Hurrikaani Sandy meni menojaan, hulmautellen helmojaan taallakin. Onneksi vain suhteellisen nopeasti. Sahkot pysyivat vaikka valilla vahan hirvitti kun kuunteli tuulta. Olin aivan varma sahkon menevan jossain vaiheessa. Mutta voimakkaimmat tuulet kestivat yllattavan vahan aikaa (vain nelsien tuntia) ja sen jalkeen tuulet laantuivat huomattavasti. Nukkumaanmennessa ei ollut enaa huolta.
Viime yo meni sitten pikkuisen ollessa tosi levoton. Oli pakko ottaa viereen ja sitten alkoikin tuulimylly pyorimaan. Sen seurauksena mieheni otti ja meni nukkumaan vierashuoneeseen. :) Nukuttiinkin sitten pitkaan.... pikkuinen herasi vasta kahdeksalta. Isompi yhdeksan jalkeen.
Isanta teki puolet paivasta toita kotona ennen kuin lahti toimistolle, joka oli jalleen avattu. Koulutkin oli meidan kaupungissamme taas taydessa kaynnissa. Monissa naapurikaupungeissa koulut olivat kiinni.
Mina olen tuijotellut listoja, yrittanyt laittaa lasten tarvitsemat tavarat yhteen paikkaan. Omat ja mieheni ovat viela laittamatta. Huomenna aamusta pitaa laittaa koiran tavarat valmiiksi.
Meinasi iskea viela ylimaaraista stressiakin. Koska vaihdoimme lentomme paivaa piti myoskin muuttaa meidat hakemaan tulevan taksin tilaus. Se tehtiinkin ja tanaan sitten tuli puhelinsoitto ettei taksikuski loyda osoitetta. MITAH???? Sehan on vasta huomenna. Joku oli sohlinyt oikein kunnolla eika kirjannut muutosta. Ja nyt sitten heilla ei ole autoa joka voisi tulla hakemaan meidan huomenna. ARGH!!!!!!! Yritettiin monta muutakin taksifirmaa lapi mutta ei onnistunut nain lyhyella varoitusajalla. Sen jalkeen piti lahtea soittamaan ystavia, ja kyselemaan voisiko joku olla niin ystavallinen sielu ja ajaa meidat kentalle. Ja loytyihan se pelastava enkeli. Eli stressinaiheuttaja poistettu kuviosta. Nyt vaan pitaa saada kaikki tarvittavat tavarat matkalaukkuihin.
Tyttaret viettivat paivan melkolailla piirtaen, askarrellen, muovaillen. Pienimmainen mukavasti "koytettyna" syottotuoliinsa niin ettei minun tarvinnut koko ajan olla varuillaan etta mita pohkopaavo juttuja neiti on tekemassa koko ajan.
Nyt meinaan losahtaa sohvalle ottaa kutimet kateen ja yrittaa saada vihdoinkin ne Kanoko poksyt pikkuneidille valmiiksi. Matkalle mukaan lahtee koukku ja nelja keraa "Enkelin hiuksia". Tiedossa on monta iltaa hotellihuoneessa muksujen mentya nukkumaan. Aikaa tehda muutama joululahja.:)
Mietin viela otanko tietokoneen mukaan vaiko en. iPad lahtee ainakin mutta lahinna ajattelin etta paasisi kasittelemaan otettuja kuvia. Hmmmmm....... Paatoksia, paatoksia. Eli taman jalkeen jos minusta ei kuulu yhtaan mitaan ennen kuin palaamme kotiin, tiedatte etten ottanut lapparia mukaan. Totaalinen loma.... kaikesta. Onko minusta siihen? ;-P
Hurricane Sandy did affect us with storm winds which lasted only aout 4hours which surprised me. I was expecting longer onslaught. When we went to bed there was no worries. And we didn't loose electricity at all which was nice.
Last night went with a super restless little one. So restless that I had to take her next to me. She started her windmill sleeping which resulted my husband going to sleep in the guest room. :) We did sleep long... the little one woke up at 8am, the older after 9am. My husband worked half day from home after which he went to the office when it was opened after the storm. Our town opened the schools but many of the neighbouring towns kept theirs still closed.
I've been staring at lists, tried to get all the children's things together in on place. Still have to do mine and my husbands. Also tomorrow morning I have to get the dog's stuff together for him to go to kennel.
