sunnuntai 1. syyskuuta 2013

Henkareita ja Barbie-leikkeja / Coat hangers and laying with Barbies

Kun tata aloitan kirjoittamaan niin mieheni tekee keittiossa ruisleipaa. Noidannuoli on siis helpottamassa. Ei taysin parantunut mutta antaa hetken olla pystyssa ennen kuin pitaa taasen kayda potkolleen. Hyva etta tekee leipaa silla pakastimessa ei ole enaa itsetehtya.  Kohta siis talossa tuoksuu tuore leipa. Ihanaa!
Neidit on nukkumassa. Nuorempi herasi tanaan kaksi minuuttia vailla kuusi mutta isosiskonsa komensi takaisin sankyyn ja nukuimme kaikki pari tuntia lisaa. Ihanaa! En muista koska olisin nukkunut kahdeksaan saakka.
Kavimme isomman neidin kanssa tanaan Container Storessa. Rakastan tuota kauppaa. Siella on kaikkea mahdollista kodin organisoimiseksi. Tarvittavat tavarat loytyivat ja lisaksi neiti osti omilla rahoillaan kaksi pienta akryllipurnukkaa omiin leikkeihinsa. Voi kuinka tarkeaa olikaan etta ne sai ostaa omilla rahoilla.
Mina puolestani tein kivan loydon. Se oli aika odottamaton. Katselin henkareita, joita aina tuntuu tarvitsevan lisaa (taalla ei vaatekaapissa oli kamalasti hyllytilaa vaan tankoja joihin ripustaa vaatteet). Ja kun kadessani oli nippu henkareita kiinnitin huomiota niiden nimeen. OLKA. Ja alla komeili "Made in Finland". :) Ne lahtikin mukaan heti. Suositaan Suomalaista myos taalla ulkomailla.
Ja kuulkaas, leikkitreffit on taas pidetty isomman neidin ja hanen hyvan ystavansa kanssa. Toinen mantereen itarannikkolla, toinen lansirannikolla. Ja hyvin meni barbieleikit Skypen valityksella. Meidan elo ja olo taalla ilman Skypea olisi kylla aika ankeaa. Yritin salaa ottaa kuvaa tytoista leikeissaan mutta eipa siita mitaan hyvaa tullut ja mami ajettiin pois hairitsemasta.

When I start writing this my husband is in the kitchen making Finnish rye bread. The Sciatic nerve that has been bothering him for the past week and a half is getting better. It's not completely healed but allows him to stand for a bit before having to lie down again. I'm so glad that he is making some bread as our freezer is empty of it. Cannot wait for the lovely smell of bread baking in the oven. Lovely!
The misses are in bed. The younger one woke up today two minutes before six but her big sister managed to order her back to bed and back to sleep for two more  blissful hours. I cannot remember when I last slept until eight.
We went to Container Store with Big Miss. I love that store. You can find everything possible to organise your home. We found everything what we were looking for. In addition Big Miss bought two little acrylic boxes for herself. Oh how important it was that she could buy them with her own money.
I made a found as well. It was quite unexpected. I was looking at coat hangers and as I was looking at the bunch in my hand my eyes went to the label and the name of the hangers. OLKA (means shoulder in Finnish). And underneath "Made in Finland". :) Of course we are favouring Finnish products so we bought those instead of something else.
And you know how important playdates are. Big Miss and he very good friend had a play date. One on the east coast of the continent, one on the west coast. And playing with Barbies worked just as well as if they were together in the same place thanks to Skype. Without Skype our life here would be quite miserable. I tried to take a sneak picture of the girls playing but it's not good and Mummy was shooed away from disturbing.

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