Meilla ei ole pikkareita, tai pikkuhousuja. Meilla on nikkareita. Se tulee Britti Englannin sanasta 'knickers' eli alushousut. Nikkarit on ollut meilla aina vahan sellainen hankala juttu. Kaupan nikkarit ei ole kamalan kivoja tyttojen mielesta. Mina olenkin sitten niita alkanut tekemaan. Aikaisemmin olen tehnyt alushousja isommalle neidille esim. TAALLA mutta niita on tehtailtu muutenkin. Nyt ostin pikkuneitia silmalla pitaen uuden kaavan jolla olen muutamat nikkarit nyt tehnyt (tarvetta on reissuun). Ja kaava osui nappiin ainakin hanella. Kyseessa on Monkeysbug knit hipster or bikini briefs for girls PDF kaava. Nyt pitaisi kokeilla sitten samaa kaavaa isommalle neidille mutta se saa odottaa reissusta paluuta. Mielenkiintoiset kangas/variyhdistelmat johtuu nyt vaan siita etta kaytan muista projekteista jaljelle jaaneita tilkkuja. :)
We don't have underwear or undies in this house. We call them nikkarit (Finnish English combination of the British English word knickers). Nikkarit have always been a bit of a problematic issue for our girls. They do not like the ones from the store. So I've started to sew them. Previously I've made some for Big Miss e.g. HERE but I've been sewing them without posting. Now I bought a new pattern thinking of Little Miss. I've made few (we have need for the trip). And the patterns seem to be a great fit for her. I'm talking about Monkeysbug knit hipster or bikini briefs for girls PDF pattern. Now I need to try the same pattern for Big Miss as well. But that will have to wait until we get back from our trip. The interesting fabric/colour combinations are due to the fact that I'm using scraps from other projects. :)
Please make a couple for me too! :D Using those materials! hihi
VastaaPoistaI wish I had the pattern for adults and I would. :) I was actually thinking while making these to try to adjust the pattern for me as well. :) But that will have to wait.
PoistaSo cute! Love them :) Adult pattern would be great!
VastaaPoistaTell me about it. I would sooooo make some for myself if I had the pattern.