Meille ilmaantui tanaan tonttu. Hanen nimensa on Marme Laadidaadi. Han on joulupukin henkilokohtainen tiedustelijatonttu, joka toimittaa raportit taalta meilta paivittain joulupukille. Han on selkeasti tytto (hanella on nimittain korvakorut vanhempi neideista ilmoitti). Marme Laadidaadi, toi mukanaan kirjan, jossa selitettiin kuinka han toimii. Oisin han vilahtaa Korvatunturille raportoimaan, ja aamulla hanet loytaa aina uudesta paikasta. Haneen ei saa koskea tai han menettaa kykynsa puhua, eika nain ollen pysty kertomaan joulupukille mita taalla on tapahtunut. Jouluaaton aattona myohaan illalla Marme palaa takaisin Joulupukin luo ja lupaa palata seuraavana vuonna. Mielenkiintoista nahda miten Marme Laadidaadin lasnaolo meilla kotona vaikuttaa kayttaytymiseen. :)
An elf appeared at our house today. Her name is Marme Laadidaadi. She is Santa Claus's personal scout, who will report daily to Santa Claus what's been going on in our household. She's clearly a girl ("Mummy, she's got ear rings" the older miss informed me). Marme Laadidaadi brought a book with her where it was explained how she operates. During the night she flies to Korvatunturi tell everything and in the morning you will find her in a different spot from the previous night. You are not allowed to touch her or she looses her ability to tell Santa Claus if the child has been good or bad. In the evening/ night of Dec 23rd she will return to Korvatunturi and Santa but promises to return next year. It's going to be interesting to see how the presence of Marme Laadidaadi will affect the behaviour.
perjantai 30. marraskuuta 2012
torstai 29. marraskuuta 2012
Puhelimen katkoista / From the depths of my phone
Loysinpa viela puhelimen katkoista kuvia Irlannin reissulta. :) Ja meinasin ne tahan laittaa. Kuvien koot on Instagramia ja sita sun tata. Sorry. Ja kylla mina muistan luvanneeni ne kuvat siita villatakista ja korustakin. Yritan saada aikaiseksi ne piakkoin.... nyt tuntuu etta on niin paljon tekemista ja touhua ettei meinaa saada aikaiseksi kaikkea haluamaansa. Joulukuukin on ihan juuri taalla.
I did find some random photos of our Ireland trip from the depths of my phone. :) And I intend to post them here. The photo sizes are a bit of this and bit of that. Sorry. And I do remember that I promised the photos of the cardigan and the necklace. I'll try to get them taken soon.... now it just feels that I have so much on my plate that I cannot get all the things done that I want to. December is also here, just around the corner.
I did find some random photos of our Ireland trip from the depths of my phone. :) And I intend to post them here. The photo sizes are a bit of this and bit of that. Sorry. And I do remember that I promised the photos of the cardigan and the necklace. I'll try to get them taken soon.... now it just feels that I have so much on my plate that I cannot get all the things done that I want to. December is also here, just around the corner.
keskiviikko 28. marraskuuta 2012
Laukku taynna tuliaisia / Suitcase full of gifts
Olikohan siella matkalaukussa ollenkaan aidille vaatteita mukana kun sielta kiikutettiin piiloon pikimiten joulupukin vaaraan osoitteeseen viemat lahjat (jotka veivat melkein puolet laukusta) Sen jalkeen sielta paljastui pipoa, sukkaa, lapasta, kauluria, muita tuliaisia mupeloille ja minulle kuivattuja kanttarelleja ja seiskaveikkaa vaikka kuinka monta kerallista. :D Kylla ne aidit tietaa. Oli siella laukussa Fazerin sinistakin.
Ja sitten se minun joulupaketti.... oma joululahja itselleni. Annoin suvereenisti itselleni luvan aukaista sen jo etukateen. Tilasin nimittain itselleni koruja. Paketista paljastui ihanainen kukkasormus, jossa on tumma, sininen spektroliitti (muistuttaa tekijan mukaan minua Suomen metsalahteista). Hieman isommasta paketista kaariytyi "Ei mitkaan mummot" -setti. Silla nimella nama helmet liikkuvat. Kaikki on jo testattu ja tulevat ihan varmasti kayttoon samoin tein. Tytoillekin tilasin joululahjaksi korut. Annoin vapaat taiteelliset kadet ja koruista tuli niistakin aivan mielettoman sopot. Niista kuvia sitten joulun jalkeen kunhan ne paketista kaariytyvat. Miljuunat kiitokset Miunmaun supertaitavalle tekijalle halausten kera. Korut on mielettoman ihanat! Kaykaa kurkkimassa hanen sivujaan TAALTA. Joskos vaikka loytyisi joululahjaideoita.
I wonder if my mum had any clothes for herself in the suitcase as we hid so many Christmas gifts that Santa CLaus had accidentally taken to the wrong address and even early. All these gifts took nearly half od the suitcase. Then we were presented a hat, socks, mittens, a cowl and other gifts for the children. I got some dried chantarelle mushrooms and several skeins of "7 veljesta" - yarn. :D Mothers do know the best. And of course there was some Finnish chocolate.
