Taalla on tapahtunut vahan sita ja tata ja tasta taitaa tulla aikaimoinen sillisalaattipostaus asioiden suhteen. Kuviksi valikoitu talla kertaa toissailtainen auringonlasku, joka oli vallan komea vareissaan.
Mina olen saanut uudet lasit. Iha vahan muutosta nakoon itsessaan mutta optikko ehdotti moniteholaseja. OU NOU! Parjaisin kuulemma viela vuoden puolitoista ilmankin mutta koska en nyt aikonut laseja ihan heti olla vaihtamassa niin laitettiin sitten saman tien ne monitehot. Olo vahan vanhentui heti. Ja nyt sitten olen totutellut uusien lasien kanssa elamiseen.
All kinds of things have happened here and this posting is going to be a mixture of little pieces of news from here and there. Pictures are of the sunset we had the other night. Gorgeous colours.
I got new pair of glasses. Just a little bit of change in my vision itself but the optician suggested progressive glasses. OH NO! I would be fine without them for a year or two but after that it would be reality. And as I'm not going to buy new glasses in a years or two years time I got the progressive lenses now. I feel much older immediately. Now I've been trying to get used to living with the new glasses.
Paanvaivaa on aiheuttanut koiruudella ilmennyt pissaongelma. Pojulta paasee valilla tahtomattaan latakoita sisalla. Eipa taida vahingon sattuessa edes tajuta sita mutta on kauhuissan asiasta jalkeenpain. Asiaa tutkitaan. Ei kamalan kivaa tammoinen vaiva. Kaksi isoa mattoa pitaa vieda pesuun. Muut onkin rullattu pois ettei niille tule mitaan. Toivottavasti tama on jotain, joka saadaan hoidettua eika tama ole pysyva vaiva.
Doggy problems are creating headaches. Our boy can't seem to always hold his bladder and we've found puddles inside. We are sure these are completely involuntary as he always tells if he needs to go and he has not done so. He always seems extremely upset after this kind of accident. It's beeing investigated. Not much fun this kind of problem. Two of big rugs have to be washed and the rest have been rolled away so that there won't be other accidents on rugs. I hope this is something that can be fixed and won't be a permanent problem.
Mieheni on vaihtamassa tyopaikkaa. Microsoftille sanotaan heipat. Ei ollut kovin mukava tyonantajakokemus tuo firma. Mikaan asia ei toiminut. Tyontekijoista ei pideta huolta. No, nyt ei tartvitse huolehtia siita. Uusi tyonantaja onkin eurooppalainen ja meilla on ilmeisesti myos mahdollisuus jossain vaiheessa palata Atlanttin toiselle puolelle tyonantajan puolesta. Se olisi aika kiva juttu. Mutta se on tulevaisuuden juttuja sitten.
My husband is changing jobs. Farewell Microsoft. It was not very nice employer experience. Nothing worked and employees are not treated well or looked after. No more worrying about that. His new employer is an European company and there's a possibility to return to the other side of Atlantic. That would be quite nice. However, this will be issues in the future.
Me karistetaan lumet jaloistamme ja lahdemme aurinkoon ja lampoon! Ah ihanaa! Tuskin maltan odottaa. Ensin Floridaan ja sitten pari paiava kotona pyykaten ja sen jalkeen tyttojen reissu Texasiin. Matkakuulumisia tulee varmasti, mutta milla aikataululla. Siita en ole varma. Hiljaiselo blogissa on siis hyvinkin mahdollista seuraavan neljan viikon ajan. Ehka kayn taalla vahan ilmoittelemassa etta ollaanko elossa..... ehka en. :)
We are shaking snow off our shows and are heading to sun and warmth! Oh how wonderful! I can't wait. First Florida and then few days back home doing laundry and then girly trip to Texas. I'm sure to post about the trips but with what kind of schedule I have no idea. Quiet times in the blog are expected during the next four weeks. Maybe I'll pop by letting you know I'm alright...... maybe I won't. :)