was not very big for this transformation) and now every single mud stain or other dirt doesn't show in the rugs as they did in the previous light ones. I have been thinking of getting a third one to put vertically so that there would be a rug entering the mudroom. Now that winter is here and shoes are wet with snow and salt which they quite freely put on the roads I would prefer to have not all that muck on the wooden floors.

Naulakko oli ongelma. Nyt se on varattu vain isojen vaatteille. Tytot saivat oman naulakkonsa. Taasen IKEAsta (yllari pyllari). Loysin nama varikkaat nupit vahan tuomaan varia eteiseen. (Paketissa oli kolme pienempaakin nuppia mutta laitoin vain nama kaksi isoa.) Ne ovat katevat siita etta ne voi kiinnittaa joko ruuvilla tai sitten tarralla. Mina valitsin tarran mutten nuppien omaa tarraa vaan Command kiinnitystarran. En ollut ollenkaan varma miten natisti nupit saisi irti tarvitessa seinasta enka haluaisi siihen ruveta ruuvailemaan mitaan koska puupinta on vaikea korjata. Niinpa paadyin kayttamaan Command tarroja. Nuppeihin ei kuitenkaan tule paljoa painoa eli niiden pitaisi riittaa. Mutta nyt on siis muksujen takeille omat paikat ja kumpikin ylettaa niihin mukavasti. Pienemmasta on hurjan kivaa kun saa itse laittaa takin nuppiin. 

The coat hooks were a problem. Now they are reserved only for big people. Girls got their own hooks. Again from IKEA (big surprise). I found these colourful knobs to bring a spot of colour in the mudroom. They are quite handy as you can attach them either by screwing them into the wall or with tape. I went for the tape but decided to use the Command tape. I wasn't sure at all how neatly I could get the knobs off the wall if I used the tape on them already and I didn't want to screw anything on the wall as wooden wall is hard to fix to look like new. So I decided to go with the Command tape. There's not going to be very much weight on the knobs so they should be ok. Now the children have their own place to hang their coats and both can reach them nicely. Little Miss loves to put her own coat up.

Penkin alle muutti hanskat, pipot ja huivit samoin kuin fleece haalarit ja kurahousut. Kummallekin muksulle on oma laatikko pipojen ja hanskojen suhteen ja keskella sitten ne haalarit ja kurahousut. Aikaisemmin molemmilla oli kaksi laatikkoa ja tavarat tuntuivat menevan sekaisin kovinkin helposti. Nyt on hanskat ja muut loytaneet omat paikkansa hyvin. Keskimmaisessa kuvassa nakyy hyvin minkalaiset jaljet edellisista koreista jai maalipintaan vaikka niissa oli huopatassut. Ja penkkikin on maalattava jossain vaiheessa uudestaan. Pikkuneiti oli laittanut marat kengat penkille jossain vaiheessa ja kun ne nostettiin siita niin lahti myos maali. Taidan ommella penkille jonkinlaisen tyynyn mutta tahan hataan se ei nyt kerennyt.

Under the bench went gloves, hats and scarves as well as fleece overalls and rain gear. Both girls have now one box for their respective things and in the middle the less used things like fleece overalls and rain gear. Previously both had two boxes and things seemed to get lost and mixed up between them. Now everything seems to be going smoothly and things are finding their own places. In the middle picture you can see what kind of marks the previous boxes left on the paint even though they had felt pads on them. And the bench needs painting as well. Little Miss had put a pair of shoes on it with wet soles. When they were lifted the paint came off. I'm thinking of making a cushion for it but that's for another time.

Eteisessa ollut Expedit siirtyi siis etuoven viereen ja on nyt sitten koiran pyyhkeen ja erinaisten muitten tavaroitten koti.

Kengat osataan pistaa pois ja nyt takit loytyy nauloista sen sijaan etta ne olisivat milloin missakin. Hatut ja hanskatkin ovat loytaneen omaan koriinsa ja nyt ei tarvitse huolehtia etta tuleeko jalkia maalipintaan kun korit ovat kankaiset. Olisivat voineet olla aavisutksen isommat mutta menee kylla nain. Olen itse tyytyvainen tahan pieneen muutokseen. Se tuntuu toimivan (ainakin se on toiminut kolme viikkoa). 