We almost got a last minute panic time as the limo company messed up big time. We changed our flights, changed the time for limo service pick up, except that they tried to collect us today, without luck as they couldn't find the address. Now they do not have a car for tomorrow to come and pick us up. ARGH! We tried with several other limo services but didn't have luck with such a short notice.. After that we started calling through our friends trying to find our saviour. And we did find our saving angel who kindly will take us to the air port. So, no stress makers anymore. Now I just have to get all our things together and in the bags.
The daughters spent the day pretty much drawing, crafting and playing with Play Dough. It was nice for me to have the little one "tied" into her high chair without me having to worry what kind of trouble she's getting next.
Now I intend to just collapse on the sofa and knit for a bit hoping to finally finnish the Kanoko pants I'm making for the little one. For the trip I'm taking a hook and 4 skeins of Angel Hair. I've got several hotel/B&B nights after the girls have gone to bed. Time to make few Christmas presents. :)
I'm still thinking if I should take my laptop or not. iPad definitely if not laptop. But I was thinking that I would have time to get through some photos I take. Hmmmmm..... Decisions, decisions. It will be evident that if you don't hear from me in 11 days I've left my laptop home. Complete holiday..... from everything. Am I ready for it? ;-P
tiistai 30. lokakuuta 2012
maanantai 29. lokakuuta 2012
Kuvernoori kaskee / Governor orders
Kuvernoorin kaskysta kaikki osavaltion koulut on suljettuna tanaan. Ja ihmisia on kehoitettu pysymaan kotona hurrikaani Sandyn takia. Toistaiseksi taalla vaan sataa ja tuulee voimakkaasti. Ei viela mitaan poikkeavaa. Valilla taalla tuulee todellakin kovaa ja tama ei ole yhtaan sen kummalisempaan. VIELA. Seurataan tilannetta. Olen jattanyt talla kertaa television seuraamisen vahemmalle. Viimeeksi vanhin tytar meinasi saada totaalisen satkyn kuunneltuaan reporttereita.
The governor has ordered all state schools to stay closed today. And people have been told to stay home because of hurricane Sandy. So far it's only raining and we have strong winds. But it's nothing exceptional really at this point. Sometimes the wind here is gale force winds and this is not even there. YET. We'll be monitoring the situation. I've left watching the tv for less as last time our oldest daughter got very distraught after listening all the reporters.
The governor has ordered all state schools to stay closed today. And people have been told to stay home because of hurricane Sandy. So far it's only raining and we have strong winds. But it's nothing exceptional really at this point. Sometimes the wind here is gale force winds and this is not even there. YET. We'll be monitoring the situation. I've left watching the tv for less as last time our oldest daughter got very distraught after listening all the reporters.
sunnuntai 28. lokakuuta 2012
Synttareita ja "Frankenstormin" odottelua / Birhdays and waiting for the "Frankenstorm"
Tanaan vietettiin sitten esikoisen synttareita. Pizzaa ja muffinsseja jai yli eli niita syodaan huomenna. :) Lapsilla oli hirmuisen hauskaa ja sehan on paaasia. Aikuisetkin tuntuivat viihtyvan. Oikein onnistuneet synttarit.
Taalla paassa odotellaan myoskin hurrikaani Sandyn tuloa ja sen vaikutuksia elamaan. Melkein tasan vuosi sitten (taisi olla pari paivaa aikaisemmin) tanne iski hirmuinen lumimyrsky, jonka seurauksena olimme 4,5 paivaa ilman sahkoja. Ei ollut kauhean hauskaa puoli vuotiaan vauvan kanssa. Mutta siita selvittiin. Nyt tannepain on saapumassa hirmumyrsky Sandy. Vaikkei se ihan tanne varsinaisesti iskekaan, niin vaikutukset tulevat tuntumaan taalla varsin hyvin. Meidan kaupungin koulut on suljettu huomenna. Mieheni tyopaikalta tuli juuri viesti etta yhtion kaikki toimipisteet Uudessa Englannissa seka New Yorkin ja New Jerseyn osavaltiossa on suljettu huomenna. Meilla on siis tiedossa kotipaiva. Myrskytuulta ja kaatosadetta tanne on luvattu. Toivon vain ettei sahkot katkeaisi. Takalainen sahkolinjojen infrastruktuuri on vaan sellainen etta se on melkeinpa itsestaanselvyys etta ne menee. Toivon kuitenkin ettei mene. En haluaisi heittaa kaikkia pakastimessa olevia ruokia menemaan. Varageneraattoria meilla ei ole. Jos tanne kuitenkin jaamme pidemmaksi aikaa niin sellainen hankitaan ihan varmasti. Ulkokukat on kannettu autotalliin, samoin kaikki tuulen mukana lentoon lahteva. Grilli pitaa viela aamulla siirtaa lahemmaksi talon seinaa.
