Viime viikko oli meilla talviloma. Tuli ihan tarpeeseen. Tosin nyt olen itse ihan oman loman tarpeessa. ;) Ei ollut nyt mitaan matkaa. Ihan kotona oltiin.
Last week we had winter break. It was very needed. However, now I'm in a need of my own holiday. ;) No trip anywhere at this time. We stayed home.
Leikkitreffeja, lumitoita, leipomuksia ja vahan kasitoitakin. Eihan ilman kasitoita nyt voi lomalla olla. Pannaria, lettuja ja ruunebergin torttujakin (hiukkasen myohassa) tuli tehtya. Lunta on tullut lisaa. Vois jo riittaa. Mina joka tykkaan lumesta niin en tykkaa siita enaa yhtaan. Meilla on tullut lunta vuoden vaihteen jalkeen melkein kolme metria taalla meidan kaupungin mittausten mukaan. Aurinko on kuitenkin uskomattoman voimakas taalla. Aurinkoisena paivana sulamista tapahtuu vaikka ulkona on melkein kaksikymenta astetta pakkasta. Yksi suurin ongelma tuntuu olevan yhteinen kaikilla taalla. Jaapadot ranneissa. En ymmarra miten talot taalla rakennetaan mutta joka vuosi niita jaapatoja on. Meidan talossa ei viime vuonna ollut. Nyt on yhdessa kohtaa ja se on rannin paalla. Meilla on nimittain ranneissa sellaiset lehtisuojat. Jotkut talot on aika huikean nakoisia kun niissa on hirmuiset jaapuikot. Siis niin isoja etta ne roikkuu toisesta kerroksesta alas maahan asti. Nyt toivotaan ettei enempaa lunta tule. Ja etta sulaminen tapahtuu pikkuhiljaa. Nimittain jos nama meidan lumimaarat sulaa nopeasti niin vedet on kylla talojen kellareissa joka on viela isompi ongelma.
Play dates, clearing the snow, baking and a bit of crocheting. Can't be without crafts on your holiday. Made some Finnish oven pancake, Finnish pancakes and Runeberg torte (a bit late). We've also had more snow. Could stop already. I who love snow I don't like it at all at the moment. After new Year we've had nearly three meters of snow here in Bedford (town measurements). The sun is unbelievably strong though. Even though it's been freezing the sun melts the sun all the time bit by bit. One of the biggest problems at the moment seems to be a joint one for all. Ice dams in gutters. I don't understand how they build houses here but every year you see ice dams. Last year we didn't have any. Now we do have one and it's on top of the gutter as we have a leaf guard. Some houses look quite unbelievable with huge ice-sickles coming down from second floor all the way to the ground. Now we are all hoping no more snow. And that the melting will happen slowly. If all this snow melts quickly we'll be in trouble and there'll be water in every cellar which is even bigger problem than the ice dams.
Miksi muuten aamuisin lomalla lapset heraa aikaisemmin kuin arkipaivina. Arkena isomman joutuu kaymaan herattamassa. Pienempikin nukkuu pidempaan. Lomalla molemmat olivat jarjestaan hereilla ennen seitsemaa. Olisihan se ollut ihan kiva nukkua yhtena paivana vahan pidempaan ilman etta heraa pienemman neidin kiekumiseen: "MAAAAAMIIIIII Mina oooon hereilllaaaaaaaa! Mennaan alaaaaaaas!" Koska ohjelmaa ei oikeastaan ollut niin aamut oli ihanan verkkaisia. Meni pari paivaa niin ettei lapset saaneet paivavaatteita paalleen ollenkaan. Minulla sellaista ylellisyytta ei ole kun pitaa koiruutta ulkona kuskata.
Why on earth always on a holiday children wake up earlier than during normal week? Usually I have to wake up Big Miss. Little Miss sleeps longer too. Last week both girls were up before seven every day. It would have been nice to sleep a bit longer at least one morning without waking up Little Miss hollering: "MUUUUMMYYYYYY I am awakeeeeeee! Let's go dooooooooownstaaaaaaiiiirs!" As we didn't have anything in the program really mornings were nice and easy going. We did have few days so that the children didn't get day clothes on at all. I didn't have that kind of luxury as I have the dog to walk.