The Expedit from the mudroom was moved by the front door and houses now the doggy's paw towel and various other things. 

Shoes are now finding their way to their own place and coats are found in the hooks instead of the bench or floor. Hats and mittens are also been found in their right places when you need them and I don't have to worry about marks on the paint surface as the boxes are made of fabric. They would have been a bit bigger but they will do. I'm happy with this small change. It seems to be working (at least it's been working for three weeks).

torstai 27. marraskuuta 2014

Valkoinen Kiitospaiva / White Thanksgiving

Tanaan vietetaan taalla USAssa Kiitospaivaa. Koulut loppui keskiviikkona jo puoliltapaivin ja kauppoihin ei edes uskaltanut ajatella menevansa (ei myoskaan huomenna kun on Black Friday). Meilla ei isompia suunnitelmia ole. Meidat on kutsuttu ystavien luo syomaan. 

Today USA celebrates Thanksgiving. Schools were out early on wednesday and it would have been crazy to even think about going to the stores (not to mention tomorrow which is Black Friday). We don't have any super big plans. We've been invited to dinner at our friends house.

Eilen ja viimeyon aikana saatiin myos lunta. Sita lunta itse asiassa satoi keskiviikko iltapaivasta aina aamuyolle saakka. Se oli vaan niin hirvean markaa etta osa varmasti suli saman tien ja osa oli sitten jaatyneena oksilla. Lumi putoili kovaa vauhtia puista ja sahkojohdoilta kun olimme ulkona lumitoissa. 

During yesterday and last night we got snow. It snowed from Wednesday afternoon to early hours of Thursday morning. It was just so very wet that most of it melted and some of it was also frozen on the tree branches. When we went outside the snow was falling rapidly off the branches and power lines.

Tytot tykkas tietysti hirmuisesti etta satoi lunta. Siella sita peuhattiin, tehtiin lumienkeleita, rakennettiin pikkuruinen lumiukko, laskettiin pehvamakea liukurilla ja vaikka mita muuta.

The girls loved it of course. They were playing outside for quite some time making snow angels, building a tiny snow man, sliding down the hill and did all kinds of other snow fun things. 

Mieheni paasi kokeilemaan uutukaista leluaan. :) Viime talven lumentulo yhdistettyna minun jalkaa- ja hanen selkaongelmiin varmisti lumilingon ostopaatoksen. Ja napparasti se kavikin. Sita markaa lunta olisi saanut olla kolaamassa vaikka kuinka ja kauan mutta nyt ei siis tarvinnut hikoilla asian kanssa. 

My husband got to try out his new toy. :) After last winter's snow amount combined with my foot and his back problems made it easy to decide to get a snow blower. And it was super handy. By hand we would have been there for hours as the snow was soooo heavy. Now it was a breeze and no sweat over doing the snow.

Mina toivon etta lumi pysyisi vaikka se on hyvin epatodennakoista. Kaikki on niin paljon valoisampaa ja illalla on huikea ero kayda koiran kanssa ulkona lenkilla kun on lunta tai sitten ihan sakkipimeassa. Yolla pitaisi tulla viela muutama sentti lisaa. Josko se auttaisi siihen ettei lumi ihan heti sulaisi.

I'm hoping the snow wouldn't melt even though it's highly unlikely that it would stay. Everything is so much bringer and it's a huge difference in the evening to take the dog out for his constitutional when there's snow on the ground vs. walking with him in the pitch black. We're supposed to get few more centimeters during the night. Hopefully it will help the snow to stay a bit longer.

Lumileikkien jalkeen onkin kiva juoda kaakaot, tietysti vaahtokarkeilla hoystettyna. 

Kiitollisena jatkan eteenpain. Enka ole kiitollinen vain tanaan, vaan ihan jokainen paiva. Hyvaa Kiitospaivaa kaikille!

