Tasta paivasta tulee pitka. Yolla sain kunnian olla hereilla reilun tunnin nuorimmaisen takia. Neiti herasi eika meinannut nukahtaa takaisin mitenkaan vaikka silmia hierottiin koko ajan. Heratti siina prosessissa myoskin isosiskonsa, joka onneksi nukahti pian uudestaan. Mulla uni karkas sen silian tian ja kun vihdoin sain unesta kiinni niin vanhempi jo heraili ihan havyttoman aikaiseen. BLAAAAH!
Muutenkin pitaa keksia tekemista, varsinkin tuolla isommalle, etta aika kuluisi pian ja Daddy tulisi kotiin. Lupasin etta saa valvoa niin pitkaan jos on kiltti ja kankkarankkaa ei tuoda kylaan. Katsotaan miten kay. Tahan mennessa ohjelmassa on ollut Skype treffit Suomeen ja siina samalla barbi playdate ystavansa kanssa, aamupalaksi pannukakkuja ja nyt hieman telkkariaikaa kun sielta tulee lempiohjelma Fetch! Seuraavaksi karkkipaivan kunniaksi leikkihuoneen siivousta ja varmaan vahan legoilua jne.
Mamin paiva kuluu siten, etta yritan tassa sivussa paria projektia tehda. Niista pian lisaa. Yritan olla kuikuilematta kelloa koko ajan. (n10h ennen kuin kulta on taas kotona.) Ulkona on kylmaa ja harmaata eli ei paljoa houkuta sinnekaan lahtea..... katsotaan nyt kuitenkin joskos kuitenkin pienelle kavelylle....varsinkin kun taman kuumeilu ei meinaa hellittaa. Pienta lampoa edelleen. BLAAAAAH! toisenkin kerran.
This day is going to be long. Last night I had the honor of being up with the little one. She woke up and didn't want to go back to sleep even though she was rubbing her eyes constantly. She did manage to wake her big sister as well who luckily fell back asleep. My sleep ran away completely and when I finally got it back the older one started waking up again waaaaaay to early. BLAAAAH!
I do have to come up with all kinds of things to do for the older one to occupy her until Daddy comes home. I promised she could stay up until he came if she's super good girl the whole day. Let's see how it goes. So far the program has included white chocolate pancakes for breakfast, Skype date to Finland with her friend (they ended up playing with Barbies on Skype) and now a bit of TV time with her favorite program Fetch! Next in the honor of her candy day cleaning the play room and after that maybe a bit of Lego building.
Mummy's day will go trying to do few projects at the side of everything else going on. I will tell you more about them soon. I try not to look at the watch all the time (n10h before my dear is back home). It's cold outside and gray and it's not very enticing to go outside either.... maybe just a small walk.... especially as this fever doesn't seem to leave me alone. I still have slight temperature. BAAAAAH! for the second time.
lauantai 31. maaliskuuta 2012
perjantai 30. maaliskuuta 2012
Pupu poikineen / Bunnygalore
Pihalla on loikkinut pupuja. En ole vain kameran kanssa niita saanut ikuistettua. Kova vauhti niilla on ollut. Ensimmaisena kesana taalla saimme ihailla ja seurata kahta pupua: aitia ja poikasta. Aiti ei ole isokokoinen niin voitte kuvitella kuinka suloinen pupupoikanen oli. He tulivat meidan takapihalle apilaa syomaa. Apilaa kun taalla pidetaan rikkaruohona eika suvaita sita nurmikoilla. Meidan pihalla sita kuitenkin kasvaa. Nytkin sita jo tuolta kovasti pukkaa ylospain. Seko nuo puputkin on saanut taas liikkeelle meidan iloksi. Sisallakin meilla on pupuja.... odottelemassa paasiaista. Nama eivat kuitenkaan ole niin suloisia kuin nuo oikeat.
Oli siella pihalla maaoravatkin riehuneet. Koko talven ovat olleet piilossa ja antaneet nurmikon olla rauhassa. Nyt pihalle on ilmaantunut kolme koloa. Eilen potkistelin kolojen reunalla olevia multia takaisin koloon.... niin eikos tanaan ne oli taas siina kolon reunalla. :)
We've had bunnies bouncing on our back yard. I just haven't gotten them with my camera. They've been quite speedy. The first summer here we were allowed to follow two bunnies: a mother and her baby. The mother was small so you can imagine how cute that little one was. They came to our back yard to eat clover. Clover is considered a weed here and is not allowed to grow on the yards. Our yard has lots of it and I like it. Even now it's growing already and I think it might have lured the bunnies to enjoy it for the munchies. We have bunnies also inside...... waiting for Easter. However, they are not as adorable as the real ones.
I also noticed that chipmunks have been busy in the back yard. They were hiding the whole winter and left the yard in peace. Now there's three holes. Yesterday I kicked some dirt back into the hole from the edges and today I noticed they were back at the edges again. :)
Oli siella pihalla maaoravatkin riehuneet. Koko talven ovat olleet piilossa ja antaneet nurmikon olla rauhassa. Nyt pihalle on ilmaantunut kolme koloa. Eilen potkistelin kolojen reunalla olevia multia takaisin koloon.... niin eikos tanaan ne oli taas siina kolon reunalla. :)
We've had bunnies bouncing on our back yard. I just haven't gotten them with my camera. They've been quite speedy. The first summer here we were allowed to follow two bunnies: a mother and her baby. The mother was small so you can imagine how cute that little one was. They came to our back yard to eat clover. Clover is considered a weed here and is not allowed to grow on the yards. Our yard has lots of it and I like it. Even now it's growing already and I think it might have lured the bunnies to enjoy it for the munchies. We have bunnies also inside...... waiting for Easter. However, they are not as adorable as the real ones.
I also noticed that chipmunks have been busy in the back yard. They were hiding the whole winter and left the yard in peace. Now there's three holes. Yesterday I kicked some dirt back into the hole from the edges and today I noticed they were back at the edges again. :)
torstai 29. maaliskuuta 2012
Laatikko, laatikko, laatikko.... / Box, box, box.....
Kuumetta pukkaa paalle. Veto aivan pois. Ei ole kiva olla kipeana kun on yksin lasten ja koiran kanssa kotona. Isompi neiti laskee yoita siihen kun Daddy tulee kotiin. Seisemasta ollaan paasty jo kahteen. Mina lasken paivia..... tassa olotilassa pian jo tunteja. Huominen ja lauantai tulevat olemaan pitkia paivia.
Pakkaaminen on kaynnissa. Ihan hirveasti en ole onnistunut pakkaamaan, kun alakerrassa olleet tyhjat laatikot loppuivat kesken. Kolme isoa laatikkoa isannan DVD-levyja on pakattu ja yritin vahan noita askartelujuttuja laitta myos laatikoihin. Eipa onnistunut kun oli tuo pikkuapulainen repimassa kaikki tavarat alahyllyilta alas. Kaikista naista muuttoon liittyvista asioista onnistuin viimeyona kuumehoureissa nakemaan untakin laatikoista. Niita oli...... monta. Unessa meidan pihalla oli sellainen jarkyttavan iso laatikkovuori, joka oli melkein talon korkuinen eika niita ylimmaisia saanut mitenkaan sielta alas. En ole lahtenyt tulkitsemaan tata unta.