Siirsin lentojamme paivalla eteenpain. Saimme siihen mahdollisuuden ja kaytimme sen hyvaksemme ollaksemme varmasti turvassa ja nailla nakymin paasemme kuitenkin osallistumaan haihin, joihin Irlannissa olemme menossa. Ei kylla kamalasti naurattanut kun tajusimme etta tama myrsky tulee sotkemaan matkasuunnitelmat. Nyt ollaan sitten jarjestelty uudestaan vuokra-autoa, peruttu yhta hotellia jne.
Pitakaa siis peukkuja, etta meilla ei taalla puita kaadu ja etta sahkot pysyisivat ja etta myrsky tuulineen on keskiviikkona illalla jo sen verran kaukana tuulineen ettei se enaa vaikuta lentoomme.
Today we celebrated our daughter birthday with a party. We have so much pizza and muffins left overs that tomorrows menu is pretty much taken care of. ;-) The children enjoyed themselves immensely and that was the main thing. Even the adults seemed to have good time. Good party over all.
We are waiting for Hurricane Sandy to arrive and how it will affect our lives. Almost exactly a year ago we had a big snow storm here, because of which we were 4,5 days without power. It was not particularly pleasant experience with a 6-month-old baby.n But we managed. Now Hurricane Sandy is coming towards us and will affect the weather quite a lot in the are even though it doesn't hit quite here. The town has shut all its schools for tomorrow. My husband just got an email saying that his company is closing all offices in New England as well as the states of New York and New Jersey. So we are in for a home day tomorrow. Very strong winds and torrential rain is in the forecast. I'm just hoping the electricity won't go. However, the way the US electrical infrastructure is set up it's almost given that the electricity will go at some point. I'm just hoping really badly that it won't. I really do not want to throw all the food from the freezer away. We do not have a generator but we will definitely get one if we will stay here for longer. I've carried all the outside flowers in the garage as well as all loose items that could be tossed about with the wind. Just have to pull the grill closer to the house wall.
So because we changed our flight a day later because of this weather. We got the chance for it without any extra cost and we took it to be on the safe side. At the moment it still looks like we can attend the wedding we are going to Ireland for. You can imagine that we were not amused a bit when we realised that this storm was going to affect our travel plans. Now we're been re arranging some hotels and rental car at Ireland end.
Please keep everything crossed that we won't have any trees falling down on us and that the electricity would stay on and more importantly that the winds will have subsided enough for our flight on Wednesday evening.
Taalla paassa odotellaan myoskin hurrikaani Sandyn tuloa ja sen vaikutuksia elamaan. Melkein tasan vuosi sitten (taisi olla pari paivaa aikaisemmin) tanne iski hirmuinen lumimyrsky, jonka seurauksena olimme 4,5 paivaa ilman sahkoja. Ei ollut kauhean hauskaa puoli vuotiaan vauvan kanssa. Mutta siita selvittiin. Nyt tannepain on saapumassa hirmumyrsky Sandy. Vaikkei se ihan tanne varsinaisesti iskekaan, niin vaikutukset tulevat tuntumaan taalla varsin hyvin. Meidan kaupungin koulut on suljettu huomenna. Mieheni tyopaikalta tuli juuri viesti etta yhtion kaikki toimipisteet Uudessa Englannissa seka New Yorkin ja New Jerseyn osavaltiossa on suljettu huomenna. Meilla on siis tiedossa kotipaiva. Myrskytuulta ja kaatosadetta tanne on luvattu. Toivon vain ettei sahkot katkeaisi. Takalainen sahkolinjojen infrastruktuuri on vaan sellainen etta se on melkeinpa itsestaanselvyys etta ne menee. Toivon kuitenkin ettei mene. En haluaisi heittaa kaikkia pakastimessa olevia ruokia menemaan. Varageneraattoria meilla ei ole. Jos tanne kuitenkin jaamme pidemmaksi aikaa niin sellainen hankitaan ihan varmasti. Ulkokukat on kannettu autotalliin, samoin kaikki tuulen mukana lentoon lahteva. Grilli pitaa viela aamulla siirtaa lahemmaksi talon seinaa.
Siirsin lentojamme paivalla eteenpain. Saimme siihen mahdollisuuden ja kaytimme sen hyvaksemme ollaksemme varmasti turvassa ja nailla nakymin paasemme kuitenkin osallistumaan haihin, joihin Irlannissa olemme menossa. Ei kylla kamalasti naurattanut kun tajusimme etta tama myrsky tulee sotkemaan matkasuunnitelmat. Nyt ollaan sitten jarjestelty uudestaan vuokra-autoa, peruttu yhta hotellia jne.
