Mies lahti toihin joskus viiden jalkeen. Silla on hirmu rutistus jonkun projektin kanssa. Taman viikon olen todellakin yh-aiti. Minkaanlaista apua miehen suunnasta ei ole tiedossa. Minulle ilmoitettiin etta pitaisi olettaa etta han on lahtenyt ennen kuin heraan aamulla ja tulee todella myohaan kotiin.
Mina olen yrittanyt ommella kaikissa mahdollisissa aikarakosissa, joita minulla on tanaan ollut. Kohta on valmista. Joskos huomenna saisin lopun tehtya. Vahan meinasin viella nuppineuloja tanaan illalla valmiiksi laittaa paallitikkauksia varten.
Pikku neiti on kopsutellut paljon isosiskonsa prinsessa kengissa (korot vilkkuvat kavellessa) ja vaaleanpunainen peittonsa harteilla ilmoittaen minulle vahan valia olevansa prinsessa. :) Ihan selkeaa prinsessakoulutusta siis.
Isompi neiti katsoi keittion ikkunasta kun joku mies kavi punaisella spray-maalilla merkkaamassa kannon, jossa asustaa maaorava (tai silla on ainakin ruokavarasto siella). Olemme seuranneet kyseisen maaoravan touhuilua viime vuonna ja nyt kevaalla. Kyseli ihmeissaan etta miksi kantoon maalattiin ja mina selitin etta se ilmeisesti merkattiin yloskaivamista varten. Siitakoh huoli syntyi. Miten maaoravan kay? Sehan on sen koti. Ei sita saa kaivaa pois! Vahan ajan paasta neidin kyna suhisi paperilla. Pyyhkimista ja sitten han pyysi etta kirjoittaisin mallin hanen sanelustaan. Mina kirjoitin mallin ja neiti kopio paperiin. Viesti kiikutettiin kannonluo ja pistettiin varovasti siihen toiseen koloon, jota maaorava ei kayta. Voi rakasta pienta puunhalaajaani!
My husband went to work sometime after 5am. He has a huge crunch with a project. This week I'm really going to be a single mum. No help from my husband on the horizon this week. I was informed that I should assume that he's left for work before I wake up and that he will come home really late.
I've tried to sew in every available time slot I've had today. Not very many of those. But I'm soon ready. Hopefully I'll be done tomorrow. Still thought to put few pins in place for top stitching.
Little Miss has been clipping and clopping along wearing too big princess shoes (heels blinking as she goes) and her pink blanket on her shoulders, telling me every now and then she's a princess. :) Clearly a princess in training.
Big Miss was looking out of the kitchen window when a man spray painted a bright right circle around a tree stump which is a home to a chipmunk ( or at least he has food storage there). We've been following his comings and goings last year and this spring. She was asking why the stump was painted and I explained that it probably was marked for digging up. The worry this caused. What will happen to the chipmunk? The stump is he's home. You cannot dig is up! Few minutes later a pencil was going like crazy on a piece of paper. Then the eraser. She asked me to make her a model according to her dictation. I did and she copied it to her paper. Then she took the message to the stump and carefully put in the other hole the chipmunk doesn't use. Oh my little darling tree hugger!
Oh, that is too precious - both the princess and the tree hugger. I hope they decide to keep the chipmunk's home for the sake of Big Miss!
VastaaPoistaI hope they do as well! I love that she's so compassionate towards animals. I think she takes after me in the way that I was very sensitive when I was in school: I was really upset if someone else was sad or got hurt etc. It rained early this morning so the note is now lying on the stump all wet. :(
PoistaVoi murusta <3 Tuli oikein tippa silmään neidin huolenpidosta. Tuo on oikea asenne.
VastaaPoistaKylla mullakin silmassa tulvavaara oli. Piti vaan pitaa kyynelee kurissa. Kaytiin tanaan kavelylla ja huomattiin etta kaikki muutkin kannot oli merkitty. Eli kaivuuhommia ihan selkeesti suunnittelevat. :(