I'm feverish. No energy, none what so ever. It's not much fun to be sick when you are home alone with two children and a dog. The older miss counts nights until Daddy comes home. We've already gotten from seven down to two. I'm counting days.... feeling like this I'll be probably counting hours soon. Tomorrow and Saturday are going to be super long days.
Packing is going on. I haven't been able to pack that much as I ran out of the empty boxes from basement. I did manage yesterday 3 big boxes of my husbands DVDs and I tried to pack some of my craft things as well. I had my little helper and she kept pulling everything down from the lower shelves of the cabinet. All of these moving related things going on at the moment I managed to create feverish dreams of boxes. There were lots of them. In the dream we had a mountain of boxes on the drive. The pile was nearly as tall as the house but there was no way to get the top ones off of this pile. I didn't even try to manage to interpret this dream.
Pakkaaminen on kaynnissa. Ihan hirveasti en ole onnistunut pakkaamaan, kun alakerrassa olleet tyhjat laatikot loppuivat kesken. Kolme isoa laatikkoa isannan DVD-levyja on pakattu ja yritin vahan noita askartelujuttuja laitta myos laatikoihin. Eipa onnistunut kun oli tuo pikkuapulainen repimassa kaikki tavarat alahyllyilta alas. Kaikista naista muuttoon liittyvista asioista onnistuin viimeyona kuumehoureissa nakemaan untakin laatikoista. Niita oli...... monta. Unessa meidan pihalla oli sellainen jarkyttavan iso laatikkovuori, joka oli melkein talon korkuinen eika niita ylimmaisia saanut mitenkaan sielta alas. En ole lahtenyt tulkitsemaan tata unta.
I'm feverish. No energy, none what so ever. It's not much fun to be sick when you are home alone with two children and a dog. The older miss counts nights until Daddy comes home. We've already gotten from seven down to two. I'm counting days.... feeling like this I'll be probably counting hours soon. Tomorrow and Saturday are going to be super long days.
Packing is going on. I haven't been able to pack that much as I ran out of the empty boxes from basement. I did manage yesterday 3 big boxes of my husbands DVDs and I tried to pack some of my craft things as well. I had my little helper and she kept pulling everything down from the lower shelves of the cabinet. All of these moving related things going on at the moment I managed to create feverish dreams of boxes. There were lots of them. In the dream we had a mountain of boxes on the drive. The pile was nearly as tall as the house but there was no way to get the top ones off of this pile. I didn't even try to manage to interpret this dream.
keskiviikko 28. maaliskuuta 2012
Vierailija / A visitor
Olipa mukava nahda ystavaa pitkasta aikaa. Edellisesta kerrasta olikin jo 10kk. Yhdessaoloa ja hopotysta riitti. Lounaaksi supisuomalaista makaroonilaatikkoa. Miltakohan mahtoi maistua tassa amerikkalaisessa suussa? :) Han tuli taas pussi taynna ihania itsetehtyja lahjoja. Pienia sydamenmuotoisia pussukoita, itse koneellakirjailtuja pinneja tytoille seka kaunis ommeltu Hanhiemon tarinoita pehmokirja. Kiitos kaunis! Paivakin kului paljon nopeammin mukavassa seurassa.
It was so nice to a see a friend after a while, 10 months to be exact. Just spending time talking this and that was so nice. For lunch we had the one and only Finnish macaroni caserole (makaroonilaatikko). I wonder how it tasted in this particular american mouth? :) She came with a bag full of handmade gifts. Small heart shaped zipper pouches, machine embroidered hairpins for the girls and a quilted Mother goose softie book. Thank you soooo much! The day went much faster in a lovely company.
It was so nice to a see a friend after a while, 10 months to be exact. Just spending time talking this and that was so nice. For lunch we had the one and only Finnish macaroni caserole (makaroonilaatikko). I wonder how it tasted in this particular american mouth? :) She came with a bag full of handmade gifts. Small heart shaped zipper pouches, machine embroidered hairpins for the girls and a quilted Mother goose softie book. Thank you soooo much! The day went much faster in a lovely company.
tiistai 27. maaliskuuta 2012
Kasvua / Growth
Kasvua tapahtuu talla hetkella monenlaista. Paasiaisvehnamme kasvaa huimaa vauhtia ja se ilahtuttaa joka paiva. Vanhemmalla neidilla on joku hirmuinen kasvuspurtti menossa. Vaatteet jaa pieniksi ihan liian nopeasti vaikka ne on ostettu reiluina. Nuoremmalla huima kasvuvauhti ja kehitys on itsestaanselvaa. Kauhistelen kuitenkin kuinka minun vauveli haviaa silmissa ja tilalla on ihan kohta taapero. Ulkona kasvaa kasvit ihan uskomatonta vauhtia. Vahan negatiivisempaa kasvua on tuo tehtavien asioiden listan kasvaminen. Vaikka siita koko ajan saan pyyhittya yli asioita tuntuu etta ne tehtavat asiat lisaantyvat ihan ilman lupaa ja kirjoittavat itse itsensa siihen listan jatkoksi. Ei ole reilua!
All kinds of growth is going at the moment. Our Easter wheat is growing fast and it's bringing joy every day. The older girl has a growing spurt going on. Her clothes get small in amazingly short time even though I always buy the big. The younger one's growing and developing is pretty much given at the moment. I'm still terrified how my baby is disappearing in front of my eyes and soon I'll have a toddler instead. Outside all plants are growing with amazing speed. I've noticed also a bit more negative growth. Namely the length of the TO DO - list, which keeps getting longer and longer even though I keep crossing things over from it. It's almost like these things multiply by themselves and add themselves to the list. Not fair!
All kinds of growth is going at the moment. Our Easter wheat is growing fast and it's bringing joy every day. The older girl has a growing spurt going on. Her clothes get small in amazingly short time even though I always buy the big. The younger one's growing and developing is pretty much given at the moment. I'm still terrified how my baby is disappearing in front of my eyes and soon I'll have a toddler instead. Outside all plants are growing with amazing speed. I've noticed also a bit more negative growth. Namely the length of the TO DO - list, which keeps getting longer and longer even though I keep crossing things over from it. It's almost like these things multiply by themselves and add themselves to the list. Not fair!
maanantai 26. maaliskuuta 2012
Keltaista.... / Yellow....
... ja vahan muutakin varia. Vihreaa ja vaalenapunaista. Kevat eteni viimeviikon lampotilojen ansiosta ihan hurjaa vauthia. Rhodopensas on kukkaan puhkeamaisillaan. Muutamia koristekirsikkapuita olen nahnyt jo ihan vaaleanpunaisina (kamera ei tietystikaan ollut hollilla). Forsythia (en tieda suomenkielista nimea) pensaat kukkivat keltaisenaan. Variloistoa siis. Naapurin aidan vieresta loysin myos isoja mattaita ruohosipulia kasvamassa. Luulevat kai rikkaruohoiksi koska siella ne on kaikkien ruohojen ja rikkaruohojen joukossa.