After snow play it's lovely to have hot chocolate with marshmallows.

Not thankful only today but every day. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

keskiviikko 26. marraskuuta 2014

Eteinen ennen / Our mudroom before

Meilla on pieni eteinen autotallista tulevan oven ja varsinaisen eteisaulan valissa. Ihanaa etta sellainen on. Valitettavasti se ei ole toistaiseksi ollut kovin toimiva.

We have a little mudroom between the garage entry and our entry hallway. I love the fact that we have one. Unfortunately it's not been very functional.

Kenkia on joka puolella. Samoin reppuja. 

We've got shoes everywhere. Backpacks also.

Lisaa kenkia, reppuja, takkeja, kaikkea mahdollista. Koukut ovat liian korkealla tyttoja ajatellen eli heidan takit jaa aina joko penkille tai laittialle. Penkin alla olevat korit toimivat lasten kenkien sailytyspaikkana mutta eivat tunnu kengat loytavan omille paikoilleen.

More shoes, backpacks, coats and everything possible. The hooks are too high for the girls so their coats are always either on the floor or on the bench. The cubbies under the bench were dedicated to hold the children's shoes but they never seem to find their way back in them.

Aikuisten vaatteet ja kengat ovat kaapissa. Koiran kakkapussit nayttaisi olevan ikkunalaudalla punkkikarkotteen kanssa.

Adults' clothes and shoes were in the closet. Doggy's poopy bags are on the window sill with the tick repellant spray.

IKEAn Expedit yksikko punaisine kangaslaatikoineen on hanskojen, pipojen, lippisten, huivien, fleece haalareiden, kurahaalareiden yms koti. Koiran tavaroita loytyy ikkunalaudalta, naulakon ylapuolelta ja pyyhe nakojaan pikkuhyllykon paalta. 

Tama ei edes nayta kamalan pahalta naissa kuvissa. :D Mutta jotain oli yksinkertaisesti tehtava koska tavarat eivat loytaneet omille paikoilleen. Jotain oli siis pielessa. Niinpa sita piti pistaa mietintamyssy paahan ja seikkailla Pinterestissa katselemassa inspiraatiokuvia ja todellakin pohtia mika toimisi meidan perheessa.

Jalkeen tilanne seuraa pian! :)

IKEA's Expedit unit with the red fabric cubbies is the home for gloves, hats, caps, scarves, fleece overalls, rain rear etc. Dog's possessions are all over the place. On the window sill, above the coat hooks and his towel apparently on top of the Expedit unit.

Things doesn't even seem very bad in these pictures. :D But something simply had to be done as things weren't finding back to their own places. Something was wrong. So I had to put my thinking cap on. Some surfing around in Pinterest for ideas and really to think what would work in our family.

After situation will follow soon. :)

keskiviikko 19. marraskuuta 2014

Minun oma leipurini / My own baker

Voi kuinka onnellinen olenkaan kun minulla on ihan ikioma kotileipuri! Mina kylla teen piirakoita ja kakkuja ja kekseja mutta leivan tekeminen on toistaiseksi ollut miehen hommaa tassa perheessa. 

Oh how happy I am to have my very own baker at home! I do bake pies and cakes and cookies but so far bread making has been my husbands domain.

Kaikki taisi lahtea ruisleivasta. :) Kuinkas muutenkaan.  Kun vaimo kaipaa ruisleipaa niin pitaahan sita saada. Ostin jonkun verran Nordic Breads leipomosta netin kautta mutta sitten kun mies paatti kokeilla ruisleivan tekoa ja totesi heti ekan kerran jalkeen etta tastahan tuli hyvaa, niin han on saanut tehda ruisleivat sen jalkeen. (Kuvassa on kaksi ruisleipaa. Ovat maultaan enemman jalkiuunileivan kaltaisia mutta vahan pehmeammat koostumukseltaan.)

Everything started from Finnish rye bread. :) How else. When the wife longs for rye bread she must get it. I bought some online from Nordic Breads bakery but after my husband decided to try making rye bread and he was happy how it tasted after the first try, he's been the one to make them from then on. (In the picture are two rye breads my home baker has made.)