Pitakaa siis peukkuja, etta meilla ei taalla puita kaadu ja etta sahkot pysyisivat ja etta myrsky tuulineen on keskiviikkona illalla jo sen verran kaukana tuulineen ettei se enaa vaikuta lentoomme.
Today we celebrated our daughter birthday with a party. We have so much pizza and muffins left overs that tomorrows menu is pretty much taken care of. ;-) The children enjoyed themselves immensely and that was the main thing. Even the adults seemed to have good time. Good party over all.
We are waiting for Hurricane Sandy to arrive and how it will affect our lives. Almost exactly a year ago we had a big snow storm here, because of which we were 4,5 days without power. It was not particularly pleasant experience with a 6-month-old baby.n But we managed. Now Hurricane Sandy is coming towards us and will affect the weather quite a lot in the are even though it doesn't hit quite here. The town has shut all its schools for tomorrow. My husband just got an email saying that his company is closing all offices in New England as well as the states of New York and New Jersey. So we are in for a home day tomorrow. Very strong winds and torrential rain is in the forecast. I'm just hoping the electricity won't go. However, the way the US electrical infrastructure is set up it's almost given that the electricity will go at some point. I'm just hoping really badly that it won't. I really do not want to throw all the food from the freezer away. We do not have a generator but we will definitely get one if we will stay here for longer. I've carried all the outside flowers in the garage as well as all loose items that could be tossed about with the wind. Just have to pull the grill closer to the house wall.
So because we changed our flight a day later because of this weather. We got the chance for it without any extra cost and we took it to be on the safe side. At the moment it still looks like we can attend the wedding we are going to Ireland for. You can imagine that we were not amused a bit when we realised that this storm was going to affect our travel plans. Now we're been re arranging some hotels and rental car at Ireland end.
Please keep everything crossed that we won't have any trees falling down on us and that the electricity would stay on and more importantly that the winds will have subsided enough for our flight on Wednesday evening.
lauantai 27. lokakuuta 2012
perjantai 26. lokakuuta 2012
Aitys / Motherhood
Aitiys on suurin lahja, jonka nainen voi saada. Minusta tuli aiti kuusi vuotta sitten. Enka vaihtaisi hetkeakaan pois. Aika kuluu vain aivan liian nopeasti. Lapset ovat lainaa ja me olemme taalla heita varten eika toisinpain. Se rajaton rakkaus, jota tunnen lapsiani kohtaan kasvaa paiva paivalta. Eika sita voi minulta mikaan vieda pois.
Tanaan olemme siis juhlistaneet vahimman tyttaremme syntymapaivaa. LEGOt oli varsin mieluisa lahja. Koulussa neitia juhlittiin myos. Veimme eilen tehdyn ja kasatun halloween talon neidin luokkaan rikottavaksi ja nautittavaksi. Ja tanssitunnin jalkeen suunnistimme Cheesecake Factoryyn syomaan synttari-illallinen. Jalkiruoka tosin piti ottaa mukaan ja nautimme sen huomenna.
Motherhood is the biggest gift a woman can get. I became a mother six years ago. And I wouldn't change a moment. Time just slips away too fast. Children are a loan and we are for them and not the other way around. The boundless love that I feel towards my children just keeps growing daily. And nothing can take it away from me.
Today we have celebrated our oldest daughter's birthday. LEGOs were a "lovely present" as she said. They celebrated also at school. We took the haunted halloween house, that we built yesterday, to the class room to be broken down and eaten. And after her dance class we had birthday dinner at Cheesecake Factory. The dessert had to be taken home so that it can be devoured tomorrow.
Tanaan olemme siis juhlistaneet vahimman tyttaremme syntymapaivaa. LEGOt oli varsin mieluisa lahja. Koulussa neitia juhlittiin myos. Veimme eilen tehdyn ja kasatun halloween talon neidin luokkaan rikottavaksi ja nautittavaksi. Ja tanssitunnin jalkeen suunnistimme Cheesecake Factoryyn syomaan synttari-illallinen. Jalkiruoka tosin piti ottaa mukaan ja nautimme sen huomenna.
Motherhood is the biggest gift a woman can get. I became a mother six years ago. And I wouldn't change a moment. Time just slips away too fast. Children are a loan and we are for them and not the other way around. The boundless love that I feel towards my children just keeps growing daily. And nothing can take it away from me.