Muuttopaiva lahestyy eika uutta kotia ole vielakaan loytynyt. Ahistaa niin maan vietavasti. Tanaan aamupaiva kului siina kun kahdesta muuttofirmasta kavi edustaja katselemassa ympariinsa ja arvioimassa tata tavaramaaraa ja saamme huomenissa vahan osviittaa siita mita muutto tulisi maksamaan. Pakkaamisen olen jo aloittanut. Kaksi laatikkoa on taynna. On pakko vaan aloittaa jostain nurkasta ja tehda sita hommaa kun pikkuneiti nukkuu. Tama paiva menee tosin ihan hunnigolle kaiken muun juoksemisen takia. Lupasin, etta mennaan kokeilemaan uusi hampurilaispaikka tanssitunnin jalkeen.
Talvivaatteet pitaisi kayda lapi ja pesta. Sen jalkeen nekin saisi pakattua. Tuota muutakin erikoista ei niin useasti tehtavaa pesemista olisi. Mistakohan loytyisi se inspiraatio naiden tekemiseen?
... and a bit of other colors too. Green and pink. Spring advanced with speed with the warm temperatures last week. The Rhodorendrum bushes are about to start blooming. I've seen few cherrytrees in full pink blossom (of course I didn't have camera handy). Forsythia's are bright yellow. Beautiful colours after all the gray and brown. I found some chives by the neighbour's fence among all weeds and grass. I wonder if they know it's there.
Moving day is evidently getting closer but we still haven't found a new place. I'm super anxious about the fact. This morning was spent with two moving company representatives touring the house, making estimates of the amount of stuff. We'll get quotes tomorrow. I've started packing (2 boxes). I just had to start from somewhere and do it bit by bit while the little lady is sleeping. Today will be a lost cause because of all other things going on. I promised we'd go try new hamburger place after big miss' dance class.
I should start going through our winter clothes, wash them and pack them away. I have some other stuff too that needs its occasional washing. Oh where can I find the inspiration to start dealing with them?
Muuttopaiva lahestyy eika uutta kotia ole vielakaan loytynyt. Ahistaa niin maan vietavasti. Tanaan aamupaiva kului siina kun kahdesta muuttofirmasta kavi edustaja katselemassa ympariinsa ja arvioimassa tata tavaramaaraa ja saamme huomenissa vahan osviittaa siita mita muutto tulisi maksamaan. Pakkaamisen olen jo aloittanut. Kaksi laatikkoa on taynna. On pakko vaan aloittaa jostain nurkasta ja tehda sita hommaa kun pikkuneiti nukkuu. Tama paiva menee tosin ihan hunnigolle kaiken muun juoksemisen takia. Lupasin, etta mennaan kokeilemaan uusi hampurilaispaikka tanssitunnin jalkeen.
Talvivaatteet pitaisi kayda lapi ja pesta. Sen jalkeen nekin saisi pakattua. Tuota muutakin erikoista ei niin useasti tehtavaa pesemista olisi. Mistakohan loytyisi se inspiraatio naiden tekemiseen?
... and a bit of other colors too. Green and pink. Spring advanced with speed with the warm temperatures last week. The Rhodorendrum bushes are about to start blooming. I've seen few cherrytrees in full pink blossom (of course I didn't have camera handy). Forsythia's are bright yellow. Beautiful colours after all the gray and brown. I found some chives by the neighbour's fence among all weeds and grass. I wonder if they know it's there.
Moving day is evidently getting closer but we still haven't found a new place. I'm super anxious about the fact. This morning was spent with two moving company representatives touring the house, making estimates of the amount of stuff. We'll get quotes tomorrow. I've started packing (2 boxes). I just had to start from somewhere and do it bit by bit while the little lady is sleeping. Today will be a lost cause because of all other things going on. I promised we'd go try new hamburger place after big miss' dance class.
I should start going through our winter clothes, wash them and pack them away. I have some other stuff too that needs its occasional washing. Oh where can I find the inspiration to start dealing with them?
sunnuntai 25. maaliskuuta 2012
Ei langanvaihtoviikkoja / No yarn swap
Hyvin vahaisen kiinnostuksen takia langanvaihtoviikkoja ei nyt sitten jarjesteta. Harmi! Olisi ollut mukava jarjestaa se. Ehka joku toinen kerta.
Due to very small interest in the yarn swap I won't be arranging it. Shame! It would have been fun to organize it. Maybe some other time.
Due to very small interest in the yarn swap I won't be arranging it. Shame! It would have been fun to organize it. Maybe some other time.
Pisaroita / Rain drops
Herasimme tana aamuna sateen ropinaan ikkunassa. Meni myttyyn suunnitelmat puistoon lahdosta ja uusien taideteosten piirtamisesta pihaan. Esiin otettiinkin muovailuvaha, puuhelmet seka hamahelmet. Eikohan nuo pida isomman aktivoituna jonkun aikaa. Mina kavin pihalla kameran kanssa ihailemassa pisaroita.
Puhelin pirahti ja mies ilmottautui. Oli saapunut Suomeen. Laukku oli kuitenkin kadonnut jossain matkan varrella. Toivottavasti han saa sen pian. Aidin piti tavata hanet huomenna ja tarkoituksena vaihtaa "tuliaispaketit". Nyt tata vaihtoa pitaa sitten siirtaa ja aikatauluttaa uudestaan.
We woke up this morning to the pitter patter of rain on the window. All our plans about going to the park and drawing more art on the pavement were washed away. I dug out Play Dough, wooden beads and Fun Fusion pearls. I think they will keep the bigger one occupied for a while. I went outside with the camera to admire drops.
The phone rand any my husband announced having arrived safe and sound to Finland. Unfortunately his suit case did not arrive and it's somewhere in between. Hopefully he gets it soon. My mother was supposed to meet him tomorrow and do a swap of gifts. Now this swap has to be rescheduled.
Puhelin pirahti ja mies ilmottautui. Oli saapunut Suomeen. Laukku oli kuitenkin kadonnut jossain matkan varrella. Toivottavasti han saa sen pian. Aidin piti tavata hanet huomenna ja tarkoituksena vaihtaa "tuliaispaketit". Nyt tata vaihtoa pitaa sitten siirtaa ja aikatauluttaa uudestaan.
We woke up this morning to the pitter patter of rain on the window. All our plans about going to the park and drawing more art on the pavement were washed away. I dug out Play Dough, wooden beads and Fun Fusion pearls. I think they will keep the bigger one occupied for a while. I went outside with the camera to admire drops.