Han tekee myos vaaleaa leipaa. Sekaleipaa, hiivaleipaa, chiabattaa, kokojyvaa, patonkia jne. 

He also does white bread. Mixed bread, sour dough, chiabatta, whole wheat, baguette etc.

Tilaus jostain tietysta leivasta pitaa yleensa tehda maanantai/tiistai akselilla ja viikonloppuna sitten leivotaan. :) Kylla kuulkaa kelpaa syoda kotona leivottua leipaa!

If I want some particular bread I have to "order" it on Mon/Tue and weekend is baking time. :) But how fortunate we are to be able to eat home made bread!
Kylla kuulkaa kelpaa syoda kotona leivottua leipaa.

maanantai 17. marraskuuta 2014

Oma hetki kullan kallis / My own time is worth gold

Tassa jokapaivaisessa tohinassa ja touhussa valilla havahtuu sellaisiin hetkiin jolloin ei kukaan ole nykimassa hihasta tai lahkeesta, ole huutelemassa Mamia, ole pyytamassa tekemaan jotain, tai etta koti on hiljainen kun paikalla olenkin vain mina ja koira.

Sometimes in the middle of the everyday hustle and bustle one just suddenly comes aware of moments when there's no one pulling your sleeve or pant leg, calling fro Mummy, asking to do something or that the house is completely quiet when there's only me and dog present. 

Naita hetkia on aika harvoin. Vaikka pikkuneiti aloittikin "koulun" ja on poissa 3h kaksi kertaa viikossa niin olen valitettavasti joutunut antamaan periksi tassa hetkessa etta nuo kuusi tuntia olisi vain ja ainoastaan minulle ja omille jutuilleni. Jalan fysioterapia on ollut pakko ajoittaa noihin hetkiin ettei tarvitse miettia lapsenhoitajan hankkimista ja niinpa se oma aika on jaanyt aika vahiin.

These kinds of moments are rare. Even though Little Miss started pre school and is away 3h twice a week and one would think I would have some me time I've unfortunately had to give away the privilege and sacrifice them to my twice a week physical therapy sessions for my foot. This way we don't have to worry about finding a baby sitter. So my own time has been pretty scarce.

Nyt on sellainen hetki. Tosin pikkuneiti on kotosalla mutta meni juuri paivaunille (niitakaan ei enaa ihan joka paiva oteta). Koiruus makaa sohvalla ketarat kohti taivasta. Mina keitin kupposen teeta ja meinaan nauttia lounaaksi kurptsajuustokakun palasen. Huokaan ja nautin hiljaisuudesta.

Now is that kind of moment. Little Miss is home but she just went down for her nap (those will be history soon). Doggy is laying on the sofa his legs pointing the ceiling. I made a cup of tea and am going to enjoy a piece of pumpkin cheesecake for my lunch. A big sigh and I'm enjoying the silence.

perjantai 14. marraskuuta 2014

Kaksi lasta, koira ja aiti / Two children, a dog and a mother

Tassa siis evaat minun IKEA huonekalun kokoamiseen. Joku mainitsi etta olen rohkea nainen kun talla yhdistelmalla yritan kasata jotain. 

This was my group of volunteers to put an IKEA furniture together. Some one mentioned that I'm a courageous woman if I attempt actually to put something together with all of them helping. 

Siina vaiheessa kun avasin laatikon oli kaikki edella mainitut paikalla valmiina auttamaan (koira olisi ollut onnellinen saadessaan silputa pahvia mutten antanut).

But what can I do, when at the moment I start opening the card board box all of them appeared to my side ready to help (the dog would have been in heaven if I had given him permission to shred some cardboard but I didn't).

Itse IKEA reissu oli ihan mukava mita nyt muutama pettymys tuli kun ei loytynytkaan (siis heilla ei ollutkaan) jotain tavaroita joita olisin halunnut. Pikkuneidin kanssa on kiva tehda tallaisia shoppailureissuja kun han on aina iloinen eika valita. 

