maanantai 1. helmikuuta 2016

Family M.

Perhe M. otti yhteytta minuun syksylla ja he halusivat etta ottaisin heista perhkuvat. He olivat nahneet perhe H.:n kuvat TAALLA ja olivat kuulemma ihastuneet niihin. Sovittiin paivakin Kiitospaivan jalkeen mutta ensimmainen yritys meni pieleen niin saan kuin sairaudenkin takia. Ei auttanut muuta kuin kokeilla uudestaan myohemmin. Vanhempi pojista on jo yliopistossa eli han ei ole ole kotona kuin juhlapyhina ja kesalla. Niinpa sovittiin uudeksi ajankohdaksi joululoma.

Family M contacted me in the autumn and wanted me to take their family pictures. They had seen Family H.'s pictures HERE and loved them. We agreed on a day after Thanksgiving but unfortunately due to weather and sickness both we had to reschedule the shoot for later. As their oldest is already in college we had to wait for him to be home again. So we set on a time during his Christmas break.

Aika veitikoita nama veljekset.

Quite a pair these two.  :)

Hauska ja rento perhe! Mutta aiheutti tama kuvasus haasteitakin. Kuten naette perheen miesvaella oli kaikilla lasit ja viela ne itsekseen tummuvat. Eli ovat tummat ulkona kun on kirkasta ja vaalenevat taas sisalla vahemmassa valossa. Olipa tosiaankin haastavaa kuvata heijastuksien takia.  Yritettiin muutamia kuvia ilman lasejakin mutta niista huomaa heti miesvaen tuntevan itsensa epamukaviksi. Niin ne vaa lasit ovat osa ihmisen identiteettia. 

Fun and realaxed family! But this session did have some challenges as well. As you can see all the men in the family had glasses and they were the one's that transition automatically between dark and light. The glasses are dark when outside and bright and back to normal glasses inside in less light. It really was challenging because of reflections. We did try few pictures without glasses but you can immediately tell that the menfolk felt uncomfortable. Glasses become such a huge part of one's identity.

Vanhempi pojista soittaa saksofonia marssivassa soittokunnassa (marching band). 

Older bother plays the saxophone in a marching band.

Toisen veljeksen intohimo on lukeminen. 

Younger brother's passion is reading.

Meilla oli oikein kiva reilu tunti ulkosalla. Ihana perhe kuvata!

We had a great and fun hour or so outside. What a lovely family to photograph!

2 kommenttia:

  1. My mother has that kind of glasses. I used to wear normal glasses, don't think I miss them. But if I had to wear now, I'd be fine with it.

    1. My mum has that kind of glasses too, or actually not any more. She used to. I'm blind as a bat without my glasses so I don't really have a choice and I hate fiddling with contact lenses.