The phone rand any my husband announced having arrived safe and sound to Finland. Unfortunately his suit case did not arrive and it's somewhere in between. Hopefully he gets it soon. My mother was supposed to meet him tomorrow and do a swap of gifts. Now this swap has to be rescheduled.
lauantai 24. maaliskuuta 2012
Konttaava kauhu / Crawling terror
Vauhtia on vaikka muille jakaa. Kaikki paikat pitaa tutkia. Sormet tungetaan joka paikkaan. Kaikki mita lattialta loytyy pitaa maistaa (koirankarvoista lahtien). Mikaan ei ole turvassa. Talossa kaikuu EI kerran jos toisenkin ja kolmannen ja... sadannen. Vastaukseksi kakatysta ja ei kun kokeillaan uudestaan. :D Sitkea sissi.
She's got speed to give to others. All places must be explored. Fingers must be put everywhere. Everything she finds on the floor must be tasted (starting from single dog hairs). Nothing is safe. The house is full of NO words. The reply is giggling and then she goes again. :D She's got the willpower.
She's got speed to give to others. All places must be explored. Fingers must be put everywhere. Everything she finds on the floor must be tasted (starting from single dog hairs). Nothing is safe. The house is full of NO words. The reply is giggling and then she goes again. :D She's got the willpower.
torstai 22. maaliskuuta 2012
Ja niin han ompelee / So she sews
Iski ompeluhimo! Kesken koukkuilun, kesken kaiken muun. Ja eihan sita himoa mitenkaan muuten saa tyydytettya ellei ryhdy toimeen. Kaupasta piti ihan vahan hakea kangasta. Ihan vahan vaan. Ja ihan vahan vaan nappeja. Niitakin ihan vahan vaan. Ja sitten kuului vaan: snip snip, sur rur, sssssshhhhhhhhhhh (lue viimeinen silitysraudaksi hoyryasetuksella), snip snip, sur rur, sssssssshhhhhhhhhh jne. Valmistakin tuli. :D Ei ollut iso projekti. Tosin yhdessa vaiheessa ohjeet meinasi menna vahan yli pipon. Onneks sentaan hoksasin. Tein nimittain TAMAN pikkuneidille. Tosi napparan nakoinen siita tuli. On vahan iso mutta eipa tuo neitokainen ainakaan tuosta nykyisesta kutistu.
A sewing desire hit me! In the middle of my crocheting and everything else. And how do you get rid of a desire if you don't act upon on it. I had to get just a little bit of fabric. Only just a little bit. And just a little bit of buttons. Also only just a little of those. Then you could just hear snip snip, sur rur, ssssssssshhhhhhhh (read the last one as a iron on steam setting), snip snip, sur rur, sssssssssshhhhhhhhh etc. Got it finished. :D It was not a big project. At one point I got a bit baffled by the instructions but luckily I figured it out. I made THIS for the little miss. Darn cute if I say my self. It's a bit too big but she won't shrink from her current size.
A sewing desire hit me! In the middle of my crocheting and everything else. And how do you get rid of a desire if you don't act upon on it. I had to get just a little bit of fabric. Only just a little bit. And just a little bit of buttons. Also only just a little of those. Then you could just hear snip snip, sur rur, ssssssssshhhhhhhh (read the last one as a iron on steam setting), snip snip, sur rur, sssssssssshhhhhhhhh etc. Got it finished. :D It was not a big project. At one point I got a bit baffled by the instructions but luckily I figured it out. I made THIS for the little miss. Darn cute if I say my self. It's a bit too big but she won't shrink from her current size.
keskiviikko 21. maaliskuuta 2012
Kurkistus / A peek
Vapaaehtoisesti ilmoitan etten ole mikaan taydellinen kotiaiti saatika mikaan Matrha Stewart. Kateellisena katselen muiden taydellisesti jarjestettyja kaappeja ja kuinka kaikilla tavaroilla on paikkansa ja miten ihmeellisesti ne tavarat aina ovatkin niille kuuluvilla oikeilla paikoillaan. Organisoiti kodin sisalla on taman hetkinen kuuma peruna. Kuinka kaiken maailman sala ja ylimaarainen tavara ovat taakkana ja kun niista paasee eroon on niin kevyt olla. Ja kun koti on orgnisoitu on aikaa tehda sita ja tata. Ahhhhh.....! Olisihan se ihanaa jos saisi kodin jarjestykseen. Kaikki tavarat olisivat omilla paikoillaan jne. Taman jarjestelyn pitaisi myoskin taata se etta koti olisi helpompi ja mukavampi siivota. On pakko myontaa etta aloitin kodin organisointiprosessin ennen joulua. Paatin tehda sen huone kerrallaan ja miettia tarkkaan mita pysyy, mita lahtee, pitaako hankkia jotain sailytysta varten jne. Hyvin paasin alkuun ja puuha oli ihan mukavaa kun sita ei tarvinnut tehda kaikkea just nyt ja heti. Ei sita vauvelin kanssa olisi keratrykayksella pystynytkaan tekemaan. Sitten tuli vuokraisannan kirje ennen joulua. Se latisti fiilikset ja homma jai siihen. Nyt olen stressannut vain uuden kodin etsimisella ja arjen pyorittamisella. Organisointi jatkuu joskus hamassa tulevaisuudessa kunhan meilla on taas turvallisesti katto paan paalla.
Mutta takaisin asiaan. Lehdissa, kirjoissa, blogeissa vinkataan lukemattomia erilaisia pikkuvinkkeja, joiden pitaisi auttaa tassa jokapaivaisessa organisointimaniassa. Varmasti ihan toimiviakin ratkaisuja mutta suurin osa niista menee kylla minulta ohi. Ainut naista vinkeista, johon kiinnitin enemman huomiota ja paatin jopa kokeillakin oli lakanoiden pakkaaminen tyynyliinoihin seteittain. Eli Pestyasi tietyn lakanasetin, viikkaat sen ja siihen kuuluvat tyynyliinat kauniisti ja pakkaat yhteen settiin kuuluvista tyynyliinoista. Hyllyssa se nayttaa melkein kuin tyynylta. Tama vinkki sai minun liinavaatekaappini huomattavasti siistimmaksi seka toimivammaksi. Ei tarvitse etsia tyynyliinoja tyynyliinapinosta. Kunhan nappaa sen yhden "paketin" hyllysta ja siina se. Jotkut kuulemma laittavat viela aluslakanankin tahan pakettiin valmiiksi. Mina pidan aluslakanat erillaan. Pieni kurkkaus liinavaatekaappiin (tai siis osaan siita - ylin hylly jai kuvaamatta, enka sita kuvaa: sielta loytyy kaikki verhot ja osa poytaliinoista jos jonkinmoisessa jarjestyksessa). Tama on niita asioita joita moni tuskin kuvaa ja nayttaa vapaaehtoisesti toisille. No, en olisi ennen minakaan mutta tassa tama nyt on. Ei ole mitenkaan erityisesti jarjestelty kuvaa varten vaan on juuri siina kuosissaan kuin oven avasin. Itse olen tyytyvainen ja jatkossakin pakkaan lakanani nain. Kiitos Martha Stewart! (Taalta mina loysin taman idean.)