Askarreltiin pariinkin otteeseen. Tehtiin helmikoruja ja leikeltiin ja liimailtiin kangastilkuista vaatteita pahvinukeille. Hauskoja juttuja molemmat.
We did some crafting. Bead jewellery and then we cut and glued clothes from scrap fabric to paper dolls. Fun projects both.
Joku osaa ottaa iisisti. Mahtaa olla hyvat unet kun noin hymyilyttaa. Isompi neiti kyseli melkein joka paiva etta koska paasee taas kouluun. Taitaa tykata todellakin. Pienempikin laski oita. Ehka lopussa vahan mamikin. :) Jotenkin kun lapset oli kotona en osannut olla koneella ollenkaan ja sen takia blogi jai huomiotta.
Kuvankasittelykurssi on melkein ohi. Aikamoinen tietoplajays ja harjoteltavaa on vaikka kuinka. Samoin tuossa kuvaamisessa edelleen. Mutta kivaa se on. Yksi tehtava viela tekematta. Ja ihan sopiva ajoitus koska kurssi loppuu 1.3. Olisi niin ihana ottaa ulkonakin kuvia mutta siella on niin tautisen kylma ettei ilman hanskoja voisi kuvitellakaan olevansa. Ja olenpa oppinut senkin etta kun kylmasta tulee sisaa kameran kanssa se pitaa sulkea ilmatiiviiseen muovipussiin jo ulkona ja antaa useamman tunnin rauhassa lammeta sisalla ennen kuin sen ottaa sielta pois. Tama estaa siis kondesoitumisen. Enpa ole uskaltanut kokeilla.
Someone is taking it easy. Seems to have good dreams as he's smiling so. Big Miss was asking nearly daily when it was time to go back to school. I would say she likes it. Little Miss counted nights. Towards the end of the holiday maybe mummy too, just a little. When the girls were home I just couldn't settle to sit down by my computer and that's the reason my blog got neglected. Terribly sorry about that.
The picture editing course I'm taking is almost over. Quite a information bomb and lots to practise even after the course as well as in taking photos in general. But I love it. I have one assignment still to do. And perfect timing for it as well as the course will end March 1st. It would be so wonderful to take pictures outside but it's been so darn cold that I couldn't even think about fiddling with the settings without gloves. I've also learned that if you bring our camera in from taking photos outside, you should put it in an air tight bag before bringing it in and let it sit several hours after coming in before you remove it from the bag. This prevents condensation. I haven't dared to try.
Mina haaveilen lampoisesta. Tanaankin aamulla oli -25C. Brrrrrr! Tosin ei taalta nyt oikein paase minnekaan. Lomalla oli tarkoitus menna San Antonioon, Texasiin mutta se ei sen paan menojen takia onnistunut ja joudumme odottamaan nyt huhtikuuhun ja kevatlomaan ennen kuin suuntaamme tyttojen kanssa nenan etelaan. Ihanaa paasta kaymaan siella! Lennot on varattu. Nyt lasketaan paivia. Tai ehka tassa vaiheessa viela viikkoja (joita on kahdeksan ennen reissua - blaah).
Nyt on arki taasen taalla. Ihanaa! Tytot ovat onnessaan kun paasevat kouluun ja mamikin on onnellinen kun rutiinit palasi elamaan.
I'm dreaming of warmth. Today morning with -25C was too cold! Brrrrrr! But we can't really get anywhere from here at the moment. We were meant to go to San Antonio, Texas during our winter break but because of things happening at that end it didn't work and now we have to wait until April and spring break before girls and I can head south. It's going to be sooo lovely to go there! Flights have been booked. Now we're counting days. Or actually weeks at this point (and there's eight of them before the trip - blaah).
Now our normal weekday routine is back here which is extremely wonderful (thinks mummy). The girls are happy that the school has started again and mummy is happy that we have some normality in our days.