The trip itself to IKEA was quite nice if I don't mention few disappointments as I didn't find (they didn't have) certain things I really wanted. It's so nice to do shopping trips with Little Miss as she's always happy and doesn't complain.

Ruuveja ja nippelia ja nappelia seka niita huonekalun palasia oli vaikka mihinka suuntaan mutta isompi neideista jaksoi auttaa ja auttoi mielellaan. Olisi varmaan rakentanut koko jutun itse jos olisin antanut (tosin valilla ohjeissa neiti hyppasi vahingossa sivun yli ja jouduttiin ottamaan takapakkia - eli ehka ihan hyva ettei rakentanut sita itsekseen). 

Screws, bits and pieces as well as the furniture pieces were all over but Big Miss had the stamina to help and she was really eager as well. She probably would have built the whole thing by her self if I had let her (however she did skip a page in the instructions and we had to do some "reversing" - so maybe a good thing that I did not let her build it by herself).

Mitas me sitten rakenneltiin? Jotain osviittaa yhdesta kuvasta saa ja jos omistaa tallaisen niin sitten varmasti tietaa. Kerron kuitenkin lisaa myohemmassa vaiheessa. Saatte siis odottaa. :)

What were we building? One of the pictures gives a clue and if you own one of these then you're sure to know. I'll tell more at some point later. Happy waiting. :) 

keskiviikko 12. marraskuuta 2014

Odotushuone sukat / Waiting room socks

Loysin taman ihanan sukkamallin Novitan sivuilta. Tassa linkki ohjeeseen. 

I found this lovely sock pattern on Novita's web page. Here's a link to the pattern. (It's in Finnish.)

Naita tehtiin hartaudella. Ensin oli oltava tarkkana kuin porkkana mallin kanssa. Tein naita aina odottaessani jossain. Tyttojen tanssitunteja tule odotettua pari tuntia viikossa ja fysioterapian odotushuoneessa saa aina rivin tai kaksi neulottua.

These were done with devotion. First I had to be super careful with the pattern. I knitted these always when I was waiting somewhere. Two hours per week for girls at their dance lessons and in the waiting room of the physical therapy I managed to make a row or two twice a week.

Pari paivaa sitten iski sellainen puuska etta nama on saatava valmiiksi ja olenkin naita iltaisin tikuttanut etta saisin valmiiksi. 

Few days ago I decided it was time for these to be ready. So since then I've knitted in the evenings to get them finished.

Enpa ole koskaan aikasemmin tehnyt sukkia, joissa on palmikkoa ja tuollaista "pitsia". No nyt olen ja tykkaan kovasti. 

I've never made socks with braids and "lace". Now I have and I love them.

keskiviikko 5. marraskuuta 2014

Papparaiselle uusi peitto / New blanket for the old man

Meidan ukkeli on vanha. Ainahan tuo on lammosta ja lampoisena tykannyt olla mutta nyt olen huomannut etta useammin ja useammin loydan miekkosen jonkun vaatekasan alta tai tyynypinon alta tai makailemassa siina pienimmassakin auringonlaikassa. Onhan hanella peitto, mutta se on reikia taynna (herralla oli kausi jolloin jyysti peittoonsa reikia). Oli aika siis uuden peiton.

Our little man is old. He's always liked warmth and being warm but now I've noticed more often that I find him under a pile of clothes left by the girls or under pillows or lying in the only tiny bit of sun light on the floor or sofa. He does have his own blanket but it was full of holes (mr. had a period when he liked to chew holes in his blanket). It was clearly a time for a new blanket.

Halusin peitosta lampoisen ja paksun. Ostinkin siis kaksi erillista fleece palaa tehdakseni kaksikerroksisen fleece peiton ja reilun kokoisia paloja niin etta peiton voi viela tarvittaessa taitella paksummaksi. Saumurilla reunat ympari (laiskana en edes vaihtanut lankoja valkoisesksi vaikka olisin voinutkin) ja valmista tuli. 

