torstai 30. lokakuuta 2014

Jack on saapunut / Jack has arrived

Kuka ihmeen Jack? No se Jack 'o lantern Jack. Se kurpitsalyhty Jack.

Jack who? Well, the Jack 'o lantern Jack. The pumpkin lantern Jack.

Kurpitsahan hankittiin jo aikaisemmin. Ja sille piti saada kaveri.

We did get the pumpkin earlier and of course a little buddy for it.

Molemmat lapset kinusivat kaivertamista ja kun oli kerran upea, lammin (+20C) syyspaiva niin alettiin touhuamaan. Tosin pienempi neidesta oli sita mielta etta puista putoilevien lehtien jahtaaminen oli kivempaa touhua kuin mita isosiskon ja aidin hommat. Kuvista poiketen mami joutui kuitenkin paaasiassa toihin. Ei jaksanut pienet kadet kaivertaa kovinkaan kauaa ja veitsen kanssa touhuamisen varasin totaalisesti itselleni.

Both children were nagging to carve the pumpkin and as it was a gorgeous, warm (+20C) autumn day we started the job. We did loose Little Miss to chasing falling leaves as it seemed much more fun than what big sister and mummy were doing. Even though the pictures may give you the impression that little hands carved the pumpkin that's not true. Little hands didn't have enough stamina to carve for long and the knife bit I reserved for myself.

Perjantaina Jack paasee tositoimiin oven pielessa kun on Halloween.

On Friday, which is Halloween, Jack will be performing his duty by our door.

keskiviikko 29. lokakuuta 2014

Syksykoristeet vihdoinkin esilla / Autumn decorations finally in place

Mulla alkaa syksy nakojaan vahan myohassa vaikka puolet lehdista onkin jo pudonneet puista. Sisaan en ole saanut aikaiseksi niita muutamia syksykoristeita laittaa. Ennen kuin tanaan. 

My autumn inside the house starts a bit late as half the leaves are already on the ground. I just haven't gotten around of bringing out the few autumn decorations that I have. Not until today. 

Taallahan kurpitsat ovat iso juttu. Niita on jos jonkinmoisia. Minulla vaan muutama vahan varia tuomassa. 

Here pumpkins are a big thing. You can find all kinds of them around here. I only have few to give colour.

Mina tykkaan kovastikin kurpitsoista. Meilla on oven pielessa pari, jotka kaytiin hakemassa pari viikkoa sitten. Kurpitsapiirakka on ihanaa ja niin ovat myos ne aikaisemmin mainostamani kurpitsakeksit, joita en ole nyt sitten kaupasta loytanytkaan enaan. :(

I do like pumpkins a lot. We have two by the front door, the ones that we picked up two weeks ago. Pumpkin pie is also one of my favourites and so are the earlier mentioned pumpkin cookies which I haven't been able to find at the store anymore. 

Oranssit, punaiset ja ruskeat ovat kauniita kun ne yhdistaa. Syksyn varit.

Oranges, reds and browns are beautiful when you combine them together. Colours of autumn.

Ja ostinhan mina kimpun syyskukkia itselleni. 

And I did buy a bouquet of autumn flowers for myself.

tiistai 28. lokakuuta 2014

Joskos tama taas tasta / Maybe just maybe things will get going again.

Viime viikko sitten hurahti ohi melkein kuin sumussa. Enpa oikeastaan muista kuin joitain yksityiskohtia. Syytan paan tayteen rakaa ahtanutta flunssa. Olo ei ollut kovinkaan hehkea. Paivat ovat hieman kirkkaampia nyt.

Last week just went by in a fog. I don't really remember much. Some details from here and there. I blame the cold that had stuffed my head full of unwanted "stuff". I really did not feel very good. Days are a bit more clearer now.

Viikko meni siis villasukat jalassa ja kuumavesipulloa halaillessa. Teeta  ja muita kuumia juomia tuli litkittya litratolkulla. Kaipa mulla myos vahan kuumetta oli mutta enhan mina kerennyt sita mittaamaan. Normaali arki pyori taalla. Jotain positiivista viime viikosta jai sentaan muistiinkin: lasten keinusetti on vihdoinkin ihan kokonaan valmis. JEEEEE! Eilenkin viettivat ulkona kolme tuntia keinuen, kiipeillen, laskien makea ja leikkien pikkumokkerossaan.