And then my christmas parcel.... my christmas present for myself. I gave permission for myself to open it already. I ordered some jewellery. I unravelled a gorgeous flower ring with a dark blue spectrolite (according to the maker it will remind me of the dark blue forest springs back in Finland). And then my pearls. The name of these pearls are "Ei mitkaan mummot" which means liberally translated "Not any grannies". I've already tested all and I love them to bits and I know these will become some of my favorite pieces ever. I did order necklaces for our girls as well but those will be revealed at Christmas and I will post some pictures later. I gave free artistic hands for the maker and both turned out super cute. Million times thank you for Miunmaun super talented jewellery maker. The jewellery is gorgeous!!!!! If you are interested, have a look at her pages HERE. Maybe you find something to ask from Santa Claus or to give someone special. (I'm sure she'll sell abroad as well so don't hesitate to contact her.)
Ja sitten se minun joulupaketti.... oma joululahja itselleni. Annoin suvereenisti itselleni luvan aukaista sen jo etukateen. Tilasin nimittain itselleni koruja. Paketista paljastui ihanainen kukkasormus, jossa on tumma, sininen spektroliitti (muistuttaa tekijan mukaan minua Suomen metsalahteista). Hieman isommasta paketista kaariytyi "Ei mitkaan mummot" -setti. Silla nimella nama helmet liikkuvat. Kaikki on jo testattu ja tulevat ihan varmasti kayttoon samoin tein. Tytoillekin tilasin joululahjaksi korut. Annoin vapaat taiteelliset kadet ja koruista tuli niistakin aivan mielettoman sopot. Niista kuvia sitten joulun jalkeen kunhan ne paketista kaariytyvat. Miljuunat kiitokset Miunmaun supertaitavalle tekijalle halausten kera. Korut on mielettoman ihanat! Kaykaa kurkkimassa hanen sivujaan TAALTA. Joskos vaikka loytyisi joululahjaideoita.
I wonder if my mum had any clothes for herself in the suitcase as we hid so many Christmas gifts that Santa CLaus had accidentally taken to the wrong address and even early. All these gifts took nearly half od the suitcase. Then we were presented a hat, socks, mittens, a cowl and other gifts for the children. I got some dried chantarelle mushrooms and several skeins of "7 veljesta" - yarn. :D Mothers do know the best. And of course there was some Finnish chocolate.
And then my christmas parcel.... my christmas present for myself. I gave permission for myself to open it already. I ordered some jewellery. I unravelled a gorgeous flower ring with a dark blue spectrolite (according to the maker it will remind me of the dark blue forest springs back in Finland). And then my pearls. The name of these pearls are "Ei mitkaan mummot" which means liberally translated "Not any grannies". I've already tested all and I love them to bits and I know these will become some of my favorite pieces ever. I did order necklaces for our girls as well but those will be revealed at Christmas and I will post some pictures later. I gave free artistic hands for the maker and both turned out super cute. Million times thank you for Miunmaun super talented jewellery maker. The jewellery is gorgeous!!!!! If you are interested, have a look at her pages HERE. Maybe you find something to ask from Santa Claus or to give someone special. (I'm sure she'll sell abroad as well so don't hesitate to contact her.)
tiistai 27. marraskuuta 2012
Aiti / Mother
Aiti on taalla. Minun aitini. Han lennahti tanaan Suomesta meidan iloksemme kahdeksi kuukaudeksi. Tytot olivat innoissaan saadessaan Momin tanne. Mina olen innoissani saadessani viettaa aikaa aidin kanssa, saadessani hanet lahelle, nahdessani kuinka seka han etta lapset nauttivat toistensa seurasta. On oi niin vaikeaa olla erossa rakkaista, jotka asuvat oi niin pitkalla. Talletan taman ajan sydameeni ja vaalin sita.
Mother is here. My mother. She flew over today from Finland to be with us for two months. The girls were so excited to get Momi here. I'm so excited to have the opportunity to spend time with her, to have her so close, to see how she and the girls enjoy each other's company. Oh it's so hard to be apart from loved ones who live oh so far away. I will cherish this time.
Mother is here. My mother. She flew over today from Finland to be with us for two months. The girls were so excited to get Momi here. I'm so excited to have the opportunity to spend time with her, to have her so close, to see how she and the girls enjoy each other's company. Oh it's so hard to be apart from loved ones who live oh so far away. I will cherish this time.
maanantai 26. marraskuuta 2012
Teelle kiitos / Thanking tea
Luojan kiitos tee on keksitty. Oli nimittain pikkasen vitsit vahissa kun mun pikku porropaa rupesi huutelemaan Mamia vartin yli nelja aamulla. Huuto vaan ylty kun yritti takaisin laittaa makuuasentoon. Tuli uusi huuto kun yritin etta nukkuisi meidan vieressa. Tunti myohemmin kompi isompi porropaa alas valittaen ettei voi nukkua. HUOH! Voi kunpa ymmartaisin mika tata meidan pikkuneitia oikein vaivaa etta herailee nain aikaseen.
Mina olen siivoillut ja jarjestellyt paikkoja ja se tulee viela jatkumaan taman ja huomisen. Vahan kerrassaan. Aiti tulee Suomesta tiistaina kahdeksi kuukaudeksi tanne. Vierashuone aina tuppaa rajahtamaan aivan totaalisesti kun se ei ole kaytossa. Siella oli viela muuton jaljilta laatikoita, jotka on nyt tyhjennetty. Ja se on sitten kumma mita uusi paivapeitto ja pari tyynya saa aikaiseksi. Vanha villalanka mattokin sai paikan lattialta kylmia lattioita vasten. Ja kiikkustuolini, ylellisyys jonka hankin kun pikkuneiti synty, siirrettiin ylakerrasta myos vierashuoneeseen. Haluaisin kovasti viela sangyn ylapuolelle Unikko-kankaasta tehdyn taulun (joko styroksilevyn paalle pingotettuna tai sitten puukehyksen ymparille). Ja sangylle joku valkoinen tyyny vahan punaista rikkomaan. Tasta huoneesta tuli nyt punainen. Ihanan raikas ja lampiman oloinen. Olen tyytyvainen. Joulukoristeetkin olen tahan huoneeseen miettinyt valmiiksi. Mutta niita se saa odotella viela vahan.