I volunteer the information that I'm not a prefect housewife nor Martha Stewart. With envy I look at perfectly organised closets, and how all things have their own places and the wonder of those things staying in their dedicated spaces. Organisation at home is IN. How all kinds of clutter and excess is a burden and when you get rid of them it makes you feel renewed and light. And when your house is organised you have time to do so many things. Ahhhhhhh.......! It would be lovely to have organised home. It would be nice to have everything in their own places. And according to all sources this would make cleaning much easier and fun. I have to admit that I started my house organisation process before last christmas. I decided that I'd do it one room at a time and plan carefully what would go, what stay, would I need to get something in terms of storage etc. I got going really well and it was even fun when I didn't have to crunch everything together. I wouldn't have been able to do it with the baby. Then we received the letter from our landlord and that was the end of that organisation project. Since then it's been stressing about finding a new home and getting the everyday life running smoothly. The organisation project will have to wait until we have a new roof over our head sometime in the future.
But back to my main topic. In magazines, books, blogs people list countless tips how to help the everyday life. I'm sure they are all somewhat working solutions but I've passed them pretty much all. The only one of these tips that I paid more attention to and even decided to try it was to pack matching sheet sets in pillowcases. This made a huge difference in my linen closet and it's been a working and successful solution. Here's a little peek into my linen closet (actually only a part of it as I did not include the top shelf which is full of curtains and table clothes in a happy mix match). This is one of those things not many people will take pictures of and share with others. Well, I wouldn't either before this, but here we go. I have not arranged anything for this photo, just opened the door and took the pic. I myslef am happy with this solution and will continue to pack my sheets in pillowcases. Thank you Martha Stewart! (I found this tip HERE)
Mutta takaisin asiaan. Lehdissa, kirjoissa, blogeissa vinkataan lukemattomia erilaisia pikkuvinkkeja, joiden pitaisi auttaa tassa jokapaivaisessa organisointimaniassa. Varmasti ihan toimiviakin ratkaisuja mutta suurin osa niista menee kylla minulta ohi. Ainut naista vinkeista, johon kiinnitin enemman huomiota ja paatin jopa kokeillakin oli lakanoiden pakkaaminen tyynyliinoihin seteittain. Eli Pestyasi tietyn lakanasetin, viikkaat sen ja siihen kuuluvat tyynyliinat kauniisti ja pakkaat yhteen settiin kuuluvista tyynyliinoista. Hyllyssa se nayttaa melkein kuin tyynylta. Tama vinkki sai minun liinavaatekaappini huomattavasti siistimmaksi seka toimivammaksi. Ei tarvitse etsia tyynyliinoja tyynyliinapinosta. Kunhan nappaa sen yhden "paketin" hyllysta ja siina se. Jotkut kuulemma laittavat viela aluslakanankin tahan pakettiin valmiiksi. Mina pidan aluslakanat erillaan. Pieni kurkkaus liinavaatekaappiin (tai siis osaan siita - ylin hylly jai kuvaamatta, enka sita kuvaa: sielta loytyy kaikki verhot ja osa poytaliinoista jos jonkinmoisessa jarjestyksessa). Tama on niita asioita joita moni tuskin kuvaa ja nayttaa vapaaehtoisesti toisille. No, en olisi ennen minakaan mutta tassa tama nyt on. Ei ole mitenkaan erityisesti jarjestelty kuvaa varten vaan on juuri siina kuosissaan kuin oven avasin. Itse olen tyytyvainen ja jatkossakin pakkaan lakanani nain. Kiitos Martha Stewart! (Taalta mina loysin taman idean.)
I volunteer the information that I'm not a prefect housewife nor Martha Stewart. With envy I look at perfectly organised closets, and how all things have their own places and the wonder of those things staying in their dedicated spaces. Organisation at home is IN. How all kinds of clutter and excess is a burden and when you get rid of them it makes you feel renewed and light. And when your house is organised you have time to do so many things. Ahhhhhhh.......! It would be lovely to have organised home. It would be nice to have everything in their own places. And according to all sources this would make cleaning much easier and fun. I have to admit that I started my house organisation process before last christmas. I decided that I'd do it one room at a time and plan carefully what would go, what stay, would I need to get something in terms of storage etc. I got going really well and it was even fun when I didn't have to crunch everything together. I wouldn't have been able to do it with the baby. Then we received the letter from our landlord and that was the end of that organisation project. Since then it's been stressing about finding a new home and getting the everyday life running smoothly. The organisation project will have to wait until we have a new roof over our head sometime in the future.
But back to my main topic. In magazines, books, blogs people list countless tips how to help the everyday life. I'm sure they are all somewhat working solutions but I've passed them pretty much all. The only one of these tips that I paid more attention to and even decided to try it was to pack matching sheet sets in pillowcases. This made a huge difference in my linen closet and it's been a working and successful solution. Here's a little peek into my linen closet (actually only a part of it as I did not include the top shelf which is full of curtains and table clothes in a happy mix match). This is one of those things not many people will take pictures of and share with others. Well, I wouldn't either before this, but here we go. I have not arranged anything for this photo, just opened the door and took the pic. I myslef am happy with this solution and will continue to pack my sheets in pillowcases. Thank you Martha Stewart! (I found this tip HERE)
tiistai 20. maaliskuuta 2012
Baby proofing
Eilen se sitten tapahtui. Nuorimmainen paatti ruveta konttaamaan. Seisoimme isomman kanssa olohuoneessa ja en enaa edes muista mita teimme kun molemmat katsoimme kuinka pikkuneiti meni konttausasentoon, siirsi ensin toista katta, sitten toista, ja yllatyksekseni jalat tuli perassa. Niin sita sitten mentiin noin metri eteenpain ennen kuin tuli mahalleen losahdys. Heti peraan kuitenkin uusi yritys. Olin unohtanut ihan kokonaan kuinka nopeasti vauvat konttaamalla menevat eteenpain. Esikoisemme oli kiltti vauveli ja totteli kun hanelle sanoi EI. Tavarat oli paikoillaan ja pysyi. Neiti ei niihin edes yrittanyt parin ensimmaisen kerran jalkeen. Olen huomannut ettei taman uuden tulokkaan kanssa ole ollenkaan nain. Kun kieltaa, neiti nauraa ja menee uudestaan ja uudestaan ja uudestaan ja uudestaan ja uudestaan (vaikka kuinka yritat aktivoida toisen jollain muulla tavalla). Ohjelmassa siis "babyprooffausta".
Talle viikolle tanne on luvattu kesaisia keleja. Sunnuntaina mittarissa komeili jo paalle +20C. Samoissa lukemissa oltiin eilen ja tanaan. Torstaille on luvattu jopa +27C. Mutta tata ihanuutta ei kesta ja palaamme normaali kevatlukemiin loppuviikosta. Aion kuitenkin nauttia taysilla tasta lammosta niin kauan kuin sita riittaa. Pakastimessa onkin sita varten jaateloa ja poydalla kuppi mansikoita. Ne kuuluvat tietysti asiaan iltapaivan lampoon.