Last week I spent pretty much wearing constantly woollen socks, and hugging my hot water bottle. I drank several litres of tea or various other hot drinks. I think I might have had some temperature as well but I didn't have time to check or worry about it. Normal week was running its course keeping me busy. Some positive that I do remember from last week was that the girls' swingset is finally completely finished. YAAAAAY! They were out there yesterday for 3 hours swinging, climbing, going down the slide and playing in their little house.

Lauantaina, isomman neidin synttareiden lisaksi, minulla oli mielettoman hyva postipaiva. Ottobre lehti tuli ja samaten Paapiin kankaat, jotka olin ostanut taalta USAsta yhdesta nettikaupasta! Enka maksanut oikeastaan yhtaan enempaa kuin suomessakaan. Plus saastin postikuluissa ihan hirveasti. Kankaat on pesty ja nyt pitaisi paasta ompelemaan.

On Saturday, in addition to Big Miss' birthday party, I had a fabulous mail day. I got the new Ottobre magazine and also the Paapii fabrics that I had bought from here USA from an online store! I really didn't pay more than I would have in Finland. Plus I saved a ton in postage. The fabric has been washed and is waiting for me to get my act together and sew something.

Saa tekee tepposiaan. Viime viikolla myrskysi oikein urakalla. Vetta tuli ihan kamalasti ja tuuli ja ukkosti. Nyt on kaunis syyskeli auringonpaistaessa ja lampoa noin +10C. Huomiseksi ja keskiviikoksi onkin sitten ihan kesakelia ( +18C ja +20C) taas luvassa. Ja lauantaiksi on povattu lunta. Koita nyt sitten tassa ottaa selvaa etta mita ihmetta luontoaiti on tekemassa ja miten naihin saihin pitaisi pukeutua (aamuisin on kuitenkin kylmaa). Kesavaatteet on pakattu kaapeista jo pois. 

The weather is keeping us on our toes. Last week we had a big autumn storm. Tons of rain and wind and thunder. Now we have lovely, sunny autumn day with +10C. Tomorrow and Wednesday we're back to summer (+18C and +20C). And for Saturday the prediction is snow! I'm trying to keep up with mother nature and what she's doing but it's hard. Always pondering how to dress the children in the morning (cold mornings anyway). Summer clothes have been packed away already.

maanantai 27. lokakuuta 2014

8-vuotias Helinakeiju / Our 8-year-old Tinkerbell

Meidan iso tytto, nuori neiti, ikuisesti kuitenkin Helinakeiju, taytti viikonloppuna huikeat kahdeksan vuotta! Voin vain ihmetella mihin aika katoaa. Minullehan ei vuosia tule lisaa ollenkaan. ;)

Our Big Miss, young lady, forever more though our Tinkerbell, turned eight this past weekend! I can only wonder where time has disappeared. I haven't gained a single year since I had her. ;)

Tana vuonna juhlittiin maltillisesti kotosalla muutaman hyvan kaverin kera. Nama ihanat nuoret neidit katsoivat yhdessa American Girl elokuvan "Isabelle dances into spotlight" ja mutustivat kokonaisen vuoren popcornia. 

This year we celebrated only with few good friends of her coming over to watch a film. These lovely girls saw the American Girl film "Isabelle dances into spotlight" and ate a mountain of popcorn.

Paaasiassa naky oli tama mutta aina kun elokuvassa oli tanssia niin kaikki olivat pystyssa ja tanssivat myos. :)

Mainly this was the view into their movie watching but when ever there was dancing in the film all of the girls were up and dancing along. :)

Ja tietysti mamin piti paasta harjoittelemaan valokuvasta. 

And of course Mummy had to have a chance to practise photography.

Heilla kaikilla oli kivaa. Myos paivansankarilla, jolla tassa kuvassa oli hieman tuimempi ilme. Hyvaa syntymapaivaa rakas! ♥

They all had a great time. Also the birthday girl even though she has a bit more serious expression on this picture. Happy birthday my love! ♥

tiistai 21. lokakuuta 2014


Amerikassa keitiot ovat yleensa kovin tummasavyisia. Kirsikkapuusta tehdyt kaapistot ovat toki kauniit mutta usein imevat kaiken valon. Kahden tallaisen kirsikkakeittion kanssa elanyt olin suoraan sanottuna kypsa ja halusin valkoista! Halusin valoa!

In America most kitchens are quite dark in their colour. Cherry cabinetry are very pretty but they do suck all the light. After living with two kitchens with cherry cabinets I was so done with them and I wanted white! I wanted light!