Vaikka mina neulonkin niin olen aikalailla viela aloittelija naissa hommissa eli helppoja projekteja (ja tietty ne sukat, jotka opittiin koulussa). Ostinkin itselleni kirjan, joka kasittelee poyroneuleita ja niissa kaytettavia erilaisia tekniikoita. Yritin sita eilen useampaan otteeseen lukea mutta eihan siita mitaan tullut kun nama meidan neidit oli sita mielta etta Mamin ei tarvitse lukea yhtaan mitaan. Sen verran kuitenkin siita sain irti etta taisin tehda aikamoisen loydon. Kirja on vallan mainio. Onkos muuten kellaan kokemusta tehda kahta sukkaa samaan aikaan pyoropuikoilla? Mua kovasti kiinnostais kokeilla mutta ma tarvitsisin vinkkeja mista sais hyvia neuvoja.
Thank goodness tea has been invented. I was not amused when my little one started hollering for Mummy quarter past four in the morning. She started screaming when I tried to put her back to bed. New screaming when I tried to get her to lie down next to me. So down we went. An hour later the bigger one came down declaring she couldn't sleep. SIGH! Oh how I wish I knew what was going on with the little one and her early wakings.
I've been cleaning and tidying up places and it has been going on these past few days. Little by little. My mother is flying in tomorrow from Finland for two months. Guest room seems to always become a chaos when no-one is using it. There were still few boxes after the move which now have been emptied. It's a wonder what a new bed spread and few pillows can do. Old wool yarn rug got a place on the floor to keep mum's feet warm on the floor. And then my glider, a luxury I got when the little miss was born, was now moved from upstairs to the guest room. I'd like to get a Unikko picture (fabric covered styrofoam or wooden frame) above the bed. And a white pillow to break the red on the bed. The room became red. It's actually very fresh and warm. I'm happy. I've even thought about how to decorate the room for Christmas. :) But it will have to wait for those a bit longer.
Even though I knit I still consider myself a beginner. I did buy myself a book on circular knitting and different techniques and tips in relation to it. I tried to have a look at it several times yesterday but failed handsomely as both girls were in the opinion that mummy didn't need to read anything. I did get as much out of it that I have a feeling I made a great found with this book. It's brilliant. Does anyone have any experience in making sock two at a time on circular needles? I'm very interested in trying but I need good tips where to find the correct information and instructions.
Mina olen siivoillut ja jarjestellyt paikkoja ja se tulee viela jatkumaan taman ja huomisen. Vahan kerrassaan. Aiti tulee Suomesta tiistaina kahdeksi kuukaudeksi tanne. Vierashuone aina tuppaa rajahtamaan aivan totaalisesti kun se ei ole kaytossa. Siella oli viela muuton jaljilta laatikoita, jotka on nyt tyhjennetty. Ja se on sitten kumma mita uusi paivapeitto ja pari tyynya saa aikaiseksi. Vanha villalanka mattokin sai paikan lattialta kylmia lattioita vasten. Ja kiikkustuolini, ylellisyys jonka hankin kun pikkuneiti synty, siirrettiin ylakerrasta myos vierashuoneeseen. Haluaisin kovasti viela sangyn ylapuolelle Unikko-kankaasta tehdyn taulun (joko styroksilevyn paalle pingotettuna tai sitten puukehyksen ymparille). Ja sangylle joku valkoinen tyyny vahan punaista rikkomaan. Tasta huoneesta tuli nyt punainen. Ihanan raikas ja lampiman oloinen. Olen tyytyvainen. Joulukoristeetkin olen tahan huoneeseen miettinyt valmiiksi. Mutta niita se saa odotella viela vahan.
Vaikka mina neulonkin niin olen aikalailla viela aloittelija naissa hommissa eli helppoja projekteja (ja tietty ne sukat, jotka opittiin koulussa). Ostinkin itselleni kirjan, joka kasittelee poyroneuleita ja niissa kaytettavia erilaisia tekniikoita. Yritin sita eilen useampaan otteeseen lukea mutta eihan siita mitaan tullut kun nama meidan neidit oli sita mielta etta Mamin ei tarvitse lukea yhtaan mitaan. Sen verran kuitenkin siita sain irti etta taisin tehda aikamoisen loydon. Kirja on vallan mainio. Onkos muuten kellaan kokemusta tehda kahta sukkaa samaan aikaan pyoropuikoilla? Mua kovasti kiinnostais kokeilla mutta ma tarvitsisin vinkkeja mista sais hyvia neuvoja.
Thank goodness tea has been invented. I was not amused when my little one started hollering for Mummy quarter past four in the morning. She started screaming when I tried to put her back to bed. New screaming when I tried to get her to lie down next to me. So down we went. An hour later the bigger one came down declaring she couldn't sleep. SIGH! Oh how I wish I knew what was going on with the little one and her early wakings.