Today we have celebrated our oldest daughter's birthday. LEGOs were a "lovely present" as she said. They celebrated also at school. We took the haunted halloween house, that we built yesterday, to the class room to be broken down and eaten. And after her dance class we had birthday dinner at Cheesecake Factory. The dessert had to be taken home so that it can be devoured tomorrow.
torstai 25. lokakuuta 2012
Paiva kuvina / Day in pictures
Puhti niin totaalisesti pois etta tanaan vain kuvia pitkin paivaa.
I'm so exhausted so today only photos from along the day.
I'm so exhausted so today only photos from along the day.
keskiviikko 24. lokakuuta 2012
Tyynta myrskyn edella / Calm before a storm
Siis toimintamyrskyn. Loppuviikko on yhta hulinaa. Ostoksia, asioiden hoitoa jne. Tanaan kuitenkin oli pakko olla vaan. Kerata voimia. Ei kouluun vientia tai hakua (keskiviikkoisin neidilla ei toistaiseksi ole koulua). Ihan kaikessa rauhassa. Teeta, vahan puikkojen kilinaa. Piirretyn elokuvan tuijottelua. Huomenna, ei ole aikaa hengahtaa kuin vasta illalla. Yritan sentaan muutaman kuvan jossain valissa ottaa (oli se sitten kameralla tai puhelimella).
I mean storm of activity. Rest of the week will be full of things to do, buy, make etc. Today I just had to be. Gather strength. There was no drop-offs nor pick-ups (no school on Wednesdays at least for the moment). Just be. Tea, little knitting, watching a cartoon movie. Tomorrow, there's no time to rest until in the evening. I'll try to get few pics in between things (with camera or with my phone).
I mean storm of activity. Rest of the week will be full of things to do, buy, make etc. Today I just had to be. Gather strength. There was no drop-offs nor pick-ups (no school on Wednesdays at least for the moment). Just be. Tea, little knitting, watching a cartoon movie. Tomorrow, there's no time to rest until in the evening. I'll try to get few pics in between things (with camera or with my phone).
tiistai 23. lokakuuta 2012
Postia Suomesta / Mail from Finland
Voi kuinka kivaa olikin saada postia Suomesta. Paketti, jossa oli jokaiselle vahan jotain. Isompi neiti sai syntymapaivalahjansa, pienempi vahan paallepantavaa hankin. Ja mina sain kuivattuja kanttarelleja. IHANAA! Luulen etta mami oli talla kertaa kaikkein onnellisin paketista. Ei tainnut Marimekon "pallopaita" ihan iskea neitiin. Ihan hauskalta se naytti hanen paallaan mutta kun on saanut paahansa etta han nayttaa hassulta se paalla niin minkas teet.
Illalla taas ihana "marttailu" hetki. Olemme saaneet pari uutta jasentakin mukaan eika kumpikaan ole suomalainen. Odotan jo kovasti.... olen hengahdystauon tarpeessa, mieluiten aikuisseurassa. :)
Tein tuossa juuri listaa asioista, jotka pitaisi ennen matkaa saada hoidettua. Ihan kiitettavan pituinen listasta tuli. KAAK! Viikko ja sitten mennaan. Tata lomaa on odotettu pitkaan ja hartaasti. Mukaan lahtee kylla kutimet tai koukku.... en ole viela paattanyt kumpi. Taytyy tuijotella vahan tuota tehtavien juttujen listaa etta mika olisi sellainen hyva matkalla tehtava juttu, joka ei vaadi liikoja.
Nyt kuitenkin kuppi teeta ja nautin taas tasta hiljaisuudesta talossa. (Lue: toinen koulussa, toinen paikkareilla.)
How wonderful it was to get mail from Finland. A parcel which had little for everyone. The biger miss got her birthday present, the little miss also little something to wear and I got dried chantarelle mushrooms. LOVELY!!!! I think that mummy was the happiest of the tidings. I don't think Marimekko's "ball shirt" was quite as nice a gift as was hoped for. I thought it looked fun, but when the other one thinks she looks funny in it what can you do.
In the evening it's time for our crafty meeting again. We've gotten two new members, both non Finns. I'm looking forward to it already... I need a breather, preferably in adult company. :)
I was just making a list of things that needs to be done before the trip. It's quite long. YIKES! It's only a week and then we are on our way. I'm definitely taking either a hook or needles with me... haven't still decided which ones. I need to have a look at my list of things to do and decide which would be good project for traveling, and which doesn't require too much.