Istutimme eilen paasiais"vehnan". Rairuohoa en ole taalla nahnyt. Viime vuonna ei taidettu kylvaa mitaan. Nyt kuitenkin kukkakaupassa viime viikolla kaydessani bongasin sielta valmiiksi istutettua ja kasvatettua ruohonnakoista vihreaa kupeissa ja kyselin mita se oli. Vehnaa. Ja kyseltyani vahan lisaa sainkin itselleni pussillisen vehnansiemenia. :D Liotin ne yon yli vedessa ja sen jalkeen istutimme niita vahan kukkapurkkiin ja vahan parille pikkuruiselle piirakkavuoalle.
It happened yesterday. Our younger one decided to start crawling on her knees. We we standing with the older one in the lounge and I cannot even remember what we were doing when we were both looking at the baby getting into the crawling position, moved one hand, then the other and to my surprise the legs followed. Like this she went forward about a meter before she slumped on to her tummy. New try right after this. I had forgotten how quickly babies move when they crawl. Our first born was such an obedient baby and when you said NO she didn't test her luck. I had all things on their normal places. She didn't try to go after them after the first try and first NO. I have noticed this is not the case with the younger one. When you say NO, she laughs and goes again and again and again and again (even though you keep telling her off and try to activate her to do something else). This means I have to do some baby proofing.
This week summer has arrived here, temporarily. Staring last Sunday the temperatures have been above 70F. For Thursday the forecast is 80F. But this won't last and we'll be back to the normal Spring temperatures at the end of the week. However, I'm going to enjoy the warmth fully. That means ice cream and strawberries for the afternoon.
We planted some Easter wheat yesterday. I soaked the seeds in the water over night and then in the morning we planted them in one flower pot and two small ceramic pie tins.
Talle viikolle tanne on luvattu kesaisia keleja. Sunnuntaina mittarissa komeili jo paalle +20C. Samoissa lukemissa oltiin eilen ja tanaan. Torstaille on luvattu jopa +27C. Mutta tata ihanuutta ei kesta ja palaamme normaali kevatlukemiin loppuviikosta. Aion kuitenkin nauttia taysilla tasta lammosta niin kauan kuin sita riittaa. Pakastimessa onkin sita varten jaateloa ja poydalla kuppi mansikoita. Ne kuuluvat tietysti asiaan iltapaivan lampoon.
Istutimme eilen paasiais"vehnan". Rairuohoa en ole taalla nahnyt. Viime vuonna ei taidettu kylvaa mitaan. Nyt kuitenkin kukkakaupassa viime viikolla kaydessani bongasin sielta valmiiksi istutettua ja kasvatettua ruohonnakoista vihreaa kupeissa ja kyselin mita se oli. Vehnaa. Ja kyseltyani vahan lisaa sainkin itselleni pussillisen vehnansiemenia. :D Liotin ne yon yli vedessa ja sen jalkeen istutimme niita vahan kukkapurkkiin ja vahan parille pikkuruiselle piirakkavuoalle.
It happened yesterday. Our younger one decided to start crawling on her knees. We we standing with the older one in the lounge and I cannot even remember what we were doing when we were both looking at the baby getting into the crawling position, moved one hand, then the other and to my surprise the legs followed. Like this she went forward about a meter before she slumped on to her tummy. New try right after this. I had forgotten how quickly babies move when they crawl. Our first born was such an obedient baby and when you said NO she didn't test her luck. I had all things on their normal places. She didn't try to go after them after the first try and first NO. I have noticed this is not the case with the younger one. When you say NO, she laughs and goes again and again and again and again (even though you keep telling her off and try to activate her to do something else). This means I have to do some baby proofing.
This week summer has arrived here, temporarily. Staring last Sunday the temperatures have been above 70F. For Thursday the forecast is 80F. But this won't last and we'll be back to the normal Spring temperatures at the end of the week. However, I'm going to enjoy the warmth fully. That means ice cream and strawberries for the afternoon.
We planted some Easter wheat yesterday. I soaked the seeds in the water over night and then in the morning we planted them in one flower pot and two small ceramic pie tins.
maanantai 19. maaliskuuta 2012
Olisiko kiinnostusta langanvaihtoviikoille? / Would you be interested in yarn exchange?
Olen tassa pyortellyt paassani ajatusta langanvaihtoviikoista. :D Voisin sellaisen jarjestaa jos saadaan osallistujia tarpeeksi mukaan. Open pahkaillyt myoskin sita, etta miten taman toteuttaisi. Jos osallistujat rupeavat esittamaan varimaailma-, materiaali- ja/tai langanvahvuusvaatimuksia voi parien etsiminen olla mahdotonta. Niinpa ehdotankin yllatyslanganvaihtoa. Osalistujat siis valitsisivat minimissaan 50g lankakeran, joka lahetetaan jollekin toiselle vaihtoon osallistuvalle. Olisi siis yllari mita posti sinulle toisi mukanaan. Jos olisit kiinnostunut mukaan tahan yllarivaihtoon laitapa minulle sahkopostia ina(at)xenway.com osoitteeseen la 24.3.2012 mennessa (laita viestiin mukaan myos oma postiosoitteesi niin ei tarvitse uutta viestikierrosta, jos saadaan homma kayntiin). Silloin katson kuinka moni olisi kiinnostunut mukaan tahan vaihtoon ja saadaanko se toteutumaan. Ilmoitan vaihtoviikkojen toteutumisesta sunnuntaina 25.3.2012. Jos sinulla on kysymyksia asiasta niin kysy ihmeessa. :)
I've been thinking about arranging yarn exchange weeks. :D That is if we can get enough people to join the exchange. I've also been thinking about how to carry this out. If the participants start making demands about color, material and yarn thickness finding pairs will most probably prove to be impossible. So i'm suggesting a surprise exchange. Each participant would send minimum 50g skein to somebody else participating in the exchange (address provided by me). So it would be a surprise what the post brings you. If you are interested to participate this surprise yarn exchange, email me at ina(at)xenway.com by Sat March 24th, 2012 (include your mailing address in this message which allows us to proceed without another email round). I will let you know on Sunday March 25th, 2012 if we have enough participants to do this. If you have any questions regarding the matter, please ask away. :0
I've been thinking about arranging yarn exchange weeks. :D That is if we can get enough people to join the exchange. I've also been thinking about how to carry this out. If the participants start making demands about color, material and yarn thickness finding pairs will most probably prove to be impossible. So i'm suggesting a surprise exchange. Each participant would send minimum 50g skein to somebody else participating in the exchange (address provided by me). So it would be a surprise what the post brings you. If you are interested to participate this surprise yarn exchange, email me at ina(at)xenway.com by Sat March 24th, 2012 (include your mailing address in this message which allows us to proceed without another email round). I will let you know on Sunday March 25th, 2012 if we have enough participants to do this. If you have any questions regarding the matter, please ask away. :0
sunnuntai 18. maaliskuuta 2012
Koukuttaa / Hooked
Kovasti koukutti katta koko viikon ja nyt sitten sain aikaiseksi jotain aloittaa. Varsinaista varien iloittelua. Epailys on kylla aikamoinen etta mitakohan lopputuloksesta tulee. Sita siis odotellessa.