Kun etsimme taloa ostettavaksi  suurimmassa osassa oli tummat kaapistot keittioissa. Muutama vaalea tai valkoinen tuli vastaan. Eihan talonosto pelkastaan keittion varista ollut kiinni. Ei todellakaan. Mutta voitten kuvitella kuinka iloinen olin kun talossa, jonka ostimme, oli valkoinen keittio. :)

When we were looking for a house to buy most of them had dark cabinetry in the kitchen. Few light or even white were among them. And buying a house wasn't dependent on the colour of the kitchen. I'm not that superficial. But you cannot believe how happy I was when we found a house we wanted to buy (and bought) had a white kitchen. :)

Rakastan keittiotani! Siella on tilaa useammankin kokin puuhata. Se on avoinainen oleskelutilaan niin etten tunne olevani eristettyna muista. Naen mita lapset touhuavat. Ja minakin tykkaan viettaa enemman aikaa keittiossa taman takia. Jos olisin voinut valita niin keittionkaapit olisivat ihan puhtaan valkoiset eivatka vaniljaan vivahtavat. Mutta koska talo oli ihan uusi niin eipa niita ole mitaan jarkea lahtea vaihtamaan saatika maalaamaan.

I love my kitchen! There's plenty of room for several cooks. It's open to the lounge so that I don't feel separated from others. I can see what the children are up to. And I like spending more time in the kitchen because of this. If I had a chance to choose I would have had bright white and not off white cabinetry.

Haluaisin jo vaihtaa keittionpoydan. Haluaisin valkoisen lakeeratun (onkohan tuo oikea termi/onkohan se edes sana ;D) Tama on Ikeasta ostettu yhdeksan vuotta sitten. Toisessa paassa on isomman neidin kolhut ja naarmut ja toisessa paassa tietty nuoremman neidin. Voidaan vertailla kumpi on kolhinut poytaa enemman. ;) Mutta yritan jaksaa odottaa viela vahan niin etta kolhimisvaihe menee ohi. 

I would love to change our kitchen table. I want white lacquered table. This one is from nine years ago from IKEA. On the other end of the table we have Big Miss dents and scratches and marks and on the other end Little Miss dents, scratches and marks. We can compare which one of our children have made more damage to the table. ;) But I will try to wait a bit longer so that this denting/scratching phase is over.

Ja suomalainen keittio ilman Marimekkoa ja Muumeja ei ole keittio ollenkaan.

And a Finnish kitchen without some Marimekko and Moomins is not a kitchen at all.

Tassa on keittioni kaksi tarkeaa: aloe vera ja keittion enkeli. Suojelusenkelia tarvitaan ja aloe veran olen saanut meksikolaiselta hyvalta ystavaltani. Heidan uskomuksensa mukaan aloe vera tuo vaurautta taloon. Toivottavasti pitaa paikkaansa. Kasvi ainakin voi hyvin ja tuo ruukun oikeassa reunassa oleva pieni alku on kasvanut siihen viimeisen kolmen kuukauden aikana. 

Here are two important things in my kitchen: aloe vera and my kitchen angel. You always need an guardian angel and the aloe vera is from a very good friend from Mexico. According to their beliefs aloe vera brings wealth in the house. I hope this is true. At least the plant is doing well and the little start at the right side of the pot has grown there during the past three months.

maanantai 20. lokakuuta 2014

Kurpitsajuhla lahestyy / Halloween is getting close

Lokakuun loppu haamottaa ihan nurkan takana. Sen myota saapuu suuri kurpitsajuhla Halloween. Taalla on nakynyt jo useamman viikon kurpitsoita ovien pielessa ja olihan se siis aika menna itsekin sellainen hakemaan.

End of October is almost here. With it arrives Halloween. We've been seeing pumpkins at doorsteps for several weeks already. Before it's too late it was time for us to go and get ours as well.

Lahdimme ajelemaana ajatuksella etta jotain varamasti loytyy. Paadyimme Littleton, MA ja loytyihan niita. Yritimme ensin Springs Brook Farms (nakyy tuastalla tien toisella puolella) mutta siella oli niin paljon autoja ettei saatu parkkiin. Niinpa siirryimme tien toiselle puolelle, jossa vastapaata oli toinen kurpitsoita myyva paikka Gary's Farm Stand. 