I've been cleaning and tidying up places and it has been going on these past few days. Little by little. My mother is flying in tomorrow from Finland for two months. Guest room seems to always become a chaos when no-one is using it. There were still few boxes after the move which now have been emptied. It's a wonder what a new bed spread and few pillows can do. Old wool yarn rug got a place on the floor to keep mum's feet warm on the floor. And then my glider, a luxury I got when the little miss was born, was now moved from upstairs to the guest room. I'd like to get a Unikko picture (fabric covered styrofoam or wooden frame) above the bed. And a white pillow to break the red on the bed. The room became red. It's actually very fresh and warm. I'm happy. I've even thought about how to decorate the room for Christmas. :) But it will have to wait for those a bit longer.
Even though I knit I still consider myself a beginner. I did buy myself a book on circular knitting and different techniques and tips in relation to it. I tried to have a look at it several times yesterday but failed handsomely as both girls were in the opinion that mummy didn't need to read anything. I did get as much out of it that I have a feeling I made a great found with this book. It's brilliant. Does anyone have any experience in making sock two at a time on circular needles? I'm very interested in trying but I need good tips where to find the correct information and instructions.
lauantai 24. marraskuuta 2012
Kuin nappia olisi painettu / As if someone pushed a button
Aina se hammastyttaa ihan yhta lailla kuinka Kiitospaiva on se rajapyykki, josta alkaa "joulu". Jotkut laittavat joulukuusen pystyyn jo Kiitospaivaksi. Joillakin se on pystyssa seuraavana paivana. Eilen illalla kun ajeltiin pimeassa kotiin ystaviemme luota laskimme ainakin kuusi joulukuusta ikkunoista. Ja kuin joku olisi painanut nappia, pihoille on ilmestynyt yhden paivan aikana valtavat maarat jouluvaloja. Viikonlopun aikana niita ilmaantuu varmasti viela enemman. Nama kuvat nappasin meidan kadulta (oli ihan pakko ottaa kamera koiran ulkoilutuslenkille mukaan). Onneksi ovat sentaan varinsa puolesta hillittyja. Kaksi viimeista kuvaa ovat samasta pihasta.
It always amazes me how Thanksgiving is the day that marks when "christmas" starts. Some people decorate their christmas tree already for Thanksgiving, some the next day. Yesterday evening when we were driving home in the dark we counted six lit trees from the windows. And as if someone had pushed a button a lot of christmas lights had appeared on people's front yards during one day. I'm sure there's going to be even more during the weekend. These pictures I took from our street (I just had to take my camera when I took the dog out). Luckily these are conservative colour. Two last pictures are from the same yard.
It always amazes me how Thanksgiving is the day that marks when "christmas" starts. Some people decorate their christmas tree already for Thanksgiving, some the next day. Yesterday evening when we were driving home in the dark we counted six lit trees from the windows. And as if someone had pushed a button a lot of christmas lights had appeared on people's front yards during one day. I'm sure there's going to be even more during the weekend. These pictures I took from our street (I just had to take my camera when I took the dog out). Luckily these are conservative colour. Two last pictures are from the same yard.
perjantai 23. marraskuuta 2012
Perjantaiaamun rauha / Friday morning peace
Aikaisten aamuherailyjen jalkeen tuntuu ihan uskomattomalta etta aamulla kun katsoin kelloa ja se naytti 08.11, molemmat tytot vetelivat viela sikeita ylakerrassa. Siina vaiheessa mina olin jo ollut ylhaalla tunnin verran. Mika sen on, etta kun saisi nukkua niin ei nukuta? Olenkin nauttinut hilaisesta aamusta, teesta, saan lukea postit rauhassa, ja kurkistaa blogimaailmaan.
Tanaan Kiitospaivan jalkeen Amerikka sekoaa shoppailusta. On nimittain Musta perjantai (Black Friday) ja tama paiva on omistettu shoppailuille. Kaupat on pullollaan hyvia tarjouksia ja ihmiset jonottavat tuntikaupalla saadakseen juuri sen tietyn halutun tavaran. Mina en sinne hulluuteen lahde. Kaikki shoppailut, jotka tanaan teen teen ne netin kautta. On ihan sulaa hulluutta lahtea siihen kaaokseen. Ja illalla uutisissa taas kerrotaan kuinka jotkut ihmiset saivat aikaan tappelun jonkun ihan alyttoman tavaran takia.
Paasemme tanaan nauttimaan ystavien seurasta. Iltapaivalla perhe autoon ja hurautetaan tuohon lahelle ystavaperheen luo. Meille on luvattu ihanaa kanapiirakkaa (chicken pot pie). Alusta alkaen itse tehtya. SLURPS! Lapset saavat leikkiseuraa mika onkin hauskaa. Oma olo on viela vahan niin ja nain mutta tungen itseni niin tayteen kaiken maailman droppia etta parjaan.
Kavin viikko sitten IKEAssa. Pitaa saada tuota alakerran sisaantuloaulaa laitettua toimivaksi. Eli eilen sitten kasasin hyllykon.
Vanhempi neiti laskee paivia siihen kun Momi (aitini) tulee Suomesta tanne. Mina toivoisin niita paivia olevan muutaman lisaa niin etta saisin taman huushollin luovan kaaoksen edes jonkinlaiseen jarjestykseen..... Aidin huone sentaan on mattoa vailla kunnossa (niin ja siita silitettavien pyykkien pinosta siella huoneessa en sano mitaan).
Marraskuun toinen paiva Meksikossa vietetaan kuolleiden paivaa. Olen saanut uuden ystavan tana syksyna ja han on sielta. Hanen miehensa (saksalainen) oli tyomatkaltaan tultua tuonut tuliaisiksi tallaisia sokerista tehtyja, koristeltuja paakalloja. Mekin saimme yhden, tosin nain jalkikateen. Arvatkaapas kuka on kinunnut etta se pitaa syoda HETI?!