Now however, I'm going to have a nice, big cup of hot tea and enjoy the quiet in the house. (Read: one in school, one napping.)
Illalla taas ihana "marttailu" hetki. Olemme saaneet pari uutta jasentakin mukaan eika kumpikaan ole suomalainen. Odotan jo kovasti.... olen hengahdystauon tarpeessa, mieluiten aikuisseurassa. :)
Tein tuossa juuri listaa asioista, jotka pitaisi ennen matkaa saada hoidettua. Ihan kiitettavan pituinen listasta tuli. KAAK! Viikko ja sitten mennaan. Tata lomaa on odotettu pitkaan ja hartaasti. Mukaan lahtee kylla kutimet tai koukku.... en ole viela paattanyt kumpi. Taytyy tuijotella vahan tuota tehtavien juttujen listaa etta mika olisi sellainen hyva matkalla tehtava juttu, joka ei vaadi liikoja.
Nyt kuitenkin kuppi teeta ja nautin taas tasta hiljaisuudesta talossa. (Lue: toinen koulussa, toinen paikkareilla.)
How wonderful it was to get mail from Finland. A parcel which had little for everyone. The biger miss got her birthday present, the little miss also little something to wear and I got dried chantarelle mushrooms. LOVELY!!!! I think that mummy was the happiest of the tidings. I don't think Marimekko's "ball shirt" was quite as nice a gift as was hoped for. I thought it looked fun, but when the other one thinks she looks funny in it what can you do.
In the evening it's time for our crafty meeting again. We've gotten two new members, both non Finns. I'm looking forward to it already... I need a breather, preferably in adult company. :)
I was just making a list of things that needs to be done before the trip. It's quite long. YIKES! It's only a week and then we are on our way. I'm definitely taking either a hook or needles with me... haven't still decided which ones. I need to have a look at my list of things to do and decide which would be good project for traveling, and which doesn't require too much.
Now however, I'm going to have a nice, big cup of hot tea and enjoy the quiet in the house. (Read: one in school, one napping.)
sunnuntai 21. lokakuuta 2012
Syksyn lehti / Autumn leaf
Muistan kun olimme viela pienia ja viikonloppuisin hyokkasimme veljeni kanssa vanhempien sankyyn viikonloppuaamuina isa leikki meidan kanssa syksyn lehtea. Me olimme lehti ja han se puu. Puu piteli lehtea ilmassa ja lempea kesatuuli heilutteli lehtea. Sitten tuli syksy ja myrsky ja puu huojui puolelta toiselle ja vihdoin lehti putosi maahan. Ja sitten tuli haravoitsijat ja haravoivat lehden kasaan. Voi sita kikatusta ja naurua.
Taalla syksyn lehdet loistavat upeissa vareissa. Pikaisesti kavin pyrahtamassa mitattomalla pihallamme kameran kanssa. Lampotila oli +24C. Lokakuu puolessa valissa ja ihan kesakeli.
I remember when we were still small with my brother and on weekend mornings we invaded our parents bed. Dad played with us autumn leaf. We were the leaf and he was the tree. The tree lifter the leaf up in the air and mild summer breeze swayed the leaf in the air. Then came autumn with a storm and the leaf fell down to the ground. After that the leaf was raked into a pile. Oh the giggling and laughing.
Here the autumn colours are gorgeously vivid. I very briefly managed to pop outside with my camera. It was +24/about 70F. Half of October gone and it was like summer.
Taalla syksyn lehdet loistavat upeissa vareissa. Pikaisesti kavin pyrahtamassa mitattomalla pihallamme kameran kanssa. Lampotila oli +24C. Lokakuu puolessa valissa ja ihan kesakeli.
I remember when we were still small with my brother and on weekend mornings we invaded our parents bed. Dad played with us autumn leaf. We were the leaf and he was the tree. The tree lifter the leaf up in the air and mild summer breeze swayed the leaf in the air. Then came autumn with a storm and the leaf fell down to the ground. After that the leaf was raked into a pile. Oh the giggling and laughing.
Here the autumn colours are gorgeously vivid. I very briefly managed to pop outside with my camera. It was +24/about 70F. Half of October gone and it was like summer.
lauantai 20. lokakuuta 2012
Kynttilalyhty / Lantern
Lauantai-ilta. Lapset nukkumassa. Sytytin kynttilan lyhtyyn. Keitin kupin teeta. Istun kuunnellen Chopinia.
Saturday evening. Children are sleeping. I lit a candle in a latern. Made a cup of tea. Sitting here listening to Chopin.