I wanted the blanket to be warm and thick. So I bought two pieces of fleece to make double layer blanket and I got relatively big pieces so that we could fold the blanket to make it even thicker and warmer. I just went around the blanket with a serger to join the pieces (I was lazy and didn't even change the thread to white even though it would have looked better) and it was ready.

Ette usko kuinka nopeasti paapparainen sukelsi peiton uumeniin kun annoin hanelle luvan. Vahan pedin tekoa ja asettelua koiramaiseen tyyliin ja nain mina hanet loysin viisi minuuttia myohemmin. Rakasta mun pienta ukkoa! ♥

You cannot believe how quickly my little old man dived under the blanket when I gave him the permission. A little arranging doggy style and this is how I found him five minutes later. Love him to bits! ♥

maanantai 3. marraskuuta 2014


Halloween oli perjantaina. Onneksi sentaan niin ettei seuraavana paivana ollut koulua (jalkapalloharkat heti aamusta kyllakin). Lapset sai siis rauhassa karkkikeppostella ilman mamin jatkuvaa kelloon tuijottelua saatika sitten  etta olisin vahan valia muistuttanut etta kohta mennaan kotiin.

Halloween was last Friday. Luckily it was at the end of the school week so that there was no school the next day (early morning football/soccer practice was though). So our children were able to trick or treat in peace without mummy looking constantly at her watch or reminding them that we have to go back home soon.

Meilta kierrokselle lahti noita (oli kuulemma ilkea noita omien sanojensa mukaan mutta eipa tuosta sopoliinista ilkean nakoista mitenkaan saa) ja disco tytto.

Our trick or treaters were a witch (according to her she was a mean witch but how can you make this cutie looking mean) and a disco girl.

Jack paasi toihin ja toimikin oikein hyvin.

Jack in action and he performed very well.

Naapurin vanhan pariskunnan valotolpasta loytyi keikkumassa silmamunia.

In the light post of our elderly neighbours we found some eye balls.

Ihan ensinnakin anteeksi kuvien laatu. Isannan kamerassa ei ole sisaanrakennettua salamaa ja enhan mina sita ulos lahtiessa muistanut. Kamalan rakeisia kuvia. Mutta siis, oli hauska nahda kuinka jotkut todella panostivat koristeluihin. Oli valoja ja musiikkia ja koristeita jos jonkin moisia. 

First of all my apologies about the pictures. My husband's camera doesn't have a built in flash and I did not remember that when we went outside. Terribly grainy pictures. It was so nice to see how some had really made an effort with their decorations. There were lights and music and all kinds of decorations.

Ilmapuhallettuja muoviharpakkeita, hamahakkeja, puissa roikkuvia kummituksia ja luurankoja.

Air filled plastic thingies, spiders, ghosts hanging from trees and skeletons.

Ja tuliko karkkiahky? Olisi hyvin voinut tullakkin siita maarasta, jonka neidit kerasivat. He tosin paatyivat kayttamaan Switch Witch:in "palvelua" (switch witch = vaihto noita). Eli saivat valita yhden karkin koko saaliistaan ja loput pistettiin oven pieleen ja tama vaihtonoita sitten kavi ottamassa itselleen karkit ja toi tullessaan jotain tilalle. Isompi neiti sai kirjan, jota oli jo pitkaan kinunnut ja pienempi sai Helinakeiju "barbin". Ja kaikki olivat onnellisia: vanhemmat ettei tullut lapsille sokerihumalaa ja masukipuja, lapset etta saivat jotain mieluista, vaihtonoita vei karkit pois ja hammaslaakarikin kiittaa. :D

And did we get an overdose of candy? They well could have had from the huge amount of candy that the misses collected. However, they decided to use the "services" of  Switch Witch. Both got to choose one candy from their loot and then they left the rest in their bags for the Switch Witch who in turn took the candy and brought something to replace it. Big Miss got a book she's been wanting for a while and Little Miss got Tinkerbell "barbie". And they all lived happily ever after: parents who didn't have to handle with the sugar rush and tummy aches, children who got something they really liked, Switch Witch who took the candy away and I'm sure the dentist is grateful too. :D