After all the super early morning wake-ups these past few weeks it feels quite unbelievable that when I looked at the time in the morning it was 8.11am and both girls were still sound asleep upstairs. At that point I had been up for an hour. What is it that when you have a chance to sleep, you can't? So, I did enjoy fully my quiet morning, tea, I got to read e-mail in peace and have a peak at the blog world.
Today, after Thanksgiving, America goes crazy for shopping. It's Black Friday and today has been dedicated to shopping. All shops are full of great offers and people que hours and hours to get to these limited amount offers before they run out. I'm not going into that craziness. If I'm doing any shopping today it will be online. It would be complete madness to go out into that chaos. And in the evening in the news we'll hear how people have fought over some silly things.
We get to enjoy today company of friends. We've been promised some lovely comfort food: chicken pot pie. SLURP! The children will get to play together. My own feeling is what it is but I'll take whatever to keep me going during this afternoon.
A week ago I went to IKEA. I have to get the hallway coming from the garage into house to work somehow. Now it's everything but. So yesterday I put together a shelf.
The older one of our girls is counting days until Momi (my mother) comes from Finland. I wish there were few more days so that I could get this creative chaos of ours in some kind of order. :D Mum's room is pretty much ready. Just have to put a rug in there (and I'm not saying anything about the pile of clothing waiting to be ironed in this particular room). Novemeber 2nd Mexicans celebrate Day of the dead. I have made a new friend this fall and she's from Mexico. Her husband (German) was traveling in business to Mexico and brought some gifts. These skulls are made out of sugar. They were kind to give us one of these skulls, even though it came after the actual day when we returned from Ireland. Guess who has been wanting to eat it RIGHT NOW?!
Tanaan Kiitospaivan jalkeen Amerikka sekoaa shoppailusta. On nimittain Musta perjantai (Black Friday) ja tama paiva on omistettu shoppailuille. Kaupat on pullollaan hyvia tarjouksia ja ihmiset jonottavat tuntikaupalla saadakseen juuri sen tietyn halutun tavaran. Mina en sinne hulluuteen lahde. Kaikki shoppailut, jotka tanaan teen teen ne netin kautta. On ihan sulaa hulluutta lahtea siihen kaaokseen. Ja illalla uutisissa taas kerrotaan kuinka jotkut ihmiset saivat aikaan tappelun jonkun ihan alyttoman tavaran takia.
Paasemme tanaan nauttimaan ystavien seurasta. Iltapaivalla perhe autoon ja hurautetaan tuohon lahelle ystavaperheen luo. Meille on luvattu ihanaa kanapiirakkaa (chicken pot pie). Alusta alkaen itse tehtya. SLURPS! Lapset saavat leikkiseuraa mika onkin hauskaa. Oma olo on viela vahan niin ja nain mutta tungen itseni niin tayteen kaiken maailman droppia etta parjaan.
Kavin viikko sitten IKEAssa. Pitaa saada tuota alakerran sisaantuloaulaa laitettua toimivaksi. Eli eilen sitten kasasin hyllykon.
Vanhempi neiti laskee paivia siihen kun Momi (aitini) tulee Suomesta tanne. Mina toivoisin niita paivia olevan muutaman lisaa niin etta saisin taman huushollin luovan kaaoksen edes jonkinlaiseen jarjestykseen..... Aidin huone sentaan on mattoa vailla kunnossa (niin ja siita silitettavien pyykkien pinosta siella huoneessa en sano mitaan).
Marraskuun toinen paiva Meksikossa vietetaan kuolleiden paivaa. Olen saanut uuden ystavan tana syksyna ja han on sielta. Hanen miehensa (saksalainen) oli tyomatkaltaan tultua tuonut tuliaisiksi tallaisia sokerista tehtyja, koristeltuja paakalloja. Mekin saimme yhden, tosin nain jalkikateen. Arvatkaapas kuka on kinunnut etta se pitaa syoda HETI?!
After all the super early morning wake-ups these past few weeks it feels quite unbelievable that when I looked at the time in the morning it was 8.11am and both girls were still sound asleep upstairs. At that point I had been up for an hour. What is it that when you have a chance to sleep, you can't? So, I did enjoy fully my quiet morning, tea, I got to read e-mail in peace and have a peak at the blog world.
Today, after Thanksgiving, America goes crazy for shopping. It's Black Friday and today has been dedicated to shopping. All shops are full of great offers and people que hours and hours to get to these limited amount offers before they run out. I'm not going into that craziness. If I'm doing any shopping today it will be online. It would be complete madness to go out into that chaos. And in the evening in the news we'll hear how people have fought over some silly things.
We get to enjoy today company of friends. We've been promised some lovely comfort food: chicken pot pie. SLURP! The children will get to play together. My own feeling is what it is but I'll take whatever to keep me going during this afternoon.
A week ago I went to IKEA. I have to get the hallway coming from the garage into house to work somehow. Now it's everything but. So yesterday I put together a shelf.