Edessa yh-aitina olemista ensin 4 paivaa. Pari paivaa hengahdysta ja sitten viikon plajays samaa. Minua ei nyt hirveasti tama yh-aiteily kiinnostaisi. Tietaa siis tyttojenjuttuja ja muutakin mukavaa etta saadaan pidettya ajatukset poissa siita faktasta etta daddy ei tulekaan ilalla kotiin toista. Mukavaa sunnuntaita kaikille.
I was desperate to start a crochet project during the week but didn't know quite what. Finally I have a project. Quite a color splash. I'm seriously doubting the end result.
I'm facing single motherhood first for 4 days and then after a few days breather another week of the same. Not very enthusiastic about it. Need to think girly things to do and other fun stuff as well to keep our minds off of the fact that daddy's traveling.
Edessa yh-aitina olemista ensin 4 paivaa. Pari paivaa hengahdysta ja sitten viikon plajays samaa. Minua ei nyt hirveasti tama yh-aiteily kiinnostaisi. Tietaa siis tyttojenjuttuja ja muutakin mukavaa etta saadaan pidettya ajatukset poissa siita faktasta etta daddy ei tulekaan ilalla kotiin toista. Mukavaa sunnuntaita kaikille.
I was desperate to start a crochet project during the week but didn't know quite what. Finally I have a project. Quite a color splash. I'm seriously doubting the end result.
I'm facing single motherhood first for 4 days and then after a few days breather another week of the same. Not very enthusiastic about it. Need to think girly things to do and other fun stuff as well to keep our minds off of the fact that daddy's traveling.
lauantai 17. maaliskuuta 2012
Pala kakkua / Piece of cake
Kaytiin puistoilemassa ja viihdytiin siella 45min vaikka oltiinkin ihan yksin. Minusta se on niin hassua etta jos on vahankin pilvista eika niin lamminta (+7C) puistot ovat tyhjia. No, me siella sitten rellestettiin isomman kanssa kahdestaan. Laskettiin liukumakea, kiivettiin kiipeilytelineessa, keinuttiin, juostiin kilpaa.
Vahan piti myos ostoksilla kayda. Momille piti hankkia syntymapaivalahja, joka pistetaan daddyn mukana Suomeen. Esikoiselle sukkia. Piti myos hankkia pari nappia, seka lankaa. Joskos koukuttaisin jotain....
Mutta iltapaiva oli mukava aloittaa pienella teehetkella ja kakkupalalla. Kokeilin aikaisemmin viikolla Herkku ja Koukku - blogin liivatteetonta juustokakkua. Siella suositeltiin tayte tekemaan tuplana. Tein ja hyva olikin. Tosin Philadelphia pakettien koosta johtuen tuli taytteesta pikkaisen isompikin kuin tupla. Tein myos pohjan tuplana. Ei yksinkertainen olisi millaan riittanyt Tupperwaren juustokakkuvuokaan. Pienempaan vuokaan varmastikin sopiva maara. Hyvaa kuitenkin oli. Sen verran vinkkaan, etta jos kakun tekee niin se kannattaa syoda kerralla. Liivatteen puuttumisen takia taytteen reunat eivat pysy kauniina jos vuoan reunoja pistetaan ja otetaan pois usemmanna kerran. :)
Went to the park and we spent 45 minutes there even though there were no one else besides us. After two plus years I still think it's funny that it's cloudy and even a bit colder (44F) the parks are big voids. Well, we had space to frolic around with the older miss. We tried all the slides, climber the climbing frames, did some swinging, had running races.
Also had to do some shopping: had to get a birthday present for my mother, which daddy can take to Finland when he goes. Got some badly needed socks for the bigger one. Needed few buttons and yarn. Hoping to crochet something....
The afternoon was nice to start with a tea break accompanied by piece of cheese cake. I tired a new recipe without gelatin and it turned out good.
Vahan piti myos ostoksilla kayda. Momille piti hankkia syntymapaivalahja, joka pistetaan daddyn mukana Suomeen. Esikoiselle sukkia. Piti myos hankkia pari nappia, seka lankaa. Joskos koukuttaisin jotain....
Mutta iltapaiva oli mukava aloittaa pienella teehetkella ja kakkupalalla. Kokeilin aikaisemmin viikolla Herkku ja Koukku - blogin liivatteetonta juustokakkua. Siella suositeltiin tayte tekemaan tuplana. Tein ja hyva olikin. Tosin Philadelphia pakettien koosta johtuen tuli taytteesta pikkaisen isompikin kuin tupla. Tein myos pohjan tuplana. Ei yksinkertainen olisi millaan riittanyt Tupperwaren juustokakkuvuokaan. Pienempaan vuokaan varmastikin sopiva maara. Hyvaa kuitenkin oli. Sen verran vinkkaan, etta jos kakun tekee niin se kannattaa syoda kerralla. Liivatteen puuttumisen takia taytteen reunat eivat pysy kauniina jos vuoan reunoja pistetaan ja otetaan pois usemmanna kerran. :)
Went to the park and we spent 45 minutes there even though there were no one else besides us. After two plus years I still think it's funny that it's cloudy and even a bit colder (44F) the parks are big voids. Well, we had space to frolic around with the older miss. We tried all the slides, climber the climbing frames, did some swinging, had running races.
Also had to do some shopping: had to get a birthday present for my mother, which daddy can take to Finland when he goes. Got some badly needed socks for the bigger one. Needed few buttons and yarn. Hoping to crochet something....
The afternoon was nice to start with a tea break accompanied by piece of cheese cake. I tired a new recipe without gelatin and it turned out good.
perjantai 16. maaliskuuta 2012
Unikkomekko / Poppy dress
Pikkuneidin Unikko- mekko on valmis. En voi ottaa kunniaa itselleni koko tyosta silla aitini neuloi mekon taalla viimeeksi ollessaan. Mina hoitelin koristelun ja viimeistelyn. Mekon malli on MODAn 4/2007 lehdesta. Eika minulla ole tietoakaan mita lankaa aitini kaytti. Ohjeen kuvassa mekkoon oli kiinnitetty vielakin isompi unikko kuvio mutta minusta tuo pienempikin riittaa vallan mainiosti. Nyt vaan sitten odotellaan sellaisia saita etta tytteli paasee uutta kolttuaan kokeilemaan.
The knitted Unikko- dress (Unikko (=poppy) pattern from Marimekko) for the little miss is ready. I cannot claim all the work as my mother knitted the dress while she was last here. I took care of the decorating and finnishing. The pattern for the dress came from a Finnish craft magazine MODA 4/2007. I don't have a clue what yarn she used. The picture for the pattern call for even bigger Unikko flower but I thought the smaller one does the job just as well. Now we're only waiting for the appropriate weather so that she can start using her new dress.