Saturday evening. Children are sleeping. I lit a candle in a latern. Made a cup of tea. Sitting here listening to Chopin.
perjantai 19. lokakuuta 2012
Morkomainen olo / "Groky" feeling
Ehka oli ihan sopivaa etta aamulla kaapista paivan mukiksi osui Morko. Olo on nimittain aika morkomainen. En tieda edes kehtaanko tunnustaa nain julkisesti miten nolosti mulle on kaynyt. Ketuttaa.... ei kun siis morottaa ihan hirveesti. Enka tieda saanko asiaa korjattua vai meneeko homma kokonaan uusiksi.
Kyse on niista villishousuista pikkuneidille. Olen niita tassa onnellisesti kynttilahamyssa iltaisin neulonut ja ensimmainen lahjekin on melkein valmis. Aloitin uusen kerankin. Ja aamun kirkastuttua mita silmani nakivatkaan?! Puolet tehdysta lahkeesta on eri varinen kuin muut osat housusta!!!!!!! ARGH!!!!! (Tahan valiin lisaa *#!&(#@!!*##*) -paita.) Miten ma olen onnistunut ostamaan kerat kahdesta eri varjayserasta??? Olen aina niin hirvean tarkka asiasta. Ja olisi luullut etta olisin huomannut asian lankaa ostaessani.
Kohta siis epatoivoiselle retkelle lankakauppaan. Joskos sielta jotenkin taianomaisesti loytyisi viela sita samaa varjayseraa. Jos ei, niin sitten menee kylla purkuhommiksi. ARRIN PURRIN! Siis ihan aikuisten oikeesti.... miten ihmeessa ma voin onnistua tekemaan tommosen kammin?!?!? Toivottavasti siella jossakin on joku muu, joka on onnistunut olemaan yhta "onnekas" kuin mina.
Maybe it was appropriate that I got a Groke mug from the cuppoard this morning for my day's tea cup. I feel very Groke like. I dont' even know if I can confess here publicly how embarrasing mistake I've made. I'm so miffed.... And I don't know if I'll be able to correct the mistake/problem or if I have to do the whole thing all over again.
I'm talking about those woollen pants for the little miss. I've been happily knitting them in candle light, other lights tuned down and the first leg was nearly ready. I even started a new skein. And in the blight morning light what did my eyes see?! Half of the made leg is different color from the rest of the pants!!!!!!!!! ARGH!!!!! (Little bit more of *#!&(#@!!*##*) right here.) How did I manage to get two skeins from two different dye lots??? I'm normally super careful in this. And you would think that I would have noticed it at the store.
So soon I'll head off to a mission impossible trip to the store to try to find the original dye lot. If not, then I must just take the whole thing apart and start anew. More selected words that I'm leaving out. I mean seriously, how can I manage to make a mistake like this?!?!?!? Hopefully somewhere out there is someone else who has managed to be as "lucky" as me.
PS for my international readers The Groke is one of the characters of Tove Jansson's Moomin books.
Kyse on niista villishousuista pikkuneidille. Olen niita tassa onnellisesti kynttilahamyssa iltaisin neulonut ja ensimmainen lahjekin on melkein valmis. Aloitin uusen kerankin. Ja aamun kirkastuttua mita silmani nakivatkaan?! Puolet tehdysta lahkeesta on eri varinen kuin muut osat housusta!!!!!!! ARGH!!!!! (Tahan valiin lisaa *#!&(#@!!*##*) -paita.) Miten ma olen onnistunut ostamaan kerat kahdesta eri varjayserasta??? Olen aina niin hirvean tarkka asiasta. Ja olisi luullut etta olisin huomannut asian lankaa ostaessani.
Kohta siis epatoivoiselle retkelle lankakauppaan. Joskos sielta jotenkin taianomaisesti loytyisi viela sita samaa varjayseraa. Jos ei, niin sitten menee kylla purkuhommiksi. ARRIN PURRIN! Siis ihan aikuisten oikeesti.... miten ihmeessa ma voin onnistua tekemaan tommosen kammin?!?!? Toivottavasti siella jossakin on joku muu, joka on onnistunut olemaan yhta "onnekas" kuin mina.
Maybe it was appropriate that I got a Groke mug from the cuppoard this morning for my day's tea cup. I feel very Groke like. I dont' even know if I can confess here publicly how embarrasing mistake I've made. I'm so miffed.... And I don't know if I'll be able to correct the mistake/problem or if I have to do the whole thing all over again.