The older one of our girls is counting days until Momi (my mother) comes from Finland. I wish there were few more days so that I could get this creative chaos of ours in some kind of order. :D Mum's room is pretty much ready. Just have to put a rug in there (and I'm not saying anything about the pile of clothing waiting to be ironed in this particular room). Novemeber 2nd Mexicans celebrate Day of the dead. I have made a new friend this fall and she's from Mexico. Her husband (German) was traveling in business to Mexico and brought some gifts. These skulls are made out of sugar. They were kind to give us one of these skulls, even though it came after the actual day when we returned from Ireland. Guess who has been wanting to eat it RIGHT NOW?!
torstai 22. marraskuuta 2012
Kiitollinen / Thankful
Tanaan taalla vietetaan Kiitospaivaa. Mina olen kiitollinen kahdesta tyttaresta, joita rakastan niin paljon kuin rakkautta tassa maailmassa on. Olen kiitollinen miehesta, joka seisoo rinnallani, niin yla- kuin alamaessa, tukien minua ja joka rakasaa minua sellaisena kuin olen. Olen kiitollinen siita, etta olemme yhdessa. Olen kiitollinen, etta olemme kaikki terveita (flunssia ei lasketa ;P). Olen kiitollinen siita, etta minulla on edes muutama ystava, jotka ovat pysyneet elamassani vaikka valimatka onkin laittoman pitka.
Today we celebrate Thanksgiving here. I'm thankful for two daughters who I love as much as there is love in this world. I'm thankful for a husband who stands beside me in ups and downs, supporting me and who loves me as I am. I'm thankful for that we all are together. I'm thankful for us all being healthy (not counting colds ;-P). I'm also thankful that I have at least few friends who have stayed in my life even though distance between us is illegally long.
Today we celebrate Thanksgiving here. I'm thankful for two daughters who I love as much as there is love in this world. I'm thankful for a husband who stands beside me in ups and downs, supporting me and who loves me as I am. I'm thankful for that we all are together. I'm thankful for us all being healthy (not counting colds ;-P). I'm also thankful that I have at least few friends who have stayed in my life even though distance between us is illegally long.
Kontin taytetta / Filling for the sack
Mainitsinkin etta olen saanut muutaman projektin paatetyksi. Sain kuin sainkin pikkuneidille tarkoitetut Kanoko-housut paateltya ja viimeisteltya ennen Irlannin reissua. Olisin kovasti halunnut kuvia viipottajasta housut jalassa mutta kun nuo on tarkoitettu pakettiin ja pakettin pukin konttiin. (Muuttelin vahan ohjetta housujen pituuden suhteen ja laittamalla housunlahkeisiin joustinneuletta.)
Reissussa mukana oli Enkelin hiuksia (Sensations Angel Hair - lankaa), joista syntyi kaksi kaulahuivia. Nekin joululahjaksi. Kuvista naette kuinka ihanan pehmea ja untuvaista lanka oli. Se tuntuu niin unelmaiselta hyppysissa kun sita tyostaa mutta se tuntuu viela ihanammalta kun huivin kiepauttaa kaulan ymaprille. Namakin kaaraistaan joulupakettiin.
I did mention that I have finished few projects. I did finish the little miss's Kanoko-pants before Ireland trip. I would have liked to get photos of her running about in them but these are meant for the Santa's sack. (I did change the pattern to get the required length and also added ribbing to the legs.)
With me in Ireland I had some Sensation Angel Hair yarn, which turned into two scarfs. Those as well are going to be wrapped for Christmas. From the photos you can see how lovely and feathery the yarn is. It feels so dreamy in your fingers when you work it but it feels even dreamier when you wrap it around your neck.
Reissussa mukana oli Enkelin hiuksia (Sensations Angel Hair - lankaa), joista syntyi kaksi kaulahuivia. Nekin joululahjaksi. Kuvista naette kuinka ihanan pehmea ja untuvaista lanka oli. Se tuntuu niin unelmaiselta hyppysissa kun sita tyostaa mutta se tuntuu viela ihanammalta kun huivin kiepauttaa kaulan ymaprille. Namakin kaaraistaan joulupakettiin.
I did mention that I have finished few projects. I did finish the little miss's Kanoko-pants before Ireland trip. I would have liked to get photos of her running about in them but these are meant for the Santa's sack. (I did change the pattern to get the required length and also added ribbing to the legs.)
With me in Ireland I had some Sensation Angel Hair yarn, which turned into two scarfs. Those as well are going to be wrapped for Christmas. From the photos you can see how lovely and feathery the yarn is. It feels so dreamy in your fingers when you work it but it feels even dreamier when you wrap it around your neck.
keskiviikko 21. marraskuuta 2012
Kuvaton / Pictureless
Irlannintuliaisina tuli sitten flunssa. HUOKAUS! Nenaliina tolloja on villatakin taskussa, verkkarin taskussa, hihassa..... Ihan missa vaan. Noosi on tukossa. Vedet valuu vaan silmista. Valilla aivastuttaa niin maan vietavasti ja sitten nena muuttuukin Niagaraksi. Nena on kaiken niistamisen jaljilta punainen kuin Petterilla. Aristaakin. Huomenna siirryn ihanan pehmeisiin puuvillaisiin kangasnenaliinoihin ettei nena ole ihan rikki. Isoaidilta ja isoisoaidilta saatuihin. Joukossa mukana myos isan kasin ompelema keltavalkoruudullinen nenaliina. Valilla miettii etta raaskiikohan niita kayttaa mutta kun tietaa sen ihanan pehmoisen puuvillan hellivan nenaa niin kylla ne kayttoon tulee. (Tamanhan te kaikki halusitte taatusti tietaakin. ;-P)
Kameran akku on parasta aikaa lataantumassa. Tiedan. Olisi sen voinut pistaa aikaisemminkin mutta se on vaan jaanyt ja jaanyt. Puhelimen akku on kanssa finito ja latauksessa. Siella olisi ollut pari kuvaa. Mutta enpa olisi voinut niita tanne koneelle ladata. Pitaa raivata tilaa silla masiina parjaa etta muisti loppuu. Pitaa siis siirrella juttuja muualle.
