maanantai 5. tammikuuta 2015

Tirppa poikineen / Lots of birdies

Isomman neidin huoneen sisustus on ollut kylla niin hidasta ja harrasta touhua ettei toista. Asiaan tuli kuitenkin tanaan edistysta ja olen paattanyt etta tammikuun aikana huone saadaan lopulliseen kuosiinsa.

Decorating Big Miss's room has been extraordinarily slow process with lots of thinking time. Today things got forward and I've decided that during the month of January the room will be completely finished. 

Seinalle oli tarkoitus laittaa koivuja (lattiasta kattoon) mutta niilla seinatarroilla oli sen verran hintaa etten sitten raaskinut ostaa kun en tieda koska olisi kyllastynyt. 

We meant to use birch decals which would have reached from floor to the ceiling. However, those decals were quite pricy and as I didn't know how long Big Miss would have liked them on the wall I decided not to buy them. 

IKEA pelasti jalleen silla sielta loytyi ihan sattumalta tallaiset koivunoksia muistuttavat seinatarrat lintuineen. Aikasen sopoja.

IKEA saved again as we quite by chance found these decals that remind birch branches and lots of birdies. Quite cute really.

Mina laitoin neidin toihin. Han putsasi seinat polysta ja paineli tarrat kunnolla paikoilleen.

I put Big Miss to work. She wiped the walls off of dust and then pushed the decals properly to the wall.

Tammoisilta ne nayttaa. Kaiken kaikkiaan tehtiin viisi ryhmaa. Yksi lattianrajasta ylospain ja muut joko ikkunankarmeista tai oven karmeista alkavaksi. Mina tykkaan noista aika lailla ja paaasiahan on etta huoneen asukki on onnesta soikeena tirpoista. (Lupaan paremmat kuvat naista sitten kun saadaan koko huone valmiiksi.)

This is how they look. We made five groupings. One from the floor upwards and the others start either from the window's or door's frame. I like these quite a lot and the main thing is that the inhabitant of the room is ecstatic about the birdies. (I promise better pictures of these as well when the whole room is finished.)

2 kommenttia:

  1. Looks nice! Did she get to pick the decor?

    1. We had the furniture already. We have been taking about the decor and colours together. She did want lots of different coloured walls so I did VETO that. :D Reasoning with 8-year old is much easier than with 3-year-old. ;)