I'm talking about those woollen pants for the little miss. I've been happily knitting them in candle light, other lights tuned down and the first leg was nearly ready. I even started a new skein. And in the blight morning light what did my eyes see?! Half of the made leg is different color from the rest of the pants!!!!!!!!! ARGH!!!!! (Little bit more of *#!&(#@!!*##*) right here.) How did I manage to get two skeins from two different dye lots??? I'm normally super careful in this. And you would think that I would have noticed it at the store.
So soon I'll head off to a mission impossible trip to the store to try to find the original dye lot. If not, then I must just take the whole thing apart and start anew. More selected words that I'm leaving out. I mean seriously, how can I manage to make a mistake like this?!?!?!? Hopefully somewhere out there is someone else who has managed to be as "lucky" as me.
PS for my international readers The Groke is one of the characters of Tove Jansson's Moomin books.
torstai 18. lokakuuta 2012
Syksy saapui sisalle / Autumn arrived in the house
Ulkona on ihan selkeasti ollut jo syksy jonkin aikaa vaikka lampotilat valilla yrittavatkin huijata. Sisallekin saapui syksy. Sain aikaiseksi kaivaa syksyiset koristeet esille. Ovessa keikkuu lehtikranssi, pari kurpitsakoristetta buffettisenkin paalla. "Ruokasalin" pydan paalle paasi ruskeasavyinen Marimekon Lumimarja ja muutamia koristeita. Vanhempi neideista oli ihan onnessaan. Nyt tuntuu kunnolla syksylle. Ja sen kunniaksi joimme kaakaot vaahtokarkeilla hoystettyna.
It's definitely autumn outside even though the temperature tries to lure us to think otherwise. Autumn finally arrived in our house as well. I got my autumn decorations out. Few decorative pumpkins on the side table. Leaf wreath on the door. Brownish Marimekko Lumimarja tablecloth on the dining room table and few other decorations. Our older daughter was so excited. Now it really feels like autumn. And in honor of that we had cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows on top.
It's definitely autumn outside even though the temperature tries to lure us to think otherwise. Autumn finally arrived in our house as well. I got my autumn decorations out. Few decorative pumpkins on the side table. Leaf wreath on the door. Brownish Marimekko Lumimarja tablecloth on the dining room table and few other decorations. Our older daughter was so excited. Now it really feels like autumn. And in honor of that we had cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows on top.
keskiviikko 17. lokakuuta 2012
Kukat kukkii ja kuihtuu / Blooming and withering flowers
Ulkona oli ihanaa tanaan. Aurinkoa, vahan tuulta, +14C. Tytotkin tykkasivat kovasti kapsytella pitkin poikin aarteita etsien. Tammenterhoja loytyi vaikka miten ja yksi VALTAVAN iso vaahteranlehti. Kuvitelkaa normaalikokokinen vaahteranlehti. No tama oli valehtelematta ainakin 4 kertaa isompi. Ihan uskomaton. No, siita jai tietysti kuva ottamatta kun se jo lennatettiin tuulen vietavaksi ja muiden iloksi.
Osa kukista ovat kuihtuneet ja torrottavat kuolleina pystyssa. Viimiset ruusut sinnittelevat viela. Nuppujakin nakyi. Ja kyllahan niita kukkiviakin kukkia loytyy.
What a wonderful weather today. Sun, little wind and +14C (57F). The girls liked a lot to make a little walk, looking for treasures. We found lots of acorns as well as one ENORMOUS maple leaf. Picture a normal liza maple leaf in your mind. Well, this one was at least four times bigger. Seriously! Avsolutely unbelievably big!. And of course I didn't manage a photo of it before it was already given to the wind to blow it on someone else's path, making them smile.
Some flowers have already withered and are standing upright, but dead. Last roses are still trying to manage. We saw even some buds ready to open. And there was some blooming flowers as well.
Osa kukista ovat kuihtuneet ja torrottavat kuolleina pystyssa. Viimiset ruusut sinnittelevat viela. Nuppujakin nakyi. Ja kyllahan niita kukkiviakin kukkia loytyy.
What a wonderful weather today. Sun, little wind and +14C (57F). The girls liked a lot to make a little walk, looking for treasures. We found lots of acorns as well as one ENORMOUS maple leaf. Picture a normal liza maple leaf in your mind. Well, this one was at least four times bigger. Seriously! Avsolutely unbelievably big!. And of course I didn't manage a photo of it before it was already given to the wind to blow it on someone else's path, making them smile.
Some flowers have already withered and are standing upright, but dead. Last roses are still trying to manage. We saw even some buds ready to open. And there was some blooming flowers as well.
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