Lumisade aloitteli iltapaivalla pikuhiljaa. Koulubussi oli 10 min myohassa (liikenne oli kuulemma ihan kamalaa). Olin kaynyt aamulla kaupassa, varautuen siihen etta meilla on ruokaa ja juotavaa. Puhelinten, iPadien, lappareiden akut oli ladattu. Kolmessa amparissa oli vetta silta varalta etta menee sahkot ja ei saada vetta. Samoin yhteen kylpyammeeseen laskettiin vetta etta on sitten vetta vessan vetamista varten. Kaikkeen oli varauduttu. Luvassa oli hirmumyrskytuulia ja lunta povattiin meille noin metri.
It started snowing lightly in the afternoon. School bus was 10 minutes late as the traffic had been terrible. I had gone to the store in the morning making sure we would have food and water for several days. Phones, iPads, laptops charged. I had three buckets of water in the kitchen in case we would lose power. We had also filled a bath tub with water to have something to flush the toilet if needed. We had made sure we had everything. Predictions promised us hurricane strength winds and about a 1m of snow.
Aamulla seitseman aikaan meida odotti tamanmoinen naky alhaalla. Nakyma takapihalle. Grilli oli lumen peitossa ja ei ihan tehnyt mieli menna nauttimaan aamukahvia terassille. Lunta satoi paljon ja tuuli pollytti sita vaikka kuinka.
In the morning at 7am this was the view that greeted us. This is the view to the back yard. Grill was covered in snow and I really didn't get the feeling to go out and enjoy my morning tea on the patio. It was snowing heavily and the wind was swirling the snow every which way.
Koirapoika piti kuitenkin vieda ulos. Menin lapioimaan jonkinmoisen alueen autotallin sivustalle (sivuovesta) etta herra paasisi asioilleen. Lunta oli ainakin sen 50cm ellei enemmankin. Pikku ukko oli katsoi minua ulos paastyaan etta "et ole kylla akka nyt tosissas". Yritti kurkkia lumipenkan yli ja lopulta sitkeesti yritti menna lenkkalle. Onneks oli hihna, etta sai pelastettua papparaisen hukkumasta lumee. Sinne se upposi vaikka urheasti yritti myyriasloikilla eteenpain.
Mr G. had to be taken out no matter what kind of weather. I went outside from the garage side door and shovelled an area for him to do his business. There was at least 50cm of snow if not more. Little Man looked at me like "you got to be kidding me woman". He tried to look over the edge of the snow and finally heroically tried to go for his walk in the snow. Luckily I had the lead so that I could save the old man from drowning in the snow. There he just sank.
Lunta tuli koko ajan mutta oli pakko menna lumitoihin ettei ihan hukuttaisi siihen. Autotallin ovi auki ja ei kun menoksi. Onneksi olin ottanut lapiot sisalle etta olis helpompi lahtea hommiin.
It was constantly snowing but we had to go and clear the snow so that it wouldn't be too much. Open the garage door and get going. Luckily I had took the shovels inside so that we didn't have to hunt for them.
Ja olihan meilla lumilinko. Se ostettiin tana syksyna kun jalkapuoli ja selkavaivainen tekivat viime talvena lumitoita enemman kuin tarpeeksi. "VAPAUS!"
And we did have snow blower. We got it this autumn as me with my foot sore and my husband with a bad back did our share of snow clearing quite enough last winter. "FREEDOM!"
Kadonneiden portaiden metsastys.
Hunt for the disappeared front steps.
Mies ja miehen lelu.
Man with a man toy.
Niin ja onneksi ne kuninkaallisen vanhuksen palvelijat tekivat lumityot niin etta hanen kuninkaallinen korkeutensa paasi kunnolla ulos ja kavelylle.
And luckily the servants of his royal highness did the snow so that He could go for a proper walk.
Tammoinen oli sitten lopullinen lumimaara. Kyllahan sita tuli ihan kiitettavasti. Klo 8.30 pihaan peruuttaa tankkiauto aikeenaan tayttaa propaanitankki. Noh, tankki on haudattu maahan keskelle etupihan nurmikkoa. Tuliko meille mieleenkaan eilen lumitoita tehdessa kaivaa polku tankille ja sitten etsia se tankin kansi sielta lumen alta? EI! Tuliko propaania tuovalle firmalle etttei ehka ihan heti seuraavana paivana ison lumimyrskyn jalkeen kannata yrittaa tayttoa ellei siita ole etukateen sovittu? EI!
This is what the total amount of blizzard snow for us was. Quite sufficient. At 8.30am a tank reverses to our drive intention of the driver to fill our propane tank. Well, our tank is buried in the ground in the middle of our front lawn. Did we even think yesterday while clearing the snow to also dig a path to the tank and find the tank lid? NO! Did the company delivering the propane think that it might not be such a good idea to deliver propane the following day of a big blizzard unless you have scheduled it before hand? NO!
Meilla paikoitellen mitattiin 70cm. Joissain vahemman. Tuuli oli pollyttanyt. Ja yon aikana hottolumi oli kai vahan jo painunutkin.
We got about 70cm. some places had more, some less. The wind had made drifts. And I think the fluffy snow had packed a bit during the night.
Meidan pikkuneiti on noin metrin mittainen. Tasta nakee hyvin etta ainakin se reilu puoli metria tuli helposti.
Our Little Miss is about a meter tall. Here' you can see how we really did get over half a meter easily.
Kaveltiin korttelin ympari. Sielta loytyi esimerkiksi esiin kaivettu postilaatikko.
We walked around the block and we saw this post box that really had to be dug out.
Tytot tekivat naapurin tyton kanssa tunneleita siihen hottolumeen. Ei kauheen onnistunutta puuhaa kun katto romahti vahan valia kun sita jai siihen kattoon noin 10cm eika se hottolumi todellakaan kestanyt. Mutta kivaa heilla oli.
The girls made tunnels with neighbour's girl. Or should I said tried to as the snow was so fluffy. The roof would collapse every now and ten but as it was only about 10cm and very light snow if did not suit their purpose. But they had fun.
Anna lapselle tikku ja siita on iloa vaikka kuinka kauan.
Give child a stick and it will entertain her for a long time.