Jotain kasitoita sain valmiiksi. Kuvaan ne huomenna. Paassa pyorii miljoona ideaa. Ja lista tehtavista on aikamoinen. En vaan tieda mista alottaisi. Joululahjat menevat etusijalle. Suomeen menevat paketit pitaa saada postiin joulukuun 3. paiva. Joulukortit on tekematta. Jotenkin tana vuonna yleensa niin jarjestaytynyt mamma on ihan hunningolla. Se ahdistaa. Mutta joskos tama tasta. Huomenna on kiitospaiva. Vietamme sen ihan oman porukan kesken. Vahan juhlallisemmin syodaan muttei sentaan kalkkunaa paisteta tana vuonna. Viime vuonna aitini oli taalla ja silloin tehtiin ruoat viimisen paalle amerikkalaisittain kiitospaivan perinteen mukaisesti. Tana vuonna saastyy maha.
As a gift from Ireland I got a cold. SIGH! There's tissue papers in the pockets of my cardigan, my trousers, in my sleeve... everywhere. My nose is blocked. Eyes are watering. Sometimes I'm sneezing and sneezing and sneezing and after that my nose becomes the Niagara Falls. My poor nose is red like Rudolph's after all the blowing. It's becoming raw as well. Tomorrow I'll dig up cotton handkerchiefs from my grand and great grandmother. I also have a yellow-white checkered hankie hade sewn by my dad when he was in school. Sometimes I think if I should use such treasures but when you know how the silky soft cotton will help my nose there's no second thought. (I'm sure you all wanted to know all of this about my cold. ;-P)
My camera battery is finally charging. I know. I could have put it to charge much earlier but there was always something and I forgot. My phone battery is dead as well and charging. There I would have few pictures to share. But I would not have been able to upload them to my computer as it keeps telling my my startup disk is full. That means I have to start moving things.
I have some projects finished. I'll photograph them tomorrow. I have million ideas in my head. And the list of things to be done is quite something. I just don't know where to begin. Christmas presents will have to be tackled first. The parcels going to FInland have to be mailed Dec 3rd. I haven't done the christmas cards. Some how this year this mummy is very unorganized (extremely untypical for me in regards of Christmas). It's a bit unnerving for me. But hopefully I'll get a grip on things. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. We're home alone, so to say. No visitors. Just the family. We are going to have a bit more festive dinner but no turkey. LAst year my mother was here for Thanksgiving and we did it all. This year we are saving our tummies.
Kameran akku on parasta aikaa lataantumassa. Tiedan. Olisi sen voinut pistaa aikaisemminkin mutta se on vaan jaanyt ja jaanyt. Puhelimen akku on kanssa finito ja latauksessa. Siella olisi ollut pari kuvaa. Mutta enpa olisi voinut niita tanne koneelle ladata. Pitaa raivata tilaa silla masiina parjaa etta muisti loppuu. Pitaa siis siirrella juttuja muualle.
Jotain kasitoita sain valmiiksi. Kuvaan ne huomenna. Paassa pyorii miljoona ideaa. Ja lista tehtavista on aikamoinen. En vaan tieda mista alottaisi. Joululahjat menevat etusijalle. Suomeen menevat paketit pitaa saada postiin joulukuun 3. paiva. Joulukortit on tekematta. Jotenkin tana vuonna yleensa niin jarjestaytynyt mamma on ihan hunningolla. Se ahdistaa. Mutta joskos tama tasta. Huomenna on kiitospaiva. Vietamme sen ihan oman porukan kesken. Vahan juhlallisemmin syodaan muttei sentaan kalkkunaa paisteta tana vuonna. Viime vuonna aitini oli taalla ja silloin tehtiin ruoat viimisen paalle amerikkalaisittain kiitospaivan perinteen mukaisesti. Tana vuonna saastyy maha.
As a gift from Ireland I got a cold. SIGH! There's tissue papers in the pockets of my cardigan, my trousers, in my sleeve... everywhere. My nose is blocked. Eyes are watering. Sometimes I'm sneezing and sneezing and sneezing and after that my nose becomes the Niagara Falls. My poor nose is red like Rudolph's after all the blowing. It's becoming raw as well. Tomorrow I'll dig up cotton handkerchiefs from my grand and great grandmother. I also have a yellow-white checkered hankie hade sewn by my dad when he was in school. Sometimes I think if I should use such treasures but when you know how the silky soft cotton will help my nose there's no second thought. (I'm sure you all wanted to know all of this about my cold. ;-P)
My camera battery is finally charging. I know. I could have put it to charge much earlier but there was always something and I forgot. My phone battery is dead as well and charging. There I would have few pictures to share. But I would not have been able to upload them to my computer as it keeps telling my my startup disk is full. That means I have to start moving things.