We went for a drive with the certainty that we'll find something. We ended up in Littleton, MA and we did some find pumpkins. First we tried Springs Brook Farms (you can see it on the other side of the road in the picture) but there were so many people that we could park there. So we drove to the other side of the street where there was Gary's Farm Stand.

Daddy loysi mielenkiintoisen kurpitsan.

Daddy found an interesting looking squash.

Heilla oli siella poyta taynna mita ihmeellisimman nakoisia kurpitsoita.

They had a table full of really interesting and weird looking pumpkins. 

Mmmmmm tuoksuupa hyvalta! :)

Mmmmmm, smells good! :)

Itse kurpitsan valitseminen kesti ikuisuuden. "Tama on hyva. EI kun tama. Ei kun mita jos sittenkin tama. EI EI EI kun tama......." Kotiin lahti iso kurpitsa ja sille pieni kaveri. 

The actual picking of the pumpkin took forever. "This is good. NO this one. No how about this one instead. NO NO NO this one......" Eventually home came one big pumpkin and a little buddy for him. 

torstai 16. lokakuuta 2014

Luontoretki / Nature walk

Pikkuneiti oli saanut "laksyn" koulusta. Piti kayda luontoretella etsimassa aarteita ja tuode ne kouluun seka kertoa mita oli nahnyt. No, me tytot lahdettiin kavelylle.

Little Miss got "homework" from school. She was instructed to take a nature walk and find treasures and bring them to school as well as tell what she had seen. Well, we girls went for a walk.

Onnistuimme loytamaan muutaman vaahteranlehden joka ei oltu syoty. Taalla oli kevaalla ja alkukesasta pienten mittarimatojen hyokkays (olivat eurooppalaisen yoperhosen pikkutoukkia) ja ne soivat ihan kaikki lehdet reikaisiksi. 

We managed to find few maple leaves which had not been eaten. We had an attack of little inch worms in the spring early summer (they were little caterpillars of the european winter moth) and they ate all leaves full of holes.

Leppakerttujakin on parin viime paivan aikana ollut ihan hirveasti liikenteessa. Kaikki eivat ole olleet niita punaisia perineteisia vaan osa tallaisia oranssin varisia. Meidan talon ikkunoissa ja ulkoseinissa niita on kiipeilyt satoja.

We've had lots of lady birds as well these past few days. Not all have been the traditional red ones but some are these orange coloured. We've had hundreds of them climbing in the windows and outside walls of the house.

Pikkuneiti ihmetteli miksi osa lehdista on varikkaita ja osa tylsan ruskeita.

Little Miss was wondering why some leaves are colourful and some just plain brown.

Mantyjen neulasia on myos joka paikassa. Ja ne ovat pitkia ja hakala haravoida pois.

Pine needles are also everywhere. They are long and really hard to rake.

Suuri kurpsitsajuhla lahestyy ja talojen ovienpielessa on jo kuukauden verran nakynyt kurpitsoita. Meilla ei viela ole. Pitaisikohan kayda ostamassa?

Halloween is getting close and there are pumpkins on doorways of nearly every house. We still don't have one. I should go and get one really.

Oravat ovat taalla onnessaan kun tammenterhoja on niin paljon. Niita tippuu koko ajan puista ja minunkin paahan sellainen kopsahti (sattui muuten tosi paljon). Autoonkin kun sellainen osuu ajaessa niin kylla pelastyy. Oravat ovatkin talla hetkella ihan hulluja keratessaan noita. Tekevat kaiken maailman ninjahyppyja ja ovan muutenkin hullunrohkeita tielta terhoja keratessaan. 

Squirrels are in the seventh heaven at the moment because there are so many acorns. The acorns are falling off the trees all the time. I got one on my head the other day (yes it hurt a lot) and they make you jump if they hit the car while driving. The squirrels are dare devils at the moment trying to get acorns off the roads.

Tama ei ole meidan talo. Se oli vaan niin sopo puiden ymparoimana. Oli pakko ottaa kuva.

This is not our house. It just was so cute with the trees framing it. I had to take a photo.

Luonto on tosi kaunista taalla ruskavareissaan. Valilla toivoisi etta olisi mahdollisuus pysahtya aina juuri siihen paikkaan jossa nakee jonkun upean maiseman ja ottaa kuvan siita mutta eipa taitaisi muut kanssa-autoilijat tasta tykata.

Nature is very beautiful at the moment in its autumn colours. I wish I would have the chance to stop every time I see a really beautiful scene and take a photo but I don't think the other drivers on the road would appreciate this.