The knitted Unikko- dress (Unikko (=poppy) pattern from Marimekko) for the little miss is ready. I cannot claim all the work as my mother knitted the dress while she was last here. I took care of the decorating and finnishing. The pattern for the dress came from a Finnish craft magazine MODA 4/2007. I don't have a clue what yarn she used. The picture for the pattern call for even bigger Unikko flower but I thought the smaller one does the job just as well. Now we're only waiting for the appropriate weather so that she can start using her new dress.
torstai 15. maaliskuuta 2012
Kevat talossa / Spring in the house
Vihdoinkin. Kevat on saapunut kunnolla taloon. :) Uudet poytaliinat on ommeltu ja silitelty. Pari pupuakin on kivunnut jo takan manttellin paalle paasiaista odottamaan. Talviset kynttilalyhdyt on myos pistetty pois ja tilalla tuotu kevaista keltaista. Eilen kavelin pikkuisen kanssa kauppaan ostaakseni tulppaaneja mutta ne oli kaikki niin aukinaisia etten raaskinut. Olisivat olleet parissa paivassa kukkineita. Yritan tanaan ja huomenna uudestaan, joskos heilla olisi uudet kukat. Viela vihrea maalattu sinkkiampari odottaa ruukkukukkaa suojiinsa. En ole vain oikein paattanyt etta mita haluaisin.
Kadetkin ovat olleen kovin levottomat. Tekisi mieli tehda jotain. Mutta kun en oikein keksi mita. Pari talvista juttua olisi mielessa mutta en uskalla niita aloittaa kun en tieda tuon pikkuruisen kasvutahdista.... minka kokoista sita tekisi. Eika kevainen ilma myoskaan houkuta talvisia vaatekappaleita neulomaan. Tekemattomien asioiden lista (sisaltaa vain ei-kasityoaiheisia asioita :( ) on myos aika pitka. Se kummittelee takaraivossa, seka konkreettisena listana kalenterissa. Eika nuo rastityot houkuta pariinsa ollenkaan. HUOKAISU! Paljon mielummin istuisin puikot tai koukku kadessa kiikkustuolissa ja kadet saisi kayda.
Finally. Spring has arrived in our house. :) The new table cloths and table runners have been sewn and ironed. Couple of bunnies have already climbed on the mantle above the fireplace to wait for Easter. The wintery lanterns have been put away and yellow springy has been brought to replace them. I also walked to the store yesterday with the little one with a mission of getting some tulips. But they were all so open already that I just couldn't. They would have been done with blooming in a day or two. I'll try again today and tomorrow, if they would have gotten new ones. A painted, green zink bucket is waiting a pot flower to live inside it. I just have not decided what I would want.
My hands have been very restless. I'd like to do something. But I don't know what. Few wintery things are in my mind but I'm hesitating to start them as I don't know how much the little one will grow during the summer... the size is my problem. Don't want to make these too big either. And the spring weather does not inspire me to make wintery clothing. My TO DO- list (which does not include a single craft item :( ) is rather long. It's haunting me at the back of my head as well as in a visible list in my calendar. The items on the list are not at all things I'd like to do at the moment. SIGH! I'd much rather sit in my glider, knitting or crocheting away.
Kadetkin ovat olleen kovin levottomat. Tekisi mieli tehda jotain. Mutta kun en oikein keksi mita. Pari talvista juttua olisi mielessa mutta en uskalla niita aloittaa kun en tieda tuon pikkuruisen kasvutahdista.... minka kokoista sita tekisi. Eika kevainen ilma myoskaan houkuta talvisia vaatekappaleita neulomaan. Tekemattomien asioiden lista (sisaltaa vain ei-kasityoaiheisia asioita :( ) on myos aika pitka. Se kummittelee takaraivossa, seka konkreettisena listana kalenterissa. Eika nuo rastityot houkuta pariinsa ollenkaan. HUOKAISU! Paljon mielummin istuisin puikot tai koukku kadessa kiikkustuolissa ja kadet saisi kayda.
Finally. Spring has arrived in our house. :) The new table cloths and table runners have been sewn and ironed. Couple of bunnies have already climbed on the mantle above the fireplace to wait for Easter. The wintery lanterns have been put away and yellow springy has been brought to replace them. I also walked to the store yesterday with the little one with a mission of getting some tulips. But they were all so open already that I just couldn't. They would have been done with blooming in a day or two. I'll try again today and tomorrow, if they would have gotten new ones. A painted, green zink bucket is waiting a pot flower to live inside it. I just have not decided what I would want.
My hands have been very restless. I'd like to do something. But I don't know what. Few wintery things are in my mind but I'm hesitating to start them as I don't know how much the little one will grow during the summer... the size is my problem. Don't want to make these too big either. And the spring weather does not inspire me to make wintery clothing. My TO DO- list (which does not include a single craft item :( ) is rather long. It's haunting me at the back of my head as well as in a visible list in my calendar. The items on the list are not at all things I'd like to do at the moment. SIGH! I'd much rather sit in my glider, knitting or crocheting away.
keskiviikko 14. maaliskuuta 2012
Iltapaiva kuvina / Afternoon in pictures
Eilinen iltapaiva kuvina. Ihana kevainen ilma. Aurinko paistaa. Lampoa +21C.
Yesterday afternoon in pictures. Lovely spring weather. The shining sun. Temperature 70F.
Uusien popottimien testausta.
Testing new shoes.
Siskon touhujen tarkkailua.
Checking out what big sister is doing.
Taiteilija tyoskentelee.
Artist at work.
A strawberry.
Hyppynarukin paasi talviteloilta.
Even the skipping rope got taken out.
Rikkaruohot pistavat paansa esiin ensimmaisten joukossa.
Weeds taking a stand among the first new plants.
Sammaleinen tulimeri.
Mossy sea of fire.
Lopullinen taideteos.
The final master piece.
Parin vuoden takaiset Floridan tuliaiset....
The Florida trip "memorabilia" from few years back....
...saivat varmaankin sadannen kylpynsa.
...got possibly their hundredth bath.
Yesterday afternoon in pictures. Lovely spring weather. The shining sun. Temperature 70F.
Uusien popottimien testausta.
Testing new shoes.
Siskon touhujen tarkkailua.
Checking out what big sister is doing.
Taiteilija tyoskentelee.
Artist at work.
A strawberry.
Hyppynarukin paasi talviteloilta.
Even the skipping rope got taken out.
Rikkaruohot pistavat paansa esiin ensimmaisten joukossa.
Weeds taking a stand among the first new plants.
Sammaleinen tulimeri.
Mossy sea of fire.
Lopullinen taideteos.
The final master piece.
Parin vuoden takaiset Floridan tuliaiset....
The Florida trip "memorabilia" from few years back....
...saivat varmaankin sadannen kylpynsa.
...got possibly their hundredth bath.
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