Jos tiedossa on lumimyrsky niin mita sina tekisit?
If you know there's going to be a snow storm what would you do?
Mina tytto piirtelin torstaina 7 kaavaa ja leikkasin ne valmiiksi. Perjantaina leikkasin kankaat. Lauantaina myrskyn pauhatessa ulkona ja koska meilla oli sahkot (onneksi) niin minahan annoin ompelukoneitten laulaa.
On Thursday this girl drew 7 sewing patterns and cut them. On Friday I cut the fabrics for these patterns. On Saturday when the blizzard was raging outside and because we had power (luckily) I let the sewing machines sing.
Tein molemmille tytoille samalla kaavalla tunikat. Ottobre Owl Princess. Isomman kankaaksi tuli Lillestoffin joustocollegea ja pienemman Paapiin velouria. Molemmat tykastyivat. Hyvalta nayttaa myos tekijasta. Lisaksi ompelin tytoille pyjaman housut. Paidat tulevat jossain vaiheessa ja bloggailen tuotokset vasta sitten kun koko yokkarit on valmiina. Milloin sitten lieneekaan.
I made both girls tunics with Ottobre Owl Princess pattern. The fabric for the Big Miss tunic is Lillestoff cotton lycra sweat and for Little Miss the fabric was Paapii velour. Both liked their tunics and the maker likes them as well. In addition I sew my girls pyjama trousers. Didn't manage the shirts today so I'll post about them when they are completely done. When ever that might be.
They are so pretty, both the girls and the tunics!
VastaaPoistaThank you sweetie. The girls really liked the tunics. I think I'll be using this pattern again.