I did tell about all the yard work that is being done. Quite a lot of it. Not everything is ready. Hopefully this week. I think all would be finished if the landscaper was able to work only on this project full time.
Talon ymparille on laitettu kivireunus. Ilme muuttui heti ja on tosi siistin nakoinen.
A 3/4" stone border has been put around the house. It looks so much nicer and tidier now.
Etupihalla on kukkapenkkeja suurennettu. Uudet kasvit laitetaan vasta sitten kun kaikki muu homma on tehty.
The flower beds in the front have been made bigger. New plants will be put in the last.
Muutama iso puska on siirretty toisaalle talon edesta muualle (ottivat tosin nokkiinsa ja vaikka ihan varmasti ovatkin elossa niin pudottavat nyt lehtensa).
Few big bushes have been moved (they are protesting the move and loosing all their leaves but I'm sure they will survive).
Puut on kaadettu (kolmea lukuunottamatta, joita eivat uskaltaneet lahtea kaatamaan talon/tai sahkojohdon laheisyyden takia). Kaikki pikkurisut ja lehdet ja neulaset on siistitty tontin molemmilta reunoilta pois.
The trees are down (expect three that they were not comfortable taking down due to proximity to the house and/or power lines). All the little twigs, leaves and needles have been taken away from both sides of the property.
Tahan saan kivan kivipuutarhan. Se taitaa kuitenkin jaada ensi kevaalle.
Here I'll get a nice rock garden. But I think I'll leave that for next spring.
Kaikki vanhojen rhodojen juuretkin kaivettiin ylos.
Even the roots from the old rhododendrons were dug out.
Takapiha avartui hirmuisesti kun puolikuolleet pikkupuut ja risukot otettiin pois.
The back yard looks much more open now that all the small half dead trees and brushes are gone.
Suurin osa kaadetuista puista saatiin kaytettya puusilpuksi, joka sitten on paksuna kerroksena pistetty osan myrkkymuratin paalle. Osa myrkkymuratista on viela kaivamatta ylos.
Most of the felled trees we were able to use for wood chips and be put on top of some of the poison ivy. Part of the poison ivy is still on the ground waiting for digging up.
Naista tehdaan kukkapurkeille alustat (kolme erimittaista polkkya yhdessa).
These will become flowerpot stands (three different length grouped together).
Dry well on tehty myos. Eli se sellainen kivikaivo, jonka nyt pitaisi suodattaa vedet paremmin pois meidan ongelmakohdalta. Sen kivikaivon paalle rakennetaan viela tytoille leikkialue. Sita ei ole siis viela tehty.
Dry well has been finished as well. On top of that is supposed to go the area where a swing set for the girls will go. That has not been done yet.
Aita tulee talla viikolla ja sita varten on kaivettu jo alue valmiiksi.
The fence is coming this week and they have prepared the area already.
Kaiken taman tyo lomassa nama miehet tormasivat pupun pesaan. Siella on 5 poikasta. Niita on varjeltu nyt sitten. Merkittiin pesa kunnolla ettei vahingossakaan kukaan siihen astu. Olen paivittain tarkistanut etta ovat viela elossa, koska en ollut nahnyt emoa lahellakaan pesaa. Eilen illalla se sitten nahtiin loikkivan pesan suuntaan. :) Ihanaa! Se ei ole hyljannyt poikasia. Ei niilla varmaan enaa kauaa kesta kun loikkivat pihalla.
In amongst all the work the men found a bunny nest. There's five little bunnies. We've been protecting them now. We marked the nest so that no one will accidentally step on it. I've checked them daily making sure they are still alive as I had not seen the mother anywhere near the nest. Yesterday evening we did see her going towards the nest. :) How wonderful to know that she has not abandoned her little ones. I'm sure it won't take long until they are jumping about in the yard.
Oh.. how our yard would need a refresh! Next year maybe!
VastaaPoistaI know the feeling...... from last fall and the winter. Now it's nearly all done.