I have some projects finished. I'll photograph them tomorrow. I have million ideas in my head. And the list of things to be done is quite something. I just don't know where to begin. Christmas presents will have to be tackled first. The parcels going to FInland have to be mailed Dec 3rd. I haven't done the christmas cards. Some how this year this mummy is very unorganized (extremely untypical for me in regards of Christmas). It's a bit unnerving for me. But hopefully I'll get a grip on things. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. We're home alone, so to say. No visitors. Just the family. We are going to have a bit more festive dinner but no turkey. LAst year my mother was here for Thanksgiving and we did it all. This year we are saving our tummies.
maanantai 19. marraskuuta 2012
Hyppays marraskuusta kesaan / A jump from November into summer
Olen tassa pahkaillyt etta laitanko viela Irlannista juttua vai en. Kuvia kylla riittaisi vaikka kuinka. Osa on enaa vain ja ainoastaan mieheni tietokoneella. Pitaisi ne sielta saada kaivettua.... mutta enpa taida alkaa kikkailemaan. Jaakoon siis Irlanti tahan ja siirrytaan asioissa ja elamassa eteenpain. :)
Minulle esitettiin haaste. Peppi Pikku-ketun puuhamaasta heitti valokuvahaasteen minulle. Eli minun pitaisi valita kuusi kuvaa viime kesalta, aihe vapaa. Kuvia esimerkiksi suosikkikasveista, kesän projekteista, onnistumisen ilosta, reissuista tai mistä tahansa kesäisistä kuvista.
Tassa minun kuvani. Ne taitavat kaikki olla kesaiselta Suomen reissulta ja aikaisemmin nahty blogissa, mutta ne ovat niin minun kesaani.
Mina puolestani haastan seuraavat: Hennan Kivitasku - elamani aarteita, Katrin How his knees could bend seka Annan Virkattu lintu blogeista.
I've been wondering if I should continue my posts from Ireland or not. I have like gazillion photos that I could share. (Death by photo. ;-P) Some of them are however only on my husbands computer. I would have to get them from there..... but I don't think I'm up to fiddling with it. So I'm letting Ireland go and we'll move on in life and in things. :)
I was challenged. Peppi from Pikku-ketun puuhamaa blog threw this challenge my way. So I should pick six photos from last summer, free topic. Pictures of, for example, plants, summer projets, happiness about achievement, travel or any summery pictures. Here are mine. They are all from my Finland trip this past summer. All of them have been seen in this blog before but they are SO what my summers are.
And I'm challenging the following ladies: Henna from Kivitasku - elamani aarteita, Katri from How his knees could bend and Anna from Virkattu lintu blogs.
Minulle esitettiin haaste. Peppi Pikku-ketun puuhamaasta heitti valokuvahaasteen minulle. Eli minun pitaisi valita kuusi kuvaa viime kesalta, aihe vapaa. Kuvia esimerkiksi suosikkikasveista, kesän projekteista, onnistumisen ilosta, reissuista tai mistä tahansa kesäisistä kuvista.
Tassa minun kuvani. Ne taitavat kaikki olla kesaiselta Suomen reissulta ja aikaisemmin nahty blogissa, mutta ne ovat niin minun kesaani.
Mina puolestani haastan seuraavat: Hennan Kivitasku - elamani aarteita, Katrin How his knees could bend seka Annan Virkattu lintu blogeista.
I've been wondering if I should continue my posts from Ireland or not. I have like gazillion photos that I could share. (Death by photo. ;-P) Some of them are however only on my husbands computer. I would have to get them from there..... but I don't think I'm up to fiddling with it. So I'm letting Ireland go and we'll move on in life and in things. :)
I was challenged. Peppi from Pikku-ketun puuhamaa blog threw this challenge my way. So I should pick six photos from last summer, free topic. Pictures of, for example, plants, summer projets, happiness about achievement, travel or any summery pictures. Here are mine. They are all from my Finland trip this past summer. All of them have been seen in this blog before but they are SO what my summers are.
And I'm challenging the following ladies: Henna from Kivitasku - elamani aarteita, Katri from How his knees could bend and Anna from Virkattu lintu blogs.
sunnuntai 18. marraskuuta 2012
Meri kohtaa maan / Sea meets land
Meri on jokapaivasta elamaa Irlannissa. On kauniita hiekkarantoja, meren sileaksi hieoamia kivirantoja ja jylhia kallioita.
Sea is everyday life in Ireland. They have it all: beautiful sandy beaches, smooth pebbles and rugged rocks.
Kaikkein majesteettisin paikka talle meren ja maan kohtaamiselle taitaa kuitenkin olla Moherin kalliot. Sanat eivat riita kuvaamaan niita. Kuvat siis puhukoon puolestaan. Sen verran kerron kuitenkin etta tuuli tuiversi niin kovaa etta kuvissan nakyvan tornin luona sai todellakin pidella kiinni hatusta ja nojata tuuleen ettei tuuli olisi tyontanyt edellaan.
Possibly the most majestetic place for this meeting of sea and land is the Cliffs of Moher. I don't have words to describe them. Let the pictures speak for me. But I do have to tell you and that it was so windy and especially by the tower in the pictures that you really had to hold on to your hat and lean into the wind otherwise the wind would have pushed you before it.
Sea is everyday life in Ireland. They have it all: beautiful sandy beaches, smooth pebbles and rugged rocks.
Kaikkein majesteettisin paikka talle meren ja maan kohtaamiselle taitaa kuitenkin olla Moherin kalliot. Sanat eivat riita kuvaamaan niita. Kuvat siis puhukoon puolestaan. Sen verran kerron kuitenkin etta tuuli tuiversi niin kovaa etta kuvissan nakyvan tornin luona sai todellakin pidella kiinni hatusta ja nojata tuuleen ettei tuuli olisi tyontanyt edellaan.
Possibly the most majestetic place for this meeting of sea and land is the Cliffs of Moher. I don't have words to describe them. Let the pictures speak for me. But I do have to tell you and that it was so windy and especially by the tower in the pictures that you really had to hold on to your hat and lean into the wind otherwise the wind would have pushed you before it.
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