Meilla on viiminen kuukausi ollut aika haipakkaa. Meilla on ollut vieraita. Ensimmaisina saapui haamatkalaiset Englannista. Jos meille haluaa tulla viettamaan haamatkaansa (tai osaa siita) niin siita vaan mutta ei tulisi itselle ehka ensimmaisena mieleen viettaa osaa haamatkastaan lapsiperheessa. :D
The last month has been quite busy here. We've had visitors. First arrived honeymooners from England. If you want to come and spend some of your honeymoon (or part of it) with us, please be our guest, but I wouldn't first think of a family with children as a place to stay. :D
Paaasiassahan nuo vastanaineet menivat omia polkujaan. Tulivat illalla syomaan ja nukkumaan ja aamusta lahtivat taas. Lasten mielesta se oli tosi tylsaa koska olisi ollut kiva viettaa aikaa vieraiden kanssa. Meilla pyori ihan normaali arki kouluaamuineen ja aikaisine heratyksineen. Ei kovin hohdokasta siis.
Mainly the newly weds did their own thing. They came in the evening for dinner and sleep and then in the morning headed out again. Our girls thought it was very boring as they would have loved to spend time with out visitors. We had normal school routine on with early wake ups. Not very glamorous at all.
Yhdessa kaytiin kuitenkin vahan tassa lahella olevia nahtavyyksia katselemassa. Tama meidan seutuhan on tunnettua vapaussodan alkuajoilta. Naapurikaupungissa Lexingtonissa oli vapaussodan ensimmainen "taistelu". Taistelusta ei oikein voi kai puhua. Ja vahinkokin se vahan taisi olla. Tarkempia tietoja tapahtumasta loytyy TAALTA videon kera.
We did go together to see few sights near us. Our region is known from the start of the American revolution. In our neighbouring town, Lexington, had the first "battle" of the revolution. You can't really talk of a battle. And it was bit of an accident as well. You can find more information of what happened HERE.
Mukavaa minusta on se etta Lexintonissa on paikalla opas, joka kertoo tapahtumista haluaville. Olen nahnyt siella vanhempia miehia ja myos naisen. Kaikki pukeutuneina sen ajan vaatetukseen. Meille osui tama nuori mies. Lukiolainen, uskoisin. Vaikka osasikin kertoa juttunsa niin han ei ollut selvastikaan sina paivana kovin iloinen joutuessaan tuolla seisoskelemaan.
I think it's really great that there's a guide at Lexington Battle Green / Common and they tell visitors about what happened if they are asked. I've seen older men there and once a woman. They have all been dressed in period clothing. When we came down there was a young man. High schooler I believe. Even though he knew his business and stories and told them lively he looked very unhappy to be there on that particular day.
Jos katsoit videon niin ylla olevat kuvat ovat siita talosta missa Lexintonin Minutemen "sotilaat" odottivat britteja.
If you watched the video the above pictures are from the house where the Lexington Minutemen soldiers were waiting for the British.
Tuolla Buckman Tavern:ssa seka vieressa olevassa info pisteessa on pienet kaupat, joista voi ostaa kortteja, kirjoja, pilleja, varityskirjoja, nukkeja, nukentekopaketteja jne. Kaikki tietysti teemaan ja aikakauteen liittyen.
In the Buckman Tavern as well as the Information center next to it both have small shops where you can buy cards, books, colouring books, dolls, doll kits etc. And all of this of course according to the theme and time.
Nahtavilla on myos upea pienoismalli yhteenotosta. Sen on tehnyt, sotakirjeenvaihtaja ja valokuvaaja (nimea en nyt muista yhtaan) ihan harrastuksenaan. Se on mielestani tosi hieno.
You can also see a fantastic model of the Lexington Battle. It was made by a war journalist and photographer ( cannot remember the name right now and couldn't find the info) as a hobby. I think it's really wonderful.
Ja kerkesivathan nuo vieraatkin leikkimaan vahan. Legot oli esilla useampaan otteeseen. :D
And yes, the visitors had some time to play. The Lego was pulled